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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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737823 said:
Don't have the brain power to come up with an original thought or stance? And bob isn't honest with the boards he posts half truths and is a closet Amfa supporter and can't even admit it. Why don't you ask Thomas Paine what he thinks?
700UW said:
Don't have the brain power to come up with an original thought or stance? And bob isn't honest with the boards he posts half truths and is a closet Amfa supporter and can't even admit it. Why don't you ask Thomas Paine what he thinks?
You are an industrial union sell out vote yes concessionista who unlike Bob was never elected, you were appointed.

737823 said:
You are an industrial union sell out vote yes concessionista who unlike Bob was never elected, you were appointed.
Come up with a truthful statement for a change. I guess that's you don't have the brain power to understand what an abrogation is nor not reaching an agreement.

And keep up the lies, I was elected as a shop steward, trustee and recording secretary.

Don't let the facts get in your way once again.
700UW said:
Come up with a truthful statement for a change. I guess that's you don't have the brain power to understand what an abrogation is nor not reaching an agreement.

And keep up the lies, I was elected as a shop steward, trustee and recording secretary.

Don't let the facts get in your way once again.
Don't let the fact that you are NO LONGER  working for any airline, NOT an AA or US employee, nor are YOU represented by either the IAM or the TWU.
That you made copies during negotiations and did a great job of distribution after the fact as well.
Won a multi Million dollar law suit all by your self, Never took any money above the shop stewards pay, Was part of the M&R contract class and craft before 2006.
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a Locomotive, did we miss anything.
Ate up with the thought of the IAM, so much you are like a brain washed Cult leader.
The Fact is your IAM BS is less important now than it was before. The IAM has shown it's true colors to the US mechanics with this last contract and the Threats of stopping payments to the members if they leave the IAM.
This association will hurt not just the Maintenance class and craft but will hurt all the union members at the NEW AA. having 2 unions fighting over which way things should be will do an injustice to the workers and the families which count on them.
The mechanics at AA and US would like a change and in order to get that we are LQQKING to get a Vote. So that our voices can be heard since both the IAM and TWU just do what they feel is best for the dues paying members.
We all know that the Union is supposed to work for US not the other way around.
 I don't think that Bob is a closet AMFA Supporter, he has seen and had enough of the TWU's crap for all the yrs he has been here at AA. His NY members support him from what I hear. Respected by a large number of others.
Being an TWU Officer does not take away your personal thoughts and feelings.
He has a right to believe there is a better way. I know that you think as well as other that he should march to the TWU drum since you did that and still do for the IAM after all these yrs.
So maybe you should put all your brain power to better use and get a LIFE and stay out of the AA employees and USAir employees Lives.
AMFA at AA in 2014 
scorpion 2 said:
That happened early on before any cba had been voted on. The me-too provided nothing after the deal was done but it did hoodwink a lot of folks into voting yes. The so called me-too (1.7%) extra equity was total bunk.

All you did was spin the 1.7% fraud that was sold to the membership into an earlier situation because you don't have a truthful answer. Spin is not truth its diversion from the truth. The twu members on this board know what tactics have been employed over the years to get contracts passed but the IAM members need to know what their crawling in bed with. All we are going to get with this association is a marriage of the most deceitful tactics of both unions to get contracts signed.
Well, then the Me Too was a larger conspiracy by the TWU in that they also had the APA and the APFA also have a Me Too agreement for themselves. The beauty of this conspiracy is that the TWU was able to "trick" their Members with the help of co-conspirators in the APA and APFA.....That was just brilliant.
That conspiracy theory, scorpion, is not even slightly believable. At least you have it try.
NYer said:
If they don't understand the difference between a recall and the Preferential Hiring, they can't be expected to understand the situation of their own Brothers & Sisters being able to get back to work and how important it is to them and their families.
Hey Karl Marx, I don't know of one AMT even speaking of the need for preferential hiring.  For me, it would be nothing more than a lame excuse for your D bag International types to accept sub par AMT pay and benefits in exchange for.  In other words, another convenient excuse as to why the TWU failed the AMTs in negotiations yet again. 
To begger in Miami,

Why do you constantly lie?

Why do you make up crap when you can't debate the topic at hand?

You really must be threatend by me. So why don't you go after josh?
700UW said:
Come up with a truthful statement for a change. I guess that's you don't have the brain power to understand what an abrogation is nor not reaching an agreement.
And keep up the lies, I was elected as a shop steward, trustee and recording secretary.
Don't let the facts get in your way once again.
But you were not elected to the NC. And you say you were a full member but all the people I talk to say it was a favor/reward for you to sitin as an honorary member of sorts. You were the note taker and issued updates to the district and local lodges.

737823 said:
It's not good for the hub employees at MIA to keep people in Sarasota, Myrtle Beach, Pensacola and all these places USAIR has mainline agents but only express flights.

737823 said:
And your union facilitates outsourcing to Piedmont (EN) where they still collect dues. .

You make no sense

I wonder how many MIA AA agents or going to put a transfer in
700UW said:
To begger in Miami,

Why do you constantly lie?

Why do you make up crap when you can't debate the topic at hand?

You really must be threatend by me. So why don't you go after josh?
We like Josh he pisses in YOUR Wheaties..
737823 said:
But you were not elected to the NC. And you say you were a full member but all the people I talk to say it was a favor/reward for you to sitin as an honorary member of sorts. You were the note taker and issued updates to the district and local lodges.
All the people you talk to? Now that's funny, go ask Roach; Tiberi and Pantoja and others have posted my full participation. But hey you are a prove liar and fraud. Keep trying to make it about me instead of the true topic at hand.

Learn what an abrogation means.
john john said:
You make no senseI wonder how many MIA AA agents or going to put a transfer in
This is the airline industry Afterall people are always moving around. You still haven't answered how a USAIR retiree who worked at SRQ and has been gone nearly a decade can represent AA employees.

700UW said:
All the people you talk to? Now that's funny, go ask Roach; Tiberi and Pantoja and others have posted my full participation. But hey you are a prove liar and fraud. Keep trying to make it about me instead of the true topic at hand.
Learn what an abrogation means.
I know what abrogation means I thought we all agreed to move past bankruptcy. That was in 2005 and it's now 2014 going on 2015. How many years will we keep hearing this tired excuse? Time to move on.

NYer said:
Anyone can start a card drive to bring in the union they want. So far, there are not card drives for the TWU or the IAM. If AMFA is so much wanted, then they would be able to derail the Association and bring themselves onto the floor. However, that is a huge IF, isn't it.
My representative will not change with the Association, I will continue to be TWU...BTW, with the Preferential Hiring, made possible by the Association, many of our Brothers & Sisters have been able to get back on the job and it didn't matter whether it was TWU or IAM, they valued being back on the job above all else.
So, is this already happening?
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