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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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700UW said:
The IAMNPF is not going to take your underfunded frozen pension, that would require many hurdles and it would be irresponsible fiduciary to the plan members.
And you know this how?
The pension has a fiduciary responsibility to its plan members, adding an underfunded pension is not fiduciary responsible.
Copied from a US Air thread:

700UW said,
In 2008 when the Transition Agreement was negotiated the IAMNPF was ratified in the CBA by the membership.

So truth be told, the picture becomes quite clearer. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread, we know that prior to 2009 the IAMNPF was teetering on falling to a less favorable status amongst pension funds. Maybe the question needs to be, "Who really benefitted from the influx of new US Air members to the IAMNPF?" I believe a T/A presented in 2008 while the employees were still reeling from BK was a shameful opportunity by the IAM to slip it in when odds were favorable for that CBA to be agreed to. Would the membership be educated as to what the fund really had to offer and was there any ability to pull that one issue off the table had enough employees disagreed? Apparently not. No doubt many Funds were challenged by market downturns over time yet I suspect there are many similarities to shenanigans played at other Pension Funds such as the Teamsters Pension whereby leadership has a hard time keeping their mutts out of the till. The TWBoo here at AA has already tried to market this Alliance BS with the promise that we also will obtain immediate vested status with the IAMNPF and will be included. Although there is no interest for it, you have to ask how wise it would be to again try to inject a large workforce on the mechanic side that already is making preparations for retirement. This short sided strategy by the Fund administrators will undoubtedly lead to further future benefit reductions to keep it sustainable. Finally, my intentions of this thread was mainly generated by the difficulty some folks at US had to maintain a civil discussion of this topic. Intentions were to only help provide each other some specifics to a subject that is important to all. In the end, this is an evolving company and more change is coming and this topic really needs to be decided as to whether it's worth fighting for. I believe not and if you agree, the challenge will be to keep the discussion going and not let it trickle down to the Forum archives of obscurity.
JABORD said:
Copied from a US Air thread:

700UW said,
In 2008 when the Transition Agreement was negotiated the IAMNPF was ratified in the CBA by the membership.

So truth be told, the picture becomes quite clearer. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread, we know that prior to 2009 the IAMNPF was teetering on falling to a less favorable status amongst pension funds. Maybe the question needs to be, "Who really benefitted from the influx of new US Air members to the IAMNPF?" I believe a T/A presented in 2008 while the employees were still reeling from BK was a shameful opportunity by the IAM to slip it in when odds were favorable for that CBA to be agreed to. Would the membership be educated as to what the fund really had to offer and was there any ability to pull that one issue off the table had enough employees disagreed? Apparently not. No doubt many Funds were challenged by market downturns over time yet I suspect there are many similarities to shenanigans played at other Pension Funds such as the Teamsters Pension whereby leadership has a hard time keeping their mutts out of the till. The TWBoo here at AA has already tried to market this Alliance BS with the promise that we also will obtain immediate vested status with the IAMNPF and will be included. Although there is no interest for it, you have to ask how wise it would be to again try to inject a large workforce on the mechanic side that already is making preparations for retirement. This short sided strategy by the Fund administrators will undoubtedly lead to further future benefit reductions to keep it sustainable. Finally, my intentions of this thread was mainly generated by the difficulty some folks at US had to maintain a civil discussion of this topic. Intentions were to only help provide each other some specifics to a subject that is important to all. In the end, this is an evolving company and more change is coming and this topic really needs to be decided as to whether it's worth fighting for. I believe not and if you agree, the challenge will be to keep the discussion going and not let it trickle down to the Forum archives of obscurity.
Freaking classic.
Another comedy gem brought to you by the sycophant 700UW.
You are truly clueless, learn to comprehend what you read.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
This is the only thing I said, the rest is his writing DA:
700UW said,
In 2008 when the Transition Agreement was negotiated the IAMNPF was ratified in the CBA by the membership.

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I know it is. I mean look at your posts. It really is sad. 🙂 Except for this time when it's funny.
You truly are ignorant.
I wrote one statement, the other poster wrote the huge paragraph.
You are a right wing nut job, you put political crap in posts that is has nothing to do with, use the Water Cooler for your garbage and not pollute the threads.
You make judgements about situations that you were not there an act like you were a first hand witness.
And you wonder why people call you out.
Learn to read S L O W L Y and C O M P R E H E N D   what you read.
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association
[SIZE=11pt]As we wait for the NMB to rule on the single carrier and the TWU/IAM Association, your organizing committee felt we needed to give you an update on what to expect going forward. There are three likely things that should come out of the NMB ruling.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1. The NMB could simply rule that we have an Association, and no vote is needed, although we see this as unlikely because the TWU/IAM did not originally ask for this.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]2. The NMB could agree with Local 591 that the TWU/IAM Association has no standing to be on the ballot due to a lack of standing or insufficient interest. This is what should be done, but given the fact that AA, TWU & IAM all want the Association, we feel ultimately the NMB will give the people paying the money to the congressmen and senators the association that they want.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]3. The NMB could rule that the Association is eligible to be on the ballot and set an election to commence after a thirty day period for interveners. This is the most likely scenario base on what we know of the NMB.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] Depending on which one of the preceding scenarios that come into play we have a plan to get AMFA on the property.  As it stands today, if Scenarios 1 or 2 occur we will continue the current drive due to the fact that no election will occur and no bar will be set. None of our cards expire before the middle of January on 2015 and we are confident that given this timeframe and circumstances which will prevail after this ruling that obtaining the necessary cards should not be a problem.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]If Scenario number 3 occurs, we will begin a write in campaign, due to the fact that it's unlikely we could acquire the required cards in the time that remains before the election. This process is simple, if the Association is allowed on the ballot we will each receive a ballot with three choices.  The first will be the {TWU/IAM Association} the second being {Other} and the third is {No Representation}.  All you will have to do is select other, and type in AMFA if you are voting via the Internet.  If you are using the phone, you follow the prompts to select other, and clearly speak either A M F A or Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association. These rules can be found in section 13 of the NMB representation manual at the nmb.govhttp://nmb.gov/.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]We currently have more than 6000 AMFA cards signed for the combined group. If these supporters simply follow thru and select other and vote AMFA, we will win going away.  This is based on the fact that 20 to 25% of the membership will not even cast a ballot leaving our supporters as the majority. Finally it is important to point out that if we go to a vote, the winner will get a two year bar before anyone can challenge them.  This coupled with a new contract, means it will be years before we get another chance to gain back what we have lost over the last 10 years.  We simply cannot afford to let the TWU or the Association screw this up.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Your AA/US Air AMFA organizing committee[/SIZE]
I am just hoping you guys get AMFA on the ballot.  At least as a minimum, you can do the "write-in" campaign, but I truely believe it would be better to see the AMFA on the ballot as a choice.   Maybe we will hear something this week, but as I sit hear and think about it, time is on your side, let the NMB take their sweet time.  Hopefully this can all be done prior to the holidays, but as it looks, if there is a vote, after the waiting period for "other" interest, it may very well may put this election right smack in the middle of alot of members taking off for the holidays, something to think about and plan for in the future.  Great update, and good luck to all you guys...
swamt said:
I am just hoping you guys get AMFA on the ballot.  At least as a minimum, you can do the "write-in" campaign, but I truely believe it would be better to see the AMFA on the ballot as a choice.   Maybe we will hear something this week, but as I sit hear and think about it, time is on your side, let the NMB take their sweet time.  Hopefully this can all be done prior to the holidays, but as it looks, if there is a vote, after the waiting period for "other" interest, it may very well may put this election right smack in the middle of alot of members taking off for the holidays, something to think about and plan for in the future.  Great update, and good luck to all you guys...
I see what ya did there.  "Taking off for the holidays".   Now that was funny.
Look what I found, this is from the (DETERMINATIONS OF CRAFT OR CLASS OF THE NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD JULY 1, 1934-JUNE 30, 1948 - page 373) I have to do some more research and see how our Class Craft got so inclusive and turn upside down.
[SIZE=9pt]work, working conditions, and a procedure for the prompt and orderly settlement of any disputes during the term hereof. This agreement shall cover and include in the craft or class of airline me­:hanics, aircraft radio mechanics in the employ of the Company. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt](a) Employees hereunder composing the craft or class of airline mechanics shall be grouped in the following classifications: [/SIZE]
  1. [SIZE=9pt]Parts washers. [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=9pt]Ground servicemen. [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=9pt]Apprentice mechanics. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=9pt]Junior mechanics. [/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=9pt]Mechanics [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=9pt]Senior mechanics. [/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=9pt]Lead mechanics. [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=9pt]Inspectors. [/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=9pt]Lead inspectors. [/SIZE]
Is that the best you can do?
And that is over a 10 year period.
Its amazing if you ever used your brain before you post.
700UW said:
Is that the best you can do?
And that is over a 10 year period.
Its amazing if you ever used your brain before you post.
Oh my bad, you are only averaging 2866.8 posts a year.........
You post more in 1 year than I will in 5.
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