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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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Bob Owens said:
The IBT-CWA Allaince, that was put to a vote before the membership, don't know why you are acting coy about that surely you knew that.
With the APFA and APA the other union did the right thing and just backed out.
Thats what the IAM needs to do, and we should negotiate a deal that would allow those in the IAMPF to remain so and convert our 401K match to at least a $2 contribution with a match up to 14% like the pilots.  
I doubt the IAM would be able to get the cards, obviously so do they, thats why they do not want to do it. 
I was told by my President, so you will have to take my word for it. 
So thousands should suffer because dozens were hired? The Association does not represent anybody at this time so obviously preferential hiring could have been agreed to without the Association. Don't the APA and APFA also have preferential hiring? If not there is nothing preventing them from doing what was done with us. 
The IAM needs thousands less cards than AMFA and with so many speaking against the TWU why on earth would you believe it can't happen. That just a planly silly statement, regardless of who said it.
In order for the Preferential Hiring, or any other cooperation, you'd need to two unions to agree to do it and if we're fighting for representation you believe they would agree to any cooperation. C'mon Bob, at least make you arguments more logical that is a ridiculous statement.
Don't know if they have such an agreement, but if they do it is because they have been cooperating with each other for quite some time. So much so, that the APFA has a CBA and the APA is on the fast track to a CBA. If we didn't have the Association then we'd have to wait a much longer time to negotiations than what we face today.
xUT said:
Anyone whom thinks this iam/twu love fest/alliance is to benefit the "membership" should have their head examined to when they had a lobotomy.
The snake oil salesmen that keep defending this idiocy should be suspect.
At least you have a coherent argument why you're against it. =/
NYer said:
At least you have a coherent argument why you're against it. =/
Years and years under the iam and years watching the twu screw over their membership.
I am not going to re-hash the facts as it is not my responsibility to inform either side.
I spent years exposing  the iam/ibt/twu but clearly no one listened.
If you believe that the abomination of a twu/iam association will lead to better representation and contracts, then you are a fool.
The membership of the iam and/or twu have little input into their union separately, but somehow this 'association' will be better.
Yea, before the ua eflop the iam told us we could vote on the person to be on the board of directors, but after the ratification the international decided peternuts was the best choice and the membership was lied to.
I could be here all night telling how the iam screwed the ua membership but this has been stated before.
The smoke you are blowing up everyone's a$$ is hardly new news, you clowns have been doing it for years.
B) xUT
Bob Owens said:
So I guess thats why they took away the flex week of vacation, you know the deal that allows those with less than 5 years to get two weeks of vacation like every other company in the country, out of pocket of course but at least they had the option to buy a break and also allowed the rest to have as much Vacation for length of service as pretty much everyone else? 
The APFA came out of negotiations with a 9% 401k contribution, the pilots a 14% match, we came out with 5.5%match, hands down the very worst deal by far.
The Pilots gave up $310 million in concessions and going in were well situated with their peers, they came out with 15% of the equity, TWU gave $320 million in concessions and got less than 5% of the equity, and the mechanics were already at the bottom.
Obviously this company feels differently about ground workers, especially mechanics. 
All I can say to my peers is don't go "above and beyond" for "below and behind". 
You like numbers, too bad your information is incomplete....The flight attendants contributions went to 9.5% but it was an aged based formula where many of the flights attendants received far less than that. (but I guess to you that's a minor detail not worth mentioning.)
The APA came out with 13.5% and the majority of that was due to the loss of the "lump sum" pension payments that could be worth up to $2M per pilot. Their 13.5% equaled less than 5% of that total...hardly a win.
You've changed the subject several times but is another of the Bob Tactics to sway attention away from arguments being lost.
I think it would be a good idea to bring back the threads from late 2012/early 2013 comparing IAM vs TWU. 700 was all over those around the clock.

Bob Owens said:
Ok so what happens to the TWU guys in BOS, PHL and DCA that will be forced into the IAM? Do they go into the IAMPF or stay with the 401K? What about the IAM folks in LGA, do they lose their IAMPF because they were forced into the TWU? 
The Alliance already stated that they want us all in the IAMPF. 
Two sides fighting each other vs one union? If its difficult when both are in the same union it can only be worse when they are in two different unions. Thats why both the Pilots and Flight Attendants went with one union, not two. Unlike the incident in 2006 between the TWU and IAM there was no violence and the Unions simply did what was good for the members. I won't argue that the Alliance certainly beats having people hospitalized and the Union paying out $800,000 but any deal should be whats better for the members, not whats better for the leaders of the Unions, clearly as hard as you try and spin it this deal is not because the members will benefit or desire this, its because Little and Buffy want it.  
If you believe the members want this then why not simply put it to a vote like the IBT/CWA did? 
Good Lord Bob....I guess it's easier to make things up as you go as long as it fits the rhetoric.
The Association does not say they want us all in the IAMPF, but I'm sure you have the language to prove me wrong?
Once the Association get to negotiating a CBA and receive a TA it will have the option for either side to choose either the IAMPF or the 401K. Since it is a contract the covers both sides it will certainly be a very easy mechanism to employ. However, if we have a vote and the TWU loses then we would most certainly be forced into the IAMPF. (minor detail for those agains the Association)
We have one union now and there are a few fighting against it for the last decade. Are we to believe the AMFA hysteria would subside if there was a vote? Hardly. The anti-Association sentiment is just another attempt to desuade TWU support with a hope to finally get enough cards the prevent AMFA from going belly up since they barely have 2000 Members (when they were once 20K strong).
xUT said:
Years and years under the iam and years watching the twu screw over their membership.
I am not going to re-hash the facts as it is not my responsibility to inform either side.
I spent years exposing  the iam/ibt/twu but clearly no one listened.
If you believe that the abomination of a twu/iam association will lead to better representation and contracts, then you are a fool.
The membership of the iam and/or twu have little input into their union separately, but somehow this 'association' will be better.
Yea, before the ua eflop the iam told us we could vote on the person to be on the board of directors, but after the ratification the international decided peternuts was the best choice and the membership was lied to.
I could be here all night telling how the iam screwed the ua membership but this has been stated before.
The smoke you are blowing up everyone's a$$ is hardly new news, you clowns have been doing it for years.
B) xUT
And the alternative has been at some of those airlines you mention. They didn't like the taste and were booted out. Of course, others were sent on strike and didn't have the ability to get rid of that taste. An organization that is 10% of what it once was is not really an option that is even credible.
NYer said:
Good Lord Bob....I guess it's easier to make things up as you go as long as it fits the rhetoric.
The Association does not say they want us all in the IAMPF, but I'm sure you have the language to prove me wrong?
Once the Association get to negotiating a CBA and receive a TA it will have the option for either side to choose either the IAMPF or the 401K. Since it is a contract the covers both sides it will certainly be a very easy mechanism to employ. However, if we have a vote and the TWU loses then we would most certainly be forced into the IAMPF. (minor detail for those agains the Association)
We have one union now and there are a few fighting against it for the last decade. Are we to believe the AMFA hysteria would subside if there was a vote? Hardly. The anti-Association sentiment is just another attempt to desuade TWU support with a hope to finally get enough cards the prevent AMFA from going belly up since they barely have 2000 Members (when they were once 20K strong).
Don't ask for anything in writing if you can not provide it yourself.
There is not much of anything 'in writing' regarding this abomination.
Just listening to snake oil salesmen such as yourself.
You don't have a clue what will happen.
B) xUT
NYer said:
And the alternative has been at some of those airlines you mention. They didn't like the taste and were booted out. Of course, others were sent on strike and didn't have the ability to get rid of that taste. An organization that is 10% of what it once was is not really an option that is even credible.
Oh I see, still fighting against AMFA,
I thought this was the iam/twu association thread... 😛
Sent on strike, interesting twist on the truth, care to expound on that?
B) xUT
NYer said:
Good Lord Bob....I guess it's easier to make things up as you go as long as it fits the rhetoric.
The Association does not say they want us all in the IAMPF, but I'm sure you have the language to prove me wrong?
Once the Association get to negotiating a CBA and receive a TA it will have the option for either side to choose either the IAMPF or the 401K. Since it is a contract the covers both sides it will certainly be a very easy mechanism to employ. However, if we have a vote and the TWU loses then we would most certainly be forced into the IAMPF. (minor detail for those agains the Association)
We have one union now and there are a few fighting against it for the last decade. Are we to believe the AMFA hysteria would subside if there was a vote? Hardly. The anti-Association sentiment is just another attempt to desuade TWU support with a hope to finally get enough cards the prevent AMFA from going belly up since they barely have 2000 Members (when they were once 20K strong).
When the IAM or TWU lose headcount=due to bankruptcy and/or management
When AMFA loses headcount=failure on the part of the union


737823 said:
I think it would be a good idea to bring back the threads from late 2012/early 2013 comparing IAM vs TWU. 700 was all over those around the clock.

You must like cat fights between ugly sisters too.
737823 said:
When the IAM or TWU lose headcount=due to bankruptcy and/or management
When AMFA loses headcount=failure on the part of the union


This is the industrial union zealot mentality.
Funny thing is they actually believe their double standard is sane and  rational thinking and they cannot see the contrast in their opinions. They are blinded by fear and the cult mentality. Same thought processing as those that are of extreme and radical muslim faith trying to kill others or those misguided teens that join gangs, or the class warfare mentality, or even racism in general. And someone called humans the intelligent species.....ROFL
TWU informer said:
This is the industrial union zealot mentality.
Funny thing is they actually believe their double standard is sane and  rational thinking and they cannot see the contrast in their opinions. They are blinded by fear and the cult mentality. Same thought processing as those that are of extreme and radical muslim faith trying to kill others or those misguided teens that join gangs, or the class warfare mentality, or even racism in general. And someone called humans the intelligent species.....ROFL
Agree 100% with everything you wrote.

And a union hating and worker hating passenger's opinion means nothing all you do is spread hate and discontent
I am not going to re-hash the facts as it is not my responsibility to inform either side...

...If you believe that the abomination of a twu/iam association will lead to better representation and contracts, then you are a fool.

...The membership of the iam and/or twu have little input into their union separately, but somehow this 'association' will be better.
+1, +1, +1
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