You’ll get no help from the guys around here in PIT, so please quit mentioning PIT in your posts.
And why should they?
The average guy is early 60’s to early 70’s. Pulling his PGBC pension, Social Security, Medicare, and a paycheck. They come to work each day with the same old aluminum lunch box from 1970, with the strap in Thermos in the lid, one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, one apple, and one pack of crackers. The same old clapped out, rusted out car from the 1980’s. Doing the same job they’ve been doing since the 1990’s.
They are scared and don’t know any better. If AMFA or the TWU were to come in, things would change, and they might actually have to work. And that would rock the boat.
Most of these guys can’t use a computer, nor do they know who the TWU is. I said to one of these IAM red shirt wearing losers, “You know a TWU local challenged the alliance vote, and it might not go through. Now what are you going to do?” His reply: “TWU?” “What do I care about what the ramp does?”
Forget about PIT. We’re off the radar. There’s nothing happening here beyond the hanger doors. “Same as it always was”. We only know what is told us by our Godly union president, our superhuman manager, and our glorious foreman.
Ok. Back to my newspaper. It’s almost break.