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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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NYer said:
So again. They decided what was best for their Members. Was there a vote? I guess not.They just gave up...No fight?
And you want to bring them here. They can't even afford to organize us (or are uninterested) and they seem to make decisions for their Members which even you guys think is a "no-no"
A vote? Really?
The only vote that mattered was the NMB and as you've already pointed out they didn't have enough to trigger a representational election. So polling the membership would be futile.
Oh I'm sorry, you being contrary just to be contrary - of course AMFA should've asked their membership if they wanted to fight for an election they couldn't trigger and delay a $3+ dollar raise.
You're going to have a hard time selling that BS to anyone other than your fellow cheerleaders
WeAAsles said:
North America: USD5.8 billion profit in 2013, increasing to USD8.3 billion in 2014. In both years North American carriers will deliver both the highest absolute profits and the strongest EBIT margins (4.8% in 2013, 6.4% in 2014).

IATA: “Overall, the industry’s fortunes are moving in the right direction. Jet fuel prices remain high, but below their 2012 peak. Passenger demand is expanding in the 5-6% range—in line with the historical trend. Efficiencies gained through mergers and joint ventures are delivering value to both passengers and shareholders. And product innovations are growing ancillary revenues... We must temper our optimism with an appropriate dose of caution. It’s a tough environment in which to run an airline. Competition is intense and yields are deteriorating. Cargo volumes haven’t grown since 2010 and cargo revenues are back at 2007 levels.  The passenger business is expanding more robustly,” Tony Tyler, director general and CEO. Source: IATA, 12-Dec-2013. [more - original PR]

And what? You're hoping that alliance is going to get you top pay? two weeks vacation restored? PV's? Flex vacation? 5 sick days back?  5 Holidays? Holiday pay?
MetalMover said:
YAWN! Cutting and pasting this means nothing. You're the one living in the TWU bubble..
Again, you should be happy the mechanics want out. Why do you care?
What in the world does this have ANYTHING to do with what I just posted? There is NO Union and no little corner that you can hide in that the world wasn't going to step in and kick your ass.

You just have your eyes stuck in the rear-view mirror and have no clue about the road ahead. 

NO UNION, NONE,  ZERO didn't get kicked in the nuts in this industry. None!
WeAAsles said:
What in the world does this have ANYTHING to do with what I just posted? There is NO Union and no little corner that you can hide in that the world wasn't going to step in and kick your ass.

You just have your eyes stuck in the rear-view mirror and have no clue about the road ahead. 

NO UNION, NONE,  ZERO didn't get kicked in the nuts in this industry. None!
WTF are you talking about?
MetalMover said:
WTF are you talking about?
Take a history class or something will you? You and your followers have no clue what your talking about. You hash things around on here over and over like some ridiculous shell game of find the peanut. You've been trying to find the peanut for over 30 years.

I've said this before I don't care in the slightest if you jump ship and go find yourself another union or if you decide you don't want one at all. The reality though is that your choice AMFA will NEVER be associated with this airline. Too many blown opportunities to get those cards when people were really ANGRY and it should have happened and didn't. The concessions of 03 was your biggest shot and it didn't happen. Wake up and smell the coffee.

You need people to be angry enough to want the change. Your only selling point is anger and dissatisfaction. Your trying to pull on people's emotions to hawk your product and it hasn't worked in 30 years. Anger is your only shot.

Next September people will get raises and less people will be angry so that means less cards coming in. When we get a JCBA that means even more money in your pocket you'll have even less anger, so again more less cards. 

TUL is not sending in enough cards. US side has little interest. And the other groups your stuck with have ZERO interest. You probably have AA line and that's it? Not enough bro. 

This whole thread and your whole movement is just a 30 year lesson in spinning wheels. And I have NOTHING against any of you or what you want but just for once get real.
NYer said:
So again. They decided what was best for their Members. Was there a vote? I guess not.They just gave up...No fight?
And you want to bring them here. They can't even afford to organize us (or are uninterested) and they seem to make decisions for their Members which even you guys think is a "no-no"
The number of guy at Delta vers the number of NWA guys there would not of been a real fight. 
AMFA unlike the other BIG unions like the IBT which threw lots of money at AA and USAir and for what result. Walk away and a loss. Does Not have an Organizing section.
They do not raid they let the employees of any company that want to bring them in do it.
And when you say US they are not organizing the Fleet/ramp guys you gents won't be apart of this at ALL. You can either be TWU or IAM.  We have mechanics who have been organizers here at AA for AMFA for at least 16yrs. donated time and $$$ to this cause. 
AMFA's NEC has over the yrs given Money to fund our drives. Here in Mia they did more than the IBT did. one of the national area reps and Asst Nat Dir came to talk to my fellow workers along with the Title 2 guys, they also provided food for TWO shifts, days and afternoons. Provided $$ for tools which were given away for free and T-shirts to those who came to the event. The National dir went to LAX with myself and others during card signings as well. So UN-interested??????? These AMFA Leaders went to Tulsa and Dallas as well. More than once.
"yes" there have been things that AMFA members did that I don't like, There are things I would of done different. But I am not affiliated with them and have no say at this point.
What they did with Airtran mechanics I didn't like. But what happened with the NWA guys was due to the one seniority list. From previous IAM contract But that was never a problem up there and they never addressed that issue. They still have that over at SWA now. Unless they change it in the current negotiations the one list will remain.
WE here at AA have two lists for mechanics, title 1 & 2.
AMFA is not perfect and I never said they were, I find flaws with them as well. But with them each member can have a say were with the TWU that can't be done.
The TWU is a company union, We will see just how strong the negotiation team at SWA is when they finish their current contract negotiations.
It is Just My opinion the TWU has failed here at AA, I want a change, for the mechanics.
I have not seen any drive for fleet/ramp at any time so I can assume you as a class and craft like the TWU. What they have done for you and what you think they will do for you in the future. I am ok with that. You can Have them or the Association, which ever you choose.
WeAAsles said:
Take a history class or something will you? You and your followers have no clue what your talking about. You hash things around on here over and over like some ridiculous shell game of find the peanut. You've been trying to find the peanut for over 30 years.

I've said this before I don't care in the slightest if you jump ship and go find yourself another union or if you decide you don't want one at all. The reality though is that your choice AMFA will NEVER be associated with this airline. Too many blown opportunities to get those cards when people were really ANGRY and it should have happened and didn't. The concessions of 03 was your biggest shot and it didn't happen. Wake up and smell the coffee.

You need people to be angry enough to want the change. Your only selling point is anger and dissatisfaction. Your trying to pull on people's emotions to hawk your product and it hasn't worked in 30 years. Anger is your only shot.

Next September people will get raises and less people will be angry so that means less cards coming in. When we get a JCBA that means even more money in your pocket you'll have even less anger, so again more less cards. 

TUL is not sending in enough cards. US side has little interest. And the other groups your stuck with have ZERO interest. You probably have AA line and that's it? Not enough bro. 

This whole thread and your whole movement is just a 30 year lesson in spinning wheels. And I have NOTHING against any of you or what you want but just for once get real.
lets see if my math is any good. IT took the IAM over 3 years to get this BS contract. We have not even come close to a vote yet and if AMFA is voted in it must ADMINISTER this contract to term or T/A so I think next SEPTEMBER will be OK by my math as most contracts take 21/2 to 3 years........
TRAVIS said:
The AMFA drive at US is stronger than you think most just don't talk about it and some stations are stronger than others.
Yea ok sure. Let me ask you something. How do you guys get your cards? Do you annoy and harass people to no end? I mean like bother them over and over to sign a card? Do you belittle them if they tell you they're not interested? Maybe smear dog poop on their car windshield? Maybe a little peer pressure? Don't talk to them if they don't support your team?

Really I'm curious? The only selling points you guys ever make is how bad all the other unions are. What do you sell them with? You don't have anything. I mean really, what do you offer?

Pretend I'm a potential buyer interested in your product, how do you sell it to me without comparing it to how lousy you think the product I already have is? How can you get me excited about YOUR product?

Tell those fence sitters what your product offers? Well?
TRAVIS said:
The AMFA drive at US is stronger than you think most just don't talk about it and some stations are stronger than others.
The AMFA drive at US is even stronger than you think Travis.  Keep up the good work organizers.  The numbers look great. Let the NMB take their time as they will.  It only helps the AMFA drive now that US may very well be included by the NMB.  
Most of NYer stuff is all BS guys.  With the pick up of his postings as well as others it just speaks volumes on how well the AMFA drive is going.  Keep up the great work fellas, your chance to express your voice is coming soon. Stay unified and by all means remain on the same page when the time comes.  Let the NMB take their time, it only helps AMFA's card drive.  Once the announcement that the NMB will allow the alliance to go forward for vote, then even more cards will come in...
WeAAsles said:
Yea ok sure. Let me ask you something. How do you guys get your cards? Do you annoy and harass people to no end? I mean like bother them over and over to sign a card? Do you belittle them if they tell you they're not interested? Maybe smear dog poop on their car windshield? Maybe a little peer pressure? Don't talk to them if they don't support your team?

Really I'm curious? The only selling points you guys ever make is how bad all the other unions are. What do you sell them with? You don't have anything. I mean really, what do you offer?

Pretend I'm a potential buyer interested in your product, how do you sell it to me without comparing it to how lousy you think the product I already have is? How can you get me excited about YOUR product?

Tell those fence sitters what your product offers? Well?
No on all points you stated.  They simply let the other unions do their work for them, just like the ibt did for us at SWA.  Just give them time and they will sell themselves over to AMFA eventually.  Actions speak volumes.  It's coming weesle, just sit back and watch it happen...
swamt said:
No on all points you stated.  They simply let the other unions do their work for them, just like the ibt did for us at SWA.  Just give them time and they will sell themselves (out)  to AMFA eventually, someday, better late then never, inevitably.  Actions speak volumes.  It's coming weesle, just sit back and watch it happen...

How long does a guy have to sit back?

What is this? I asked Travis to sell his product and you comment back about all the other unions and the IBT again? What is this? Sell YOUR product. Forget about all the other unions. Readers are watching. What's so great about your product?

WeAAsles said:
Yea ok sure. Let me ask you something. How do you guys get your cards? Do you annoy and harass people to no end? I mean like bother them over and over to sign a card? Do you belittle them if they tell you they're not interested? Maybe smear dog poop on their car windshield? Maybe a little peer pressure? Don't talk to them if they don't support your team?

Really I'm curious? The only selling points you guys ever make is how bad all the other unions are. What do you sell them with? You don't have anything. I mean really, what do you offer?

Pretend I'm a potential buyer interested in your product, how do you sell it to me without comparing it to how lousy you think the product I already have is? How can you get me excited about YOUR product?

Tell those fence sitters what your product offers? Well?
Relax Dude - not to worry, the organizers are out getting the message to those who matter.
Do you actually think someone like you is going to be informed on the actual details of the drive? Your agenda is rather obvious,- if AMFA offered you a bag of gold you'd want two,- if they gave you two, you'd complain the bags were too heavy. You're not here for an actual discussion, you and the other cheerleaders are simply regurgitating the same tired anti-AMFA propaganda, and thats fine.
You just keep doing what you're doing, the cards are being collected just fine
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