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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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If we get a vote and the TWU wins then you and all the other can Gloat and laugh at the foolish mechanics.
 Hows that?
 Just give us the VOTE......
NO ONE wants to laugh at you. There are many of us out there that advocate on your behalf and try to raise awareness to all the outsourcing being done to your group. It's an insult to think that we don't give a damn about your class and craft.

Not everyone is as self centered as you might think.
WeAAsles said:
NO ONE wants to laugh at you. There are many of us out there that advocate on your behalf and try to raise awareness to all the outsourcing being done to your group. It's an insult to think that we don't give a damn about your class and craft.

Not everyone is as self centered as you might think.
Then why do the non-mechanics care what the mechanics may or may not do?
Why is it so important to you what we do? If we go AMFA and get screwed by them, it is OUR problem, not yours!
WeAAsles said:
So if the TWU is so incredibly bad and has been for such along time why haven't they been dumped 31 years ago?

I don't care what the rules or obstacles were in front of you. If it was so bad it would have happened and nothing could have stopped it.
I can't answer that I can say I have been attempting to rid my class and craft of the industrial unions since my eastern days when the chicago garbage men made more than I did. I been at it here since 1998.
The first time we filed the cards we missed by 48 cards due to the added numbers by AA but we learned and kept a DB of the names. We now have the DB of US and AA so we know just where we need to get to and AA can't add names as they did before. FOIA gave us that info.
WeAAsles said:
NO ONE wants to laugh at you. There are many of us out there that advocate on your behalf and try to raise awareness to all the outsourcing being done to your group. It's an insult to think that we don't give a damn about your class and craft.

Not everyone is as self centered as you might think.
WeAAsles you think mechanics think ill of the Fleet guys, and you continue to coax/bait some one into going to that, so you can make a big deal of it. Both You and 700 do it all the time.

I see your back to trying to get an A&P to down talk the fleet guys in hopes of calling the mechanics elitist again.

No. I'm just saying out loud what others have said and even you agreed with me that many think that way.
You have had this discussion before why do you need to rehash it again and again?
If we leave the TWU and or the IAM/TWU association what does it do to you?
What does the mechanics getting a union they want due to hurt the Fleet guys?

Absolutely nothing. To be honest I really believe we'd ultimately gain more work if you did go to AMFA. They're just way too small to be able to put up the fight and they have no backing. NWA proves it man. Don't ignore that reality.  If we join then they would not be so small would they? Now that a reality.........
You support unions then why Bash AMFA?

I don't want to bash them but you can't expect to open a mom and pop hardware store across from Home Depot and not expect them to do everything to put you out of business. That's reality.  The amount of Union dues we the mechanics class and craft would give to the AMFA is in excess of $7.00 MIl a yr. I say that would be enough.
We have separate Locals now even though that was a scam by the TWU, since we still had the SAME Intl. reps doing the Negotiations. So How does the fact that if we get AMFA here hurt the fleet guys? We will get a Local back in MIA, that Local will be
Local 6. Isn't that a positive for us as Union people?

Too many locals means too many individual wants and needs to ever get anything accomplished in negotiations. A bunch of guys all tripping over themselves. Jeez everyone needs there own leather chair these days. We had our own Locals with the TWU was that a waste?
We Want a VOTE, what is SO hard for you and other to understand. I wish you all the best and you can support the Association. Maybe it will work for the Fleet and others represented by the IAM. We DON"T WANT IT AT ALL>>>>>>>>>

If the WE is absolutely true then you'll have the cards when the time comes and you'll vote in your choice and I personally will wish you the best. I really will.

Look the reality is that if AMFA does not produce for the guys at SWA then they're toast. All the other unions will swoop in to take bites out of the dead carcass. In one of the updates I read and shared Gary Kelly stated "We want to be an ULTRA low cost airline" Could there have been any stronger message given to the union leadership?

After NWA they have the playbook and it looks like they plan on using it? Sad to see SWA go down this route since they used to be a very worker friendly airline. But the pendulum has swung over there and it isn't looking too pretty.

Are you thinking that if you get in you can help them? 7 Mil is nothing to SWA. They have tons of money to burn.
NYer said:
Give you a vote?....get enough cards and force a vote....How's that? You want the change not the majority.
Same for the IAM.....How's that?
NYer said:
Give you a vote?....get enough cards and force a vote....How's that? You want the change not the majority.
I said that since you seem happy with the TWU and you may be even part of the TWU. Other than just a memeber. If it does not effect you wallet then stop the bashing of a Union in which you have never been apart of or even want let us make our own mistake if that is the case. 
MetalMover said:
Then why do the non-mechanics care what the mechanics may or may not do?
Why is it so important to you what we do? If we go AMFA and get screwed by them, it is OUR problem, not yours!
More worried about the friends I have who you "might" take down with you? They're not as good at articulating themselves as I am honestly. 

You guys can puff as much smoke as you want but the idea of AMFA scares the crap out of them. Just telling you like it is.
WeAAsles said:
Look the reality is that if AMFA does not produce for the guys at SWA then they're toast. All the other unions will swoop in to take bites out of the dead carcass. In one of the updates I read and shared Gary Kelly stated "We want to be an ULTRA low cost airline" Could there have been any stronger message given to the union leadership?

After NWA they have the playbook and it looks like they plan on using it? Sad to see SWA go down this route since they used to be a very worker friendly airline. But the pendulum has swung over there and it isn't looking too pretty.

Are you thinking that if you get in you can help them? 7 Mil is nothing to SWA. They have tons of money to burn.
I don't need to look at the play book of the TWU I have lived it here for 16 yrs and it sux.
We will see what happens at SWA and for you to think they will get rid of AMFA you are sadly mistaken.
How can a ramper vote on a CBA that they are not part of the class and craft?
This doesnt seem factual.
WeAAsles said:
More worried about the friends I have who you "might" take down with you? They're not as good at articulating themselves as I am honestly. 

You guys can puff as much smoke as you want but the idea of AMFA scares the crap out of them. Just telling you like it is.
It scares them because of all the TWU lies and bs over the yrs and we the organizers have shown that for all the yrs we have tried to out the TWU.
WeAAsles said:
More worried about the friends I have who you "might" take down with you? They're not as good at articulating themselves as I am honestly. 

You guys can puff as much smoke as you want but the idea of AMFA scares the crap out of them. Just telling you like it is.
When the auto mechanics at SWA make more than I do that is a problem but the TWU says if you go AMFA they will get rid of you, so the Title 2 guys believe it. They said that about the NWA airline guys as well but like the IBT and IAM have ONE seniroity List and that why they could bump. We at AA dont have that. And AMFA did not shed thenm either at SWA they were IBT and when switched to AMFA kept them and welcomed them with open arms just more industrial LIES and BS.
NYer said:
if AA was going to put you or any else out they would of done it with the BK.
Its not that we can VOTE them out its that we don't have to accept the BS anymore WE can Hold them accountable.
The union is Supposed to work for US Not the other way around.
Just How many of your Union officials even show up to work? How many are off scamming? How many say "MY scam protect Yours" ?.
If we get AMFA and FAIL then all of YOU can say "WE TOLD YOU SO" and then Laugh at us. --That doesn't do anything to help anyone. The majority doesn't want change and there hasn't been enough of a swell in the last decade to warrant an election. That's how it works. If you get enough cards and enough people vote then we make the change. Until then....
But as Union people or you should be then support what we wish for ourselves and lets get a VOTE to see if the TWU or this Association survives.
We will see this time around, if we don't have the Cards to force a VOTE then those who remain will suffer with the TWU and or the Association.
At that point there WONT Be another AMFA drive since we the Organizers will be Old enough to just walk away, with our heads held high knowing that we tried and those who remain will not be able to whine ever again how bad the TWU is.
Then you can say what ever you want.
700UW said:
How can a ramper vote on a CBA that they are not part of the class and craft?
This doesnt seem factual.
I see your life has not got any better still chirping in on airline employees forums.
Could not find anyone over on the other threads to harras?  
Maybe the District Lodge is having a private meeting and didn't invite you so your Sad.
Didn't they tell you anything to post here to improve the opinion of the IAM with the TWU represented employees?
Its not that the ramp can vote on our CBA and you know better but since you like to distort the facts thinking we are all just dummies and only YOU know what is and what isn't.
When the TWU which you know nothing about since your EX IAM. looks to support the larger group to pacify the company needs. It effects the other work groups.
When the TWU lies to the smaller title group in our class and craft and then, they in turn effect the contract for our class and craft that is how its done.
Since the fleet Locals ran AA for yrs they have effected the M&R employees wage earning potential.
This is a discussion for airline employees which YOU are NOT.
Just think if the NMB rules against this association and the IAM has to come up with cards (50% + 1) in a short amount of time or get dissolved into the TWU unless we go amfa. maybe when they loose the Pension funding of the mechanics, since they will no longer be IAM and since your IAM has threatened to stop accepting money into the IAMNPF you might start to worry they might reduce your future allotment/payment to stay solvent. 
But then again that is for the airline employees as well, YOUR just someone who is so ate up with the IAM even though he's moved on from the industry.
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