Copied from a US Air thread:
700UW said,
In 2008 when the Transition Agreement was negotiated the IAMNPF was ratified in the CBA by the membership.
So truth be told, the picture becomes quite clearer. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread, we know that prior to 2009 the IAMNPF was teetering on falling to a less favorable status amongst pension funds. Maybe the question needs to be, "Who really benefitted from the influx of new US Air members to the IAMNPF?" I believe a T/A presented in 2008 while the employees were still reeling from BK was a shameful opportunity by the IAM to slip it in when odds were favorable for that CBA to be agreed to. Would the membership be educated as to what the fund really had to offer and was there any ability to pull that one issue off the table had enough employees disagreed? Apparently not. No doubt many Funds were challenged by market downturns over time yet I suspect there are many similarities to shenanigans played at other Pension Funds such as the Teamsters Pension whereby leadership has a hard time keeping their mutts out of the till. The TWBoo here at AA has already tried to market this Alliance BS with the promise that we also will obtain immediate vested status with the IAMNPF and will be included. Although there is no interest for it, you have to ask how wise it would be to again try to inject a large workforce on the mechanic side that already is making preparations for retirement. This short sided strategy by the Fund administrators will undoubtedly lead to further future benefit reductions to keep it sustainable. Finally, my intentions of this thread was mainly generated by the difficulty some folks at US had to maintain a civil discussion of this topic. Intentions were to only help provide each other some specifics to a subject that is important to all. In the end, this is an evolving company and more change is coming and this topic really needs to be decided as to whether it's worth fighting for. I believe not and if you agree, the challenge will be to keep the discussion going and not let it trickle down to the Forum archives of obscurity.