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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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La Li Lu Le Lo said:
 No class action law suits for vote interference?
Once again you show your ignorance.
Mechanic and Related at US up until the HP merger were part of the Class and Craft and same R# as mechanics and utility.  After the merger the NMB gave stores at US their own Class and Craft and new R#, they remain under the same CBA as Mechanics and Utility that is why stores gets to vote on the mechanic and related CBA as they are covered by it.
chellow said:
That doesn’t  matter I use to work at a IAM airline, and the way they play it, is if your in the same local (district) - Stores and M&R you all vote together for the same contract. A loaf of bread for M&R cost the same for Stores.
Not true.  We have cleaners within our local and we vote on mechanic stuff, and they vote on cleaner stuff...
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I figured out he was a lying sycophant a long time ago. I am glad the rest of the forum is "catching up".
Now how long is it going to take for people to see that Ms Tree only uses liberal "civil rights" agendas to push his own anti Christian agenda.

"Let's start by getting our definitions straight. An internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will exaggerate and offend to get a response."

On the alliance: I agree that the association has no standing as a stand alone entity.
swamt said:
Not true.  We have cleaners within our local and we vote on mechanic stuff, and they vote on cleaner stuff...
Same here at AA.
700UW said:
Once again you show your ignorance.
Mechanic and Related at US up until the HP merger were part of the Class and Craft and same R# as mechanics and utility.  After the merger the NMB gave stores at US their own Class and Craft and new R#, they remain under the same CBA as Mechanics and Utility that is why stores gets to vote on the mechanic and related CBA as they are covered by it.
But not here at an IAM airline, they all vote together for the same contact, so stores will vote with M&R for the same contract, as you can see by what 700UW posted.
Glenn Quagmire said:

"Let's start by getting our definitions straight. An internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will exaggerate and offend to get a response."

On the alliance: I agree that the association has no standing as a stand alone entity.
This describes the two twins we all know very well...
Include yourself in that comment. So going to admit you were wrong about the alliance vote with the NMB.
TWU & IAM Joint Agreement on Pensions
This will be the TWU's final coup de grace.
Every work group M&R, fleet, etc. better ask yourself what their going to get from the IAMNPF.
The people in the IAM know what a lube job your about to get.
I would rather not see my pension take a 60% haircut.
NO to the Alliance and NO to the IAMNPF.
comatose said:
TWU & IAM Joint Agreement on Pensions
This will be the TWU's final coup de grace.
Every work group M&R, fleet, etc. better ask yourself what their going to get from the IAMNPF.
The people in the IAM know what a lube job your about to get.
I would rather not see my pension take a 60% haircut.
NO to the Alliance and NO to the IAMNPF.
People better wake up.. We will undoubtedly get hosed if this alliance succeeds!
Hosers 🙂
Isn't that a slang Canadian term for a loser? As in LOSER UNION or in this case two LOSER UNIONS.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Hosers 🙂
Isn't that a slang Canadian term for a loser? As in LOSER UNION or in this case two LOSER UNIONS.
Like I said in an earlier post regarding the alliance, this is not algebra where you multiply two negatives and get a positive.  Two loser unions will equal an even larger negative loser union.
If this alliance is allowed (rather voted for by membership or not) you guys will remain at the bottom of the industry.  Look over at the F/A's, they seem to be bragging about an industry leading JCBA, we will all see once the fine print is released.
What you guys should do is write E-mails directly addressed to Mrs. Johnson with the NMB handling this case CR7131 for this alliance vote.  Let her know that the membership had absolutely nothing to say about the combining of the two unions.  Show some support behind the Pres. Loc. 591, Peterson, and all his letters.  The more members that write the NMB the more the NMB will listen and hear the members.  Also let her know that your rights are being violated by not having a vote in this alliance issue at hand.  The alliance is trying to get this alliance thru without a vote, OR, by only forcing the membership into this alliance by only having the alliance as once choice and NO-union as the only other choice, again your rights are being violated by not giving the membership a true democratic vote.  The more you guys sit back, do nothing, want everything spoon fed to you, and not get involved, the more chance this alliance will go thru and quite possibly with-out a vote at all.  This is why Peterson is writing and getting involved as the entire membership should as well.  If all the guys against this alliance would step up and write, OR, a single letter (very well written) and a petition attached with sigs. would do alot in getting your voices heard by the NMB.  Any vulgarity will go into the trash and not be counted, be polite, professional and accurate with all info. but most of all show unity and support backing the few letters already sent in by the Peterson from loc 591.    All of this should have already been done, however, it looks as there are road blocks to getting this alliance to go thru.  It has been over 6 weeks, this Wed will be 7 weeks, Oct 1st will represent 8 weeks since the filing of single status and alliance request from the TWU/IAM.  Johnsons contact information is right on the NMB site, use it fellas, get involved, and show your non-support of this alliance as the squeaky wheels get the grease.  Sorry for rambling but it is sad to sit here and watch this crap go on with no membership involvement except for the pres of loc 591.  It is the same thing as someone not voting on a contract and they bich and moan about it.  Watch the international try to step in and do something about Petersons letter to the NMB, what that will be is not known at this time.  Good luck guys...
As we think about this vote, that May or May NOT happen, shouldn't the members think about what has the TWU done to continually ask the question too AA about our
Pre-funding money,  they showed to the early out people then kept it. As this money sits it also gains interest why hasn't the TWU said anything about this to us or to the company?
What about the 14% of the stock the TWU kept, when are we getting that and why are they holding it? The company paid dividends on each share we still have ever so small but AA did do it. Why has the TWU not given us our stock, why are they delaying that process, we don't see updates on that. 
All of this is our money, these and all the other things that have talked about here on this forum are reasons we should get rid of the TWU. (Totally Worthless Union)!!!
We still have 5 Holidays, only 1.5X overtime rate, reduced sick time, less vacation, a frozen Pension, we must contribute to get a company match on our 401k. We go on field trips for the same money you can get at your own station. Company wants us to pay for it all while away from station then give us a hard time on the expense accounts. NO Holiday Pay Rate, NO Double Time.
Why would anyone want to keep this crappy union is beyond me. The IAM is not much better as we have seen by the new contract they sold to the guys over there.
This Association will further hurt our class and craft If we do get a VOTE I hope that every one participates and votes NOT to have this Assoc. move forward.
Make sure you read the Association paper work as to how it all is going to work going forward. Insure you have all the info you need before you cast your ballot.
Think about how many yrs you have been here and How the TWU has screwed us then Vote.
Lets all Hope that the NMB gives us that chance to determine our class and crafts destiny.
Sign an AMFA card so that we can show that we Don't want this Association.
This marks the third time today one of us has had to come in and clean up this thread. That's 3 times too many. Please keep it on topic.
The IAM supporters need to get ready for a change, IF the NMB puts this to a vote say GOOD BY IAM! The IAM will not make it as the AA TWU will over run them out right by sure numbers.
We have to start all over with negotiations as it is and the IAM nor TWU have put us AMT's even close to MID pay scales WITH A COMPANY MAKING HUGE PROFITS.
I still smell a run off and your right,  if it comes down to TWU and IAM run off, TWU will prevail hands down.  If it comes down to AMFA getting on the ballot with the TWU and IAM then I would predict AMFA to win.  Either way you are correct, if their is a run off the IAM is history in the airline mechanics craft...
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