Work OT?? I guess you could say I do. On Thursday I got to LGA at 0430, and left there at 2300. But I'm not paid OT for that.
Wrong about 1167? Wrong about BK? Wrong about the RLA? How so?
You support the authoritarian culture of the IAM where the Union tells the members what they want. I don't, I feel that we are adults and can make our own decisions, what we should expect from our Union is accurate information and a plan to make things better, not be in full retreat for 15 years with no plan to recover what was lost.
I support having recall in the bylaws. Serving as an officer in the union is a privilege not a right or entitlement earned by mindlessly supporting every decision made by the unions bosses.
I support transparency and accountability. We post the full spreadsheet from Quickbooks on our website so our members can review the finances when ever they want. If they want more detail such as viewing receipts and individual expense reports all they have to do is contact their section chairman and we can set up an online meeting where we do a screen share so they can see what they want. Does your IAM make Financial reports available at any time to the members or can they only look at them at the Union hall?
I support the truth, you support withholding information and misleading people in order to get them to vote a way they would not vote if they had all the facts. Throwing out that other associations have been put in place but leaving out the fact that the two unions put it to a membership vote first.
I support democracy. Thats why we have on line voting on motions and elections. Not like the IAM where members have to run a gauntlet to vote. We recognize that most of our members need multiple sources of income which restricts their ability to participate. In some votes we have had in excess of 90% participation.
We have incorporated many of the things that our members say they want, things that AMFA has, in Local 591. Things that make sense. Things that don't make sense we left out. We remain far from being an organization with the structure required to negotiate an industry leading contract, there are still deep structural flaws and we have been trying to get those flaws corrected. Flaws that are unique to the AATD and not systemic to the TWU as a whole. The IAM is more deeply flawed than the TWU AATD. Those flaws may be tolerable when the leadership gets good contracts, but they blew it big time by rolling over and giving the company a concessionary deal with bottom of the industry wages and ZERO profit sharing EIGHT years after exiting BK, 12 years after first giving concessions in BK.
Do many of the values we put into 591 coincide with why many of our members say they want AMFA? Yes. Does that make me a closet AMFA supporter? Not anymore than your support and unquestioning obedience makes you a fascist. So, are you a fascist because you support absolute obedience and support of the IAM hierarchy? Republicans called Roosevelt a closet Communist because he pushed through labor laws and Social security and bank reforms. Maybe it was simply the right thing to do, just like recall, transparency, democracy etc. For some reason those things are heresy to you.
My peers elected me to do what I've been doing, trying to fix this organization, we have made a little progress, the Alliance would be a huge setback. If I get to the point where I feel we can't make any more progress then I'd quit and maybe support something else. Being in the TWU is a means to an end, that end being getting a good contract. I'm a mechanic first, being a TWU member/officer is a result of me being hired by AA before UAL called. I was a mechanic before I became a TWU member and if I left AA I'd still be a mechanic but no longer a TWU member. Fixing the Union means getting it to get us good contracts. One of the reasons why I'm against this Alliance is because it takes two deeply flawed organizations, the two worst contracts in the industry for mechanics, and creates a two headed monster with Zero accountability to the members. Trying to fix one organization is hard, trying to fix two at the same time is simply not worth the effort, we would be better off to seek representation elsewhere than accept the Alliance. This bullshit of you will pay dues to us but the contract belongs to the Alliance thats staffed with people you don't get to pick is completely unacceptable.