700UW said:
Come up with a truthful statement for a change. I guess that's you don't have the brain power to understand what an abrogation is nor not reaching an agreement.
And keep up the lies, I was elected as a shop steward, trustee and recording secretary.
Don't let the facts get in your way once again.
Don't let the fact that you are NO LONGER working for any airline, NOT an AA or US employee, nor are YOU represented by either the IAM or the TWU.
That you made copies during negotiations and did a great job of distribution after the fact as well.
Won a multi Million dollar law suit all by your self, Never took any money above the shop stewards pay, Was part of the M&R contract class and craft before 2006.
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a Locomotive, did we miss anything.
Ate up with the thought of the IAM, so much you are like a brain washed Cult leader.
The Fact is your IAM BS is less important now than it was before. The IAM has shown it's true colors to the US mechanics with this last contract and the Threats of stopping payments to the members if they leave the IAM.
This association will hurt not just the Maintenance class and craft but will hurt all the union members at the NEW AA. having 2 unions fighting over which way things should be will do an injustice to the workers and the families which count on them.
The mechanics at AA and US would like a change and in order to get that we are LQQKING to get a Vote. So that our voices can be heard since both the IAM and TWU just do what they feel is best for the dues paying members.
We all know that the Union is supposed to work for US not the other way around.
I don't think that Bob is a closet AMFA Supporter, he has seen and had enough of the TWU's crap for all the yrs he has been here at AA. His NY members support him from what I hear. Respected by a large number of others.
Being an TWU Officer does not take away your personal thoughts and feelings.
He has a right to believe there is a better way. I know that you think as well as other that he should march to the TWU drum since you did that and still do for the IAM after all these yrs.
So maybe you should put all your brain power to better use and get a LIFE and stay out of the AA employees and USAir employees Lives.
AMFA at AA in 2014