WeAAsles said:
You're right. Your product is not being offered to me. But it is being offered to some people who are my friends. So sell your product. They come on here to read but they haven't bought in yet. Can't you convince them why they should buy the product.
C'mon sell the product to the readers and they'll give you their cards. It can't be that difficult if it's such a great product now can it?
Dude, I told you - just relax.
AMFA is being discussed - or "sold" if you will.
Here's a little secret ... YOU are helping to sell it.
Yes, with every piece of revisionist history you and your friends try and pass off concerning the industrial unions supposed "representation" of mechanics, with every piece of tired regurgitated anti-AMFA propaganda, with every ridiculous story you try and pass off as to why you're really here. Yes, with every disingenuous post that you, and NYer, and 700 etc post, with every ridiculous attempt at dodging responsibility when your misinformation and hypocrisy are exposed,.....all this time, cards are being collected. Thanks to you.
Now this might come as a shock - I'll say here right now AMFA might not get in .... this time.
Its been posted many times how long AMFA has been trying to get into AA. Well guess what, they spent alot of that time trying to get into UAL too. I myself was involved in four AMFA drives dating back to the 80's. While I don't think this forum was available then, we did have a mechanics forum on a website called "The-Mechanic.com" and you know what? There was a handful of IAM faithful there telling us the exact sort of thing your posting now. And you know what? We organized, we'd fail, and organize again, and fail, and organize again, and with each failure the IAM faithful would only become more and more brazen with their lies, just like here. They'd ask the same rhetorical questions, make the same ridiculous assertions, on and on for years, until one bright July day in 2003 we won.
So while I'm sure you're already crafting your reply eager to point out that AMFA was indeed replaced aprox 5 years later, as the point was also made earlier and ignored .... we did not return to the IAM. I have read many many times over on this board and this very thread AA mechanics have told you and others, they are simply fed up with the TWU and/or the IAMs representation or lack thereof. This of course you and others always try to dismiss, never realizing just how real that dissatisfaction is and the full weight in decision making it carries. It is that lackadaisical approach coupled with the same substandard representation that will eventually result in the TWU/IAMs removal ... perhaps it won't be this time perhaps it will. Whatever happens, its safe to say its no longer a matter of "if", but "when"