[SIZE=31.5pt]Exclusive: Delta Gives Employees a Raise and Early Profit Sharing[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt] 9/24/2014 @ 8:18PM[/SIZE]
Ted Reed
[SIZE=16pt]Delta says it is will give every employee a 5% profit-sharing payout this year and promised 2015 raises of 3% to 4% for nearly all of its frontline employees, as the airline buttressed its claim to airline industry leadership.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]"At Delta, we believe long-term success requires that our people, customers and investors win together," CEO Richard Anderson said in a letter sent to employeesWednesday[/SIZE]. "We have always been committed to sharing with employees the success they help create."
[SIZE=16pt]A copy of the letter was obtained by
Forbes[/SIZE]. It notes that Delta will report record profitability in 2014, while its stock is a top twenty S&P 500 performer and its operational reliability and customer satisfaction are at the top of the industry.
[SIZE=16pt]Anderson said Delta said will offer the 5% profit sharing payment, a percentage of 2014 pay, in October: Profit-sharing is normally paid in February. "The balance of your 2014 profit-sharing payout, based on our actual profit and your individual earnings, will be paid in February 2015," Anderson wrote. "We expect those profit-sharing checks in February to be our biggest ever."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Additionally, effective April 1, 2015[/SIZE], nearly all Delta frontline employees will receive increases of 4% for top-scale workers and 3% at most other steps in the scale. Merit employees will participate in a 4% merit pool.
As for healthcare coverage, Anderson said 2015 monthly premiums will likely increase by $4 to $7 for most individuals and by $16 to $27 for most families. He said that while health care costs will increase by about $50 million in 2015, Delta will absorb more than 80%.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]In recent years, Delta has become an aggressive leader of the airline industry. In an age of capacity reduction, it has established a new gateway hub in Seattle. It has reduced airline fuel costs by purchasing and operating a refinery. It has challenged powerful
Boeing [/SIZE][SIZE=8.5pt]
BA +1.22%[/SIZE][SIZE=16pt]'s effort to offer foreign competitors advantageous financing through the Export-Import bank and it has successfully battled unionization.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Keith Wilson, president of the Allied Pilots Association, which represents American pilots, said recently that his goals include assuring that American can match up with Delta.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]"We are trying to get this company moving in the right direction," he said. "Everybody is optimistic that we can go up against Delta and surpass them. They're the target."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]A Delta spokeswoman said the advance profit-sharing payout and the pay increase are not related to an effort by the
InternationalAssociation of Machinists to organize Delta flight attendants.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]"This is what a company does when it has a direct relationship with employees," said spokeswoman Kate Modolo. "This is part of who we are. We're sharing these profits with our people."[/SIZE]
An American spokesman said the airline paid profit sharing in 2013, but current contracts do not include 2014 profits sharing. A United spokeswoman said the carrier paid employees $190 million in profit sharing in 2013, while the 2014 profit sharing level has not yet been determined.[/SIZE]
The TWU negotiated away the profit sharing here at AA and the IAM brought back a contract that just brought USAirways up to our level. Do you all think that these two unions are going to work to get us something better in the future as they become one Giant entity.?
Time for all of you who have not signed AMFA cards to rethink your stance and help rid our class and craft of these two Industrial unions.