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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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I see some more NO votes have been added to the poll numbers as of late...
Ok boys and girls, we just hit 7 weeks today.  Now going on 8 weeks.  There are problems with this alliance thing as far as the NMB is concerned.  Travis, is there any more updates posted on the 591 web site?  I smell a run-off coming...
No new post that I can find and no new info out that I've seen from the unions.. You can also feel the tension around the hard core IAM boys.
You might just see that run off and might even see two votes depending on who votes for who and how many people vote for each union?
Ok thx and keep us posted pls.  Have you seen this yet?  Speaking of the tension at US with the IAM boys.  It seems the IAM at UAL is continuing to agree to outsourcing work with other groups again.  They hit the mechanics first (just before leaving UAL) now these groups will see in excess of 600-700 employees system wide get REPLACED by cheaper non union part time contractors,  how pathetic. Does the AA'ers and US guys want this to happen to them when they become one?  I don't think so, sign some cards at US guys and take control of your union:
United Airlines to lay off 100 at Port Columbus
Does anybody have a clue what is happening with the United contract.
swamt said:
Ok thx and keep us posted pls.  Have you seen this yet?  Speaking of the tension at US with the IAM boys.  It seems the IAM at UAL is continuing to agree to outsourcing work with other groups again.  They hit the mechanics first (just before leaving UAL) now these groups will see in excess of 600-700 employees system wide get REPLACED by cheaper non union part time contractors,  how pathetic. Does the AA'ers and US guys want this to happen to them when they become one?  I don't think so, sign some cards at US guys and take control of your union:
United Airlines to lay off 100 at Port Columbus
The old guys in PIT, hard core IAM need to wake up or they will find themselves in the same boat as the TWA boys at AA. The IAM will get over run by the TWU. 
Time to bail and protect your station with a NEW UNION. PUT YOUR AMFA CARD IN NOW!!!
Remember, some people hate change, and when they're surrounded by it, they'll cling to the one constant. In the case of PIT, they've seen under assault for years. Now on top of all that, here comes a merger, and the dissolution of "their" airline. It's not hard to see why they might resist. Not judgin', just sayin'.
If we get a Vote wouldn't questions like which ruling is going to set  precedence if and when the Association gets in, if at all? McCaskill or Kasher? Dove tail by current seniority in classification/occupational and then reshuffle if the TWA guys transfer into the system?
Are both current contract US/AA going to run through to the amenable time, or will this Association just work it out and say thats it guys?
Do I want to be placed into the IAMNPF if I don't want too?
Will the TWU agree with the company to take over our pensions and then have it placed into the IAMNPF?
Since the IAM is going to run the Association for the first two yrs is the IAM's Top guy 
going to be the deciding vote if a stalemate comes up at any time?
Will any fences be put up to protect any stations from transfer once the seniority list is done?
What type of deals will be made between the TWU & IAM to protect the head count?
You all do know this association is just to keep the dues flowing in?
How many top level union positions will be created to allow more union officials off the maning? The Locals were closed  since they could not support themselves so said the TWU Intl. but more TWU officers are not around. WHY?
I can assume there are so many questions a lot of you have about how this association will be handled.
If you dislike the TWU and don't want any part of the IAM then, we the mechanics need to get together and bring in AMFA here and STOP this Association before it really gets going.
Sign an AMFA card today so that we the members can call the shots NOT the TWU/IAM.
What have we gotten that is a positive from the TWU, in our last few contracts?
AMFA AT AA 2014 
IMHO I do not see this coming out well for PIT, I think the IAM will cover the larger numbers and their own butts' FIRST.
The PIT boy's should know this from history with the IAM, Only change here is the IAM KNOWS the possible out come.
That's why it's is so quiet, (no info no big push just shots at AMFA and TWU members that tell it like it is).
I feel a run off...and  maybe 2 votes on this mess....We will stay union just what UNION time will tell.
And +1 on your post Kev.
TRAVIS said:
The old guys in PIT, hard core IAM need to wake up or they will find themselves in the same boat as the TWA boys at AA. The IAM will get over run by the TWU. 
Time to bail and protect your station with a NEW UNION. PUT YOUR AMFA CARD IN NOW!!!
You’ll get no help from the guys around here in PIT, so please quit mentioning PIT in your posts.
And why should they? 
The average guy is early 60’s to early 70’s.  Pulling his PGBC pension, Social Security, Medicare, and a paycheck.  They come to work each day with the same old aluminum lunch box from 1970, with the strap in Thermos in the lid, one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one apple, and one pack of crackers.  The same old clapped out, rusted out car from the 1980’s.  Doing the same job they’ve been doing since the 1990’s.
They are scared and don’t know any better.  If AMFA or the TWU were to come in, things would change, and they might actually have to work.  And that would rock the boat.
Most of these guys can’t use a computer, nor do they know who the TWU is.  I said to one of these IAM red shirt wearing losers, “You know a TWU local challenged the alliance vote, and it might not go through.  Now what are you going to do?”  His reply:  “TWU?”  “What do I care about what the ramp does?”
Forget about PIT.  We’re off the radar.  There’s nothing happening here beyond the hanger doors.  “Same as it always was”.  We only know what is told us by our Godly union president, our superhuman manager, and our glorious foreman.
Ok.  Back to my newspaper.  It’s almost break.
Real tired said:
You’ll get no help from the guys around here in PIT, so please quit mentioning PIT in your posts.
And why should they? 
The average guy is early 60’s to early 70’s.  Pulling his PGBC pension, Social Security, Medicare, and a paycheck.  They come to work each day with the same old aluminum lunch box from 1970, with the strap in Thermos in the lid, one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one apple, and one pack of crackers.  The same old clapped out, rusted out car from the 1980’s.  Doing the same job they’ve been doing since the 1990’s.
They are scared and don’t know any better.  If AMFA or the TWU were to come in, things would change, and they might actually have to work.  And that would rock the boat.
Most of these guys can’t use a computer, nor do they know who the TWU is.  I said to one of these IAM red shirt wearing losers, “You know a TWU local challenged the alliance vote, and it might not go through.  Now what are you going to do?”  His reply:  “TWU?”  “What do I care about what the ramp does?”
Forget about PIT.  We’re off the radar.  There’s nothing happening here beyond the hanger doors.  “Same as it always was”.  We only know what is told us by our Godly union president, our superhuman manager, and our glorious foreman.
Ok.  Back to my newspaper.  It’s almost break.
Nice, very nice...
It's just sad to hear that. I guess we should all just roll over and quit. Or you could print up some of the information from the TWU 591 on the Peterson Letter to the NMB and of course accidentally let it get lost in a few spots around the hanger...Might be fun to see if you could get the blood pumping in a few of them old carcass. I put them out in my coworkers hands..
Then you can go back to your paper and see how much H and D you can strw up. And keep losing info as you get it.
Have fun.
It sure is taking the NMB awhile to talk on this one. And the silence from the supporters is deafening. It might not be shoved down your throats the way they want it to.
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