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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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737823 said:
What about stock clerks?

700UW is nOT a stock clerk he is just some one who is ate up in the industry which he no longer works has NO LIFE but his computer
and his google account. He spends all day on every site in every Forum stating facts he just found on google.
He states he has close friends in the IAM which confide in him and keep him up to date as to the general workings of the IAM and its Pension.
He also has a direct line to USAir and how and what plans they have for the future of AA as we merge.
700UW is like having the Great and Powerful OZ. Only without the Yellow brick road.
So stop picking on him, he have to tell you don't let the facts get in your way or start saying don't you comprehend what is written, can't you read.
His post # 2024 this thread asks if you are airline Obsessed? Like the pot calling the kettle Hot.
Please don't his feelings.
Can you ever refute facts instead attacking the poster?

You don't know me nor do you know my history.

If I don't know anything nor have contacts in the IAM then why after seven years did they hire me to help against the raid?

Just facts now please.
TRAVIS said:
I'm guessing here! That was not the response he was looking for.....
Sorry I went to sleep at 12:30 so didn't see your response till now. You need to be a little patient sometimes there Brother.

It's amazing that you guys keep saying that I'm lying except I'm the only one who has been putting out my information with LINKS as proof of the things I'm saying. Those LINKS that I'm providing when it comes to information make my argument more credible than people who are only expressing their own INDIVIDUAL opinion over information.

I just responded to TWU Informer with what is my OPINION. If you look further back in the thread I posted FACTS. Those were all conveniently and as expectedly ignored. FACTS are sometimes a very inconvenient truth when they don't particularly fit the agenda at hand.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Dude, I told you - just relax.
AMFA is being discussed - or "sold" if you will.
Here's a little secret ... YOU are helping to sell it.
Yes, with every piece of revisionist history you and your friends try and pass off concerning the industrial unions supposed "representation" of mechanics, with every piece of tired regurgitated anti-AMFA propaganda, with every ridiculous story you try and pass off as to why you're really here. Yes, with every disingenuous post that you, and NYer, and 700 etc post, with every ridiculous attempt at dodging responsibility when your misinformation and hypocrisy are exposed,.....all this time, cards are being collected. Thanks to you.

So if I'm helping the cause then why are so many of the posters here asking me to leave and stay out of it? At least you seem to be saying that mine and others participation seems to be helping your cause? Glad to be of any help I can then.
Now this might come as a shock - I'll say here right now AMFA might not get in .... this time.

No shock. The real shock is that this hasn't come sooner. Especially after the concessions of 2003. That was the moment of truth that should have propelled the cause to success.  
Its been posted many times how long AMFA has been trying to get into AA. Well guess what, they spent alot of that time trying to get into UAL too.  I myself was involved in four AMFA drives dating back to the 80's. While I don't think this forum was available then, we did have a mechanics forum on a website called "The-Mechanic.com" and you know what? There was a handful of IAM faithful there telling us the exact sort of thing your posting now. And you know what? We organized, we'd fail, and organize again, and fail, and organize again, and with each failure the IAM faithful would only become more and more brazen with their lies, just like here. They'd ask the same rhetorical questions, make the same ridiculous assertions, on and on for years, until one bright July day in 2003 we won. 
So while I'm sure you're already crafting your reply eager to point out that AMFA was indeed replaced aprox 5 years later,

Why do I need to when you just did?

as the point was also made earlier and ignored (Ignoring anything is stupid. You don't learn things through ignorance which is where the word ignored comes from) .... we did not return to the IAM.  I have read many many times over on this board and this very thread AA mechanics have told you and others, they are simply fed up with the TWU and/or the IAMs representation or lack thereof.  This of course you and others always try to dismiss, never realizing just how real that dissatisfaction is and the full weight in decision making it carries.  It is that lackadaisical approach coupled with the same substandard representation that will eventually result in the TWU/IAMs removal ... perhaps it won't be this time perhaps it will.  Whatever happens, its safe to say its no longer a matter of "if", but "when"

In all honesty the word "IF" seems to be more appropriate since the word "WHEN" has been bandied about since 1962. That's only 52 years. 2 years before I was even born.
700UW said:
Can you ever refute facts instead attacking the poster?
You don't know me nor do you know my history.
If I don't know anything nor have contacts in the IAM then why after seven years did they hire me to help against the raid?
Just facts now please.
The same reason you post IAM propaganda here 24x7x365

737823 said:
The same reason you post IAM propaganda here 24x7x365
Did I ask you?

You do nothing but lie and post misinformation and spread Anti-worker venom
MetalMover said:
So the TWU has a better excuse for allowing it?
You like to keep repeating the fact that SWA has less mechanics. They have ALWAYS had less and have ALWAYS outsourced more. That is from day 1. No one has ever LOST their job at SWA due to outsourcing. they did so from the day that airline was born.
And AMFA couldn't turn that around. They're supposed to raise the AMT's...or is this just about pay rates.
700UW said:
Did I ask you?

You do nothing but lie and post misinformation and spread Anti-worker venom
If you admit you worked for the IAM last summer why do you deny that you have any affiliation with them other than aa a 20 year "withdrawn" member? Sorry it just doesn't add up.

ThirdSeatHero said:
Do you realize just how ridiculous the position is you're taking?
AMFA had over a 90% yes to strike authorization at NWA prior to managements last best offer.
That offer, when it came, was worse than the offer the membership had already overwhelmingly authorized a strike over - NWA management was asking to eliminate over 50% of the AMFA membership and over 20% in wage and benefit reductions. 
You're really trying to make a case on the LBO, as if there was ANY chance it would've passed had it been put to a vote ...... do you really believe anyone other than your fellow alliance cheerleaders believe or take stock in this BS?
I'm not taking a position. The arguments on these pages was that with AMFA the Members vote on everything. The observation was then made that right before the strike took hold the Members of AMFA did not get to vote for the Last Best Offer, or two subsequent offers. It was decided by the leadership what would and what would not be voted on. That just contradicts the notion that AMFA allows everyone to vote for everything.
If there was a vote, it could very well have been a 100% no vote....but they didn't get that chance.
WeAAsles said:
What is this? I asked Travis to sell his product and you comment back about all the other unions and the IBT again? What is this? Sell YOUR product. Forget about all the other unions. Readers are watching. What's so great about your product?

I don't need to sell it.  The other unions sell it for AMFA just by their actions alone.  Forget about the other union?  Really?  That is what this is all about AMFA "and" all the other industrial unions.  
Most all on here including yourself know the AMFA differences as we all have stated them.  Do your own homework and seach the pages yourself, as I have stated before, I will no longer do any research for others.  Once again I don't need to sell it, we are already enjoying the much better representation of AMFA.  I'm just here hoping the brothers and sisters of the new AA will come on board and help make AMFA larger and stronger is all.  But, if they do not it's no skin off our noses...
Why dont you come clean on who you really are?
I have never lied about my situation, I worked the raid last summer, thats all.
700UW said:
Why dont you come clean on who you really are?
I have never lied about my situation, I worked the raid last summer, thats all.
And you will work the alliance if asked.

swamt said:
I don't need to sell it.  The other unions sell it for AMFA just by their actions alone.  Forget about the other union?  Really?  That is what this is all about AMFA "and" all the other industrial unions.  
Most all on here including yourself know the AMFA differences as we all have stated them.  Do your own homework and seach the pages yourself, as I have stated before, I will no longer do any research for others.  Once again I don't need to sell it, we are already enjoying the much better representation of AMFA.  I'm just here hoping the brothers and sisters of the new AA will come on board and help make AMFA larger and stronger is all.  But, if they do not it's no skin off our noses...
I'm glad that so far you are happy with your level of representation. All 2000 something of you. I also enjoy reading the extremely detailed updates of how your contract negotiations are going. I give AMFA a lot of credit in that area and think it's absolutely one area where they shine.

But there were some updates where things were said that disturbed me if I was a member. Gary Kelly in one update told your members and I quote "We want to be an ULTRA low cost airline" another one was the most recent update where SWA management says directly that they don't feel you have the support from your group to basically accomplish the tasks of the goals set by your negotiators?

Can you elaborate further on that and how long have you currently been in negotiations? Seems like you still have a ton of Articles left open and untouched still to go?
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