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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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Bob Owens said:
The only thing the Association does is keep us apart, we will never be unified under a two year appointed stand in. We can overcome any animosity that results if we are together in one Union. 
You have obviously been promised something that will take you out from having to live under the fall out of this deal as long as you support it. You are giving Overspin a run for his title as spin master. You obviously do not believe the members, or their elected representatives, should have a say in anything other than yes or no to take it or leave it proposals. I really don't care if the IAM is on the ballot but under what I've seen they should not be, they have not met the criteria, good or bad.  If the IAM cant get cards in 30 days, when they are already a third of the way there, with a friendly Union on the other side then no they should not be on the ballot unless they are willing to let others on the ballot that meet the same criteria for a showing of interest that the IAM met.  Do you want that? The rules have to be applied equally whether I like them or not. 
 I see how you come here and spin on how Fleet accepted the 95 deal, but omit the fact that they first rejected it and only voted it in under pressure from the International who made it clear they did not support the rejection, and how they were on their own should they reject it again.  Then you spin it how its their fault they accepted it. So they are damned if they follow their un-elected leaders and they are damned if they don't, either way they are damned and no matter how many times they vote in new locals leaders they end up in the same place. I expect more from having membership in a Union, if we choose people who filter information to meet only their own objectives then we should be able to hold them accountable and remove those people. We should not have people appointed over those we elect. The only people who feel otherwise are people who hope to get one of those unaccountable positions for themselves, or really want to go into management. Is that you?  Sure you say all the politically correct things on minimum wage etc but here you are blasting your peers who were misled into accepting bad deals by people they cant remove.
The Association offers us nothing but less Accountability and less Democracy. We will be limited to choosing only local leaders and the Association has already declared that Local leaders have no voice, other than their own,  that they do not even speak for the members that elected them!!!  So every two years the TWU President and IAM President get to sit down and pick who will be our voice for the next two years, and you as a member do not get to vote for either of them, if anything IAM members have more of a say than you do, because they do elect Buffy every four years as long as they are prepared to run the gauntlet and cast a vote in whatever dark alley the IAM chooses as a voting area.  And you are in favor of such a scheme? 
I'm calling BS on your crap now Bob. Everyone out there knows who the true spin master is and it certainly isn't me. You know EXACTLY who I am and you know that I haven't been promised or even want some kind of position, LIKE YOU DO! Send your flunkies over to gate D24 in MIA in the afternoon and you'll see what I do for a living.

Nice job. You don't like anyone disagreeing with you or not being a part of the Bob Owens fan club so they must be a sellout to the almighty dollar.

At least other people have the balls to admit it and I don't care what you say. You're another closet AMFA supporter too afraid that they might throw you out on your keester again if you admit it. You hide behind people who put their necks on the line to at least admit the truth about who they are. The truth is Bob that unfortunately I discovered the truth about you. You're a phony.

Another thing you are is a dinosaur. Stuck in an old world style of unionism that's fast leaving you behind and you have no clue how to adapt and don't want to. You stamp your feet like a little boy because you're not getting your way and people aren't paying attention to you anymore like they used to. Time for you to get over yourself.

Here let me post the bio of a true Labor Leader.

FWAAA said:
And yet he and WeAAsles, neither of whom hold A&P tickets, are the top two posters to this thread (and most other threads dealing with issues germane to AA's mechanics).   Go figure.  They seem awfully interested in promoting the IAM/TWU Alliance.   😀
I don't care if you people want to live in your own little world here on this forums page. And I also don't care if you don't want me here or not. Tough luck.

Here's your reality. The AMFA drive is breathing fumes and you all know it. By last estimates you're 2000 cards short. But that doesn't matter because you guys are going to do everything to put in the stall to try and get those cards. Ain't happening now, hasn't happened in the last 20 years and isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

And you can start as many threads as you want and attach your little (maintenance only) stickers on there just like the water fountain that says "Whites Only" or "Coloreds to the Rear" You can obviously tell that I don't give a whoop.
WeAAsles said:
I don't care if you people want to live in your own little world here on this forums page. And I also don't care if you don't want me here or not. Tough luck.

Here's your reality. The AMFA drive is breathing fumes and you all know it. By last estimates you're 2000 cards short. But that doesn't matter because you guys are going to do everything to put in the stall to try and get those cards. Ain't happening now, hasn't happened in the last 20 years and isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

And you can start as many threads as you want and attach your little (maintenance only) stickers on there just like the water fountain that says "Whites Only" or "Coloreds to the Rear" You can obviously tell that I don't give a whoop.
Don't get your panties in a wad.  
I didn't tell you I didn't want you here - I was just pointing out that you post about 10 times as many posts in most AMFA or mechanics threads than the actual AMTs or AMFA-supporters.   In fact, your posts are probably good for the AMFA cause - keep posting!
Especially when you post ignorant nonsense like your incorrect diatribe a couple of weeks ago about the frozen AA pensions (where you proclaimed how glad you were that AA would have to fund the frozen pensions v terminating them).    If those ignorant beliefs are representative of the union you so proudly support - the TWU - then keep on posting!   By all means, post all you can!     
You seem to take particular delight in the prospect that AMFA won't win among the mechanics - just seems odd that a fleet service clerk would be so giddy at a craft union's loss among a different work group.
Keep on posting and hey, stop going thru my bag at D24!   
AA still has to fund the frozen pensions, they have to make up the shortfalls.
Question for Mr. Weasels and 700. How is it fair that during the 1st two years of the Twu/IAM alliance that the Iam is in charge? Isn't this the time frame when the JCBA is to be negotiated? Doesn't the numbers of Twu members dwarf the numbers of Iam members? Is it fair that the majority has a minority voice during the time that such issues as pensions vs 401ks, bumping rules, and all the other issues are to be determined? Could this be planned so we are all put into the Iampf whether we like it or not?
The IAM is the head of the Alliance, the Negotiating Committee is equal numbers, so no one has a majority on the committee.
WeAAsles said:
I don't care if you people want to live in your own little world here on this forums page. And I also don't care if you don't want me here or not. Tough luck.

Here's your reality. The AMFA drive is breathing fumes and you all know it. By last estimates you're 2000 cards short. But that doesn't matter because you guys are going to do everything to put in the stall to try and get those cards. Ain't happening now, hasn't happened in the last 20 years and isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

And you can start as many threads as you want and attach your little (maintenance only) stickers on there just like the water fountain that says "Whites Only" or "Coloreds to the Rear" You can obviously tell that I don't give a whoop.
Wow, you're starting to sound a little emotional.  Funny, a baggage handler has such an interest what the AMTs are doing.  I could care less what the baggage handlers are doing.  Nor do I post on baggage handler threads.  Seems you are a TWU supporting troll.  There really could be no other reason for your unsolicited AMFA hating rants.  BTW, you don't have any idea how many AMFA authorization cards have been collected.
Who will break any ties the negotiating committee may have? No semantics please.
What do you mean tie breaking?
And it would depend on the structure.
The Ultimate tie breaker would be the members.
Membership doesn't break ties. We only get to vote on what is presented. Tie breaking would constitute something along the lines of " the 3 twu negotiators want to continue with the companymatched 401k and the 3 iIAM negotiators want to continue with their iam pension plan.". If a scenario such as this came about wouldn't the HEAD of the alliance have the power to decide the issue.
It still depends on how the committee is structured.
Sorry I'm at a Deep Purple concert. We'll have to play your games later people. And I think Steve Morse is a better guitar player than Ritchie Blackmore.

I guess some of us are ok with change and others can never accept it?
Another question. How is it fair that the TWU a vast majority of members to be represented by this alliance but only an equal amount of members in the alliance? Seems like the majority is getting short changed a little doesn't it?
WeAAsles said:
Sorry I'm at a Deep Purple concert. We'll have to play your games later people. And I think Steve Morse is a better guitar player than Ritchie Blackmore.
I guess some of us are ok with change and others can never accept it?
Must be a boring concert, if your posting on this board while your at the concert....
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