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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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700UW said:
I have been told by the man who wrote the Alliance, it will be vote for the alliance or non-union.
Well the NMB handbook says something different.
southwind said:
So my question is, pertaining to unions, whether it's the TWU, IAM or AMFA, shouldn't this all be readily available information,"Any Time" and conducted transparently, to "ALL" this affects?
Southwind &  LaLeLuLiLo
A valid question and "YES" it should be out there, every one should know just what is going on and what it is going to take to get to our goal. transparency is what we the AMFA Organizers have preached.
But that decision is NOT mine, I have asked about that as well, put out the same type of questions to the Dallas guys who hold the information. I am even at odds with them over this and other things I think we should discuss with all.
Since Honesty is what your requesting, WHy since what I have read here you are NOT with AA or US so why do you care about my class and craft? Or what happens to the men/woman at AA?
700UW, WeAAsles and others aren't mechanics but are the biggest posters against AMFA here and WHY?  They post things to see if they can get the mechanics who post to bite and the take the thread off on some bs tangent about what ever.
Some of These threads were set up mostly by mechanics to get information out to have questions asked so we can share information to reach our goal of removing the TWU, and Now to prevent this association between the TWU/IAM. Why do we have to explain or answer to ramp/fleet guys which this drive does not effect in any way. Talking about clerk/cook and what ever has nothing to do with our AMFA drive.
If we switch to a different union why does it matter answer that?
many have asked 700UW and WeAAsle including myself to post just on general AA junk stay out of AMFA informational business since it does not effect them but they continue to post. gets old scanning thru all the nonsense to read a post of interest to maintenance.
700UW said:
Its not a normal representational election, try again.
Other than the fact that the Alliance is trying to rewrite the rules to force the members to accept it, or go non-union, whats so different? Two airlines merged, two work groups have to be combined under a single contract, the two Unions want out of the contract but want to keep the dues. In court the TWUs lawyers claimed that the Alliance will oust both the TWU and IAM. In the end its a representation election, the rules are that in order to get on the Ballot any union has to have a showing of interest, the NMB allows current members to be counted as a showing of interest, if a new organization wants to step in, such as the alliance, they have to present 50% +1 cards from both groups. Nothing says that the showing of interest is transferrable. Since the TWU does have more than 50% they should be on the Ballott, the Alliance and the IAM need to get 50% +1 to get on the ballot. 
700UW said:
Oh I know the name, very well, he is a friend of mine and anyone at US is free to contact him, they know who he is.
I'm scared of nothing, but it seems you are, I woner why a SWA employee is so concerned what happens with US and AA.
Yep you have the best pay, but you dont have the best scope at WN.
And you will see that the NMB will be holding the vote or recognizing the Alliance, I hope you are ready to eat your words.
Just as TSH has explained to you many times.
Yep and with your best scope you have bottom of the industry pay and still have people laid off, with his scope at WN no mechanic has ever been laid off, even with the recent merger and he makes around $30k a year more than a US mechanic with his secure poverty. 
700UW said:
This is not a normal merger election between two different unions, you can all keep quoting something that isnt the situation that is occurring.
Again, you claim that this is different. The only difference is that the Unions want to cook up a scheme where they put our contracts under a new union but we still have to pay dues to the old unions, they want our dues but they do not want to represent us. Once again, in court the TWU testified that they cant be sued for DFR because they arent our representative, that the Alliance will be our representative. So no matter how you try and spin this its a representation election, they want us to be represented by a new Union but still pay dues to both our old unions. 
700UW said:
It is not representational dispute, now is it?
Are there cards being submitted to call for the Alliance vote?
You cant apply rules and regulations to a totally different situation.
We will see what the NMB does when the Alliance files for the vote.
You do know the IAM and the TWU have had meetings with the NMB about this right?
Once again, this is a "situation" manufactured by the IAM and TWU, the members get to choose who will be their representative, that's a basic tenet of the RLA. 
700UW said:
I believe in the concept of the Alliance, but I believe in democracy.
Oxymoron?  Everything about the Alliance is un-democratic. For the first two years the IAM is in control. I have no stake whatsover in the IAM, I can not even petition to have the guy removed. he is appointed and he is unaccountable to us. The ALLIANCE already made their position clear, Local leaders have no say other than their own. The Allaince, headed by appointed people speaks for everyone, whether they like it or not. 
700UW said:
Trumka came up the idea, not the IAM nor the TWU.
Yep, and the mechanics at US wanted a bottom of the industry contract with no profit sharing right? 
I am with you on this Bob.  I have said all this from the get go.  However since the IAM, TWU, company as well as the NMB has had private discussions about this, I am sure some things have changed to the alliance and company favor as nobody will tell us ANYTHING about those quiet meetings that were held behind closed doors, just as someone has already stated with the quote below:
"You do know the IAM and the TWU have had meetings with the NMB about this right?"
700UW said:
Probably around 10,000.
That was your response to a question as what was US' highest headcount for mechanics, so they got rid of 2/3rd of the heads, then agreed to scope where the average age is close to 60 years old and you brag about it? people will be retiring faster than they can lay them off. 
bigjets said:
Funny how the apfa is all about industry leading contract, but I haven't heard anything from the "aaliance" as far as industry leading contract.
That's because they went into BK with an "industry" leading contract (not counting SWA) and came out with an industry leading contract and will still have an industry leading contract. Aircraft maintenance went in with a bottom of the industry contract then hacked another 20% off of that, setting new depths. Tom Roth remarked that "you are better off going into BK fat than skinny". Thats the opposite of what Jim Little told us in 2003. Little claimed that if we gave concessions prior to BK the court would be kinder to us. Roth was perhaps the only fair, objective voice of those the TWU hired, they hired him because of the way we slammed Donnelly. The other clowns, Richards, Levine, etc screwed us over big time. We kept arguening that since we were already at the bottom of the industry the ask was unreasonable, the Lawyers claimed it didn't matter we had to meet the ask or our contract would be abrogated. richards went even further, said we would lose everything, Just cause, checkoff everything, we would be non-union and we could not strike. Richards claim was a flat out lie, but it didnt matter, guys asked me why I refused to listen to the experts, I told them, "because I didn't hire them". Shortly after AA filed Pinnicle also filed for BK, they also demanded concessions that would put their pilots below industry average, the pilots refused, the company put in for abrogation, the court denied the motion due to the fact that Pinnicle's ask for below industry standard was unacceptable. 
700UW said:
Under the law, the union owns the agreement.
And go ahead and become non-union, you wont be at AA much longer, Doug will outsource as much as he can.
Just look at the former HP.
Just look at US, from 10000 to 3000. Oh but you got the best scope in the industry!
Duke787 said:
Did anybody else notice that the alliance isn't talking about industry leading contract like the APFA and APA, which has both us and aa FA's and pilots respectively.

That tells me that the alliance is doing nothing more then scaring the weak and plan not to get us better contracts other then what AA is going to give us. Which is equal to Delta and UAL according to Doug.

Like the TWU has been telling me for decades "you have options" my option is NO alliance!
Yes and with the alliance you have to try and fix two unions instead of just one. If the Alliance goes through we pretty much have ZERO chance of ever having proper representation. The M&R group is even less significant to the IAM as they are to the TWU and lets face it the majority of IAM and TWU members do not make $70k a year and when they look at us they will not be sympathetic. They wont care that we make $10k to $30k less than what other mechanics in the industry make, all they will see is we make more than they did when they were on the floor. 
We agree, No to the Alliance. 
Southwind &  LaLeLuLiLo
A valid question and "YES" it should be out there, every one should know just what is going on and what it is going to take to get to our goal. transparency is what we the AMFA Organizers have preached.
But that decision is NOT mine, I have asked about that as well, put out the same type of questions to the Dallas guys who hold the information. I am even at odds with them over this and other things I think we should discuss with all.
Since Honesty is what your requesting, WHy since what I have read here you are NOT with AA or US so why do you care about my class and craft? Or what happens to the men/woman at AA?
700UW, WeAAsles and others aren't mechanics but are the biggest posters against AMFA here and WHY?  They post things to see if they can get the mechanics who post to bite and the take the thread off on some bs tangent about what ever.
Some of These threads were set up mostly by mechanics to get information out to have questions asked so we can share information to reach our goal of removing the TWU, and Now to prevent this association between the TWU/IAM. Why do we have to explain or answer to ramp/fleet guys which this drive does not effect in any way. Talking about clerk/cook and what ever has nothing to do with our AMFA drive.
If we switch to a different union why does it matter answer that?
many have asked 700UW and WeAAsle including myself to post just on general AA junk stay out of AMFA informational business since it does not effect them but they continue to post. gets old scanning thru all the nonsense to read a post of interest to maintenance.
"TWU and IAM representation alliance vote"

Where in that thread starter does it say anything about AMFA? Even in the poll that is only curious about what mechanics think, where does it specify AMFA? Is this thread subversively about the AMFA drive? In my 20 years has there ever not been an AMFA drive?

What I'm saying is that if the drive is an ongoing and never ending affair where is the urgency in getting out information? Is there new information that people have not already gotten?

You keep trying to get me to leave the conversations because you believe I don't support your point of view or your drive. When the conversations are unmistakeably about AMFA you are correct that maybe I shouldn't contribute? This one is not from how I read it? 

I just keep feeling like you want to throw me out of the Country club that you haven't even gotten up and running yet?

700UW said:
You truly dont get it, you dont understand bankruptcy and business.
No contract, no rules, you are an employee at will, say bye bye to 50% of the maintenance workforce.
And with a CBA at least you can negotiate and have written workrules, pay, benefits etc...
10000 to 3000, you said bye bye to 70% of the mechanics with the IAM.
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