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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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WeAAsles said:
WeAAsles said:
Have you guys ever looked up the History of events for the year 1962? I personally like what happened on September 11 1962 myself.

Here's some history from 1966....Notice that the TWU didn't honor the IAM's picket line by joining the strike.....!
Way to go TWU.....WOOOOHOOOOO!
WeAAsles said:
Dude you really make yourself look like an ass every time you write this. At least I hope you realize that?
 I"m a Aircraft mechanic! We are all a$$'s as we are always having to be right, We can't afford to be wrong, So you do realize I don't give a rats a$$.
It's my Opinion  and I'm sticking to it and if you need a link here http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1782201/hurricane-spin-mop-hard-floor-cleaner.jsp?pfx=pfx_google_roi&gclid=CKv0je3hzcECFWVp7AodaE8AJw&gclsrc=aw.ds
MetalMover said:
Here's some history from 1966....Notice that the TWU didn't honor the IAM's picket line by joining the strike.....!
Way to go TWU.....WOOOOHOOOOO!
From July 8 to August 19, 1966 over 35,000 airline workers across the nation employed by five airlines went on strike.
After several years of stilted wage gains as the airline industry invested heavily in jet technology, aircraft mechanics and other ground service workers represented by the International Association of Machinists (IAM) were anxious to share in the substantial profits of 1965. Facing a bargaining impasse between the IAM and the five carriers (United, Northwest, National, Trans World and Eastern) covered in the industry’s first multi-carrier labor contract, a Presidential Emergency Board presented a “compromise” package. In the summer of 1966, IAM members rejected this compromise and walked off the job in the largest strike in airline history. For 43 days during the peak summer travel season, 60 percent of the U.S. commercial airline industry was literally inoperative as 35,000 workers stayed out on strike.

Found that little tidbit of information. Isn't that something that Bob Owens was talking about in the past? How do we expect to get there if we are fractured and divided into multi labor organizations?
TRAVIS said:
I just would expect this sort of behavior more from a "Ramp Rat"  then an Aircraft Maintenance professional such as yourself is all.

Carry on.
More history to suck in.
The machinist's union represents 34,4000 mechanics and related ground service employees at Eastern, National, Northwest, United and Trans World Airlines; the corresponding workers at American and Pan Am are represented by the Transport Workers Union, the same union that crippled New York City with a subway strike in January.
The mere existence of a rival union is enough to agitate the machinist's leaders, who because of their union's strong tradition of local democracy, are never took secure anyway. Add to this the fact that the transport workers' contract with the airlines expires in about three months, and that the rank and file of that union is still heddy over the New York victory (where they won wage increased of about 7 per cent), and the pressure on the machinists to come up with a fat raise is almost overwhelming.

TRAVIS said:
Still want that AMFA card????

Excellent. Glad to hear it. A little Ramp Weasel such as myself shouldn't be able to convince you otherwise.

Now can we try again to get back to the topic between you and I?

Sell your product!!!!!
10 Tips On How To Sell Your Product

5. Notice most ads have very positive, hyped up words that target hopes, dreams, greed etc? You are selling a want, not a need. You have to turn the want into a need. Can't expect to sell millions of products by saying please buy, you don't really need it but have pity on me, I have 12 kids to feed. Please, please please. Help me.

10. Keep bugging them. Get an email contact or something. Send regular updates. Eventually they will buy something. Don't spam though. Turns people off. And if emails keep bouncing, it may be an abandoned account. Don't waste your time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/708067

WeAAsles said:
10 Tips On How To Sell Your Product

5. Notice most ads have very positive, hyped up words that target hopes, dreams, greed etc? You are selling a want, not a need. You have to turn the want into a need. Can't expect to sell millions of products by saying please buy, you don't really need it but have pity on me, I have 12 kids to feed. Please, please please. Help me.

10. Keep bugging them. Get an email contact or something. Send regular updates. Eventually they will buy something. Don't spam though. Turns people off. And if emails keep bouncing, it may be an abandoned account. Don't waste your time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/708067

Glad to hear you see a revival of organized labor.
Glad to hear you know how to make change happen.
Glad to hear you see union representation as a "product"
Enjoy your rose colored view and good luck.
I've had enough insutrial unionism.
And wasting time discussing the AFL-CIO and Industrial Unionism with you is not really my priority.
I will be sure and give you all the credit if and when you succeed.
My guess is you are already on the union payroll.
We just gave away the rest of the farm in concessions to "save jobs", yet today they walked out many management/planners. And soon many more in Tulsa will be seeking employement also. It must be only getting better from your shoes.
TWU informer said:
Glad to hear you see a revival of organized labor.
Glad to hear you know how to make change happen.
Glad to hear you see union representation as a "product"
Enjoy your rose colored view and good luck.
I've had enough insutrial unionism.
And wasting time discussing the AFL-CIO and Industrial Unionism with you is not really my priority.
I will be sure and give you all the credit if and when you succeed.
My guess is you are already on the union payroll.

MIA D24 Gate afternoons 13:45 to 22:15
We just gave away the rest of the farm in concessions to "save jobs", yet today they walked out many management/planners. And soon many more in Tulsa will be seeking employement also. It must be only getting better from your shoes.

New Airplanes means less Maintenance. It sucks but it's honest.
You have undoubtedly come across more than one person who can make your life difficult by being overly rigid and inflexible.  Such people come across as unchangeable, egotistical, stubborn, and a challenge to work with.
Inflexible people use communications which are likely to be brusque, defensive, or even rude.  They find it hard to adapt and prefer to stick with proven, familiar ways.  These dogmatic types can dominate a group with their entrenched opinions or obstinate objections.

WeAAsles said:
You have undoubtedly come across more than one person who can make your life difficult by being overly rigid and inflexible.  Such people come across as unchangeable, egotistical, stubborn, and a challenge to work with.
Inflexible people use communications which are likely to be brusque, defensive, or even rude.  They find it hard to adapt and prefer to stick with proven, familiar ways.  These dogmatic types can dominate a group with their entrenched opinions or obstinate objections.

Yep that's me, and proud of it too.
When I grow up though, I want to be a Labor Expert, be very judgemental, and a wannabe pshycologist that uses to Google to attempt to change and fix people.
You have no idea what my history is with the TWU.
You have no idea my education in Labor.
You have no idea what I have done to try to make change, both from within and resorting to replacement.
I don't have time to waste anymore.
The majority is obviously not upset enough yet.
Once it's too late, you and I will both hear them scream then.
WeAAsles said:
Excellent. Glad to hear it. A little Ramp Weasel such as myself shouldn't be able to convince you otherwise.

Now can we try again to get back to the topic between you and I?

Sell your product!!!!!
What is it you don't get or understand as to why I don't want any thing to do with the IAM or TWU and this Alliance with both of the Unions I have no trust in running it.
IT"s my opinion That the IAM has failed to produce a contract for the US ATM's and the TWU has failed to produce a contract for the ATM's at AA in witch both groups pay due's for their Representation. It's my opinion that they both have forgot who works for who.
I see others in my field making substantially larger pay and better benefits.
It is my opinion that a change in union representation needs to happen and now is the time for that and as we only have a few UNIONS to chose from the only choruses that are left are IBT who does not want to get involved at this time and AMFA who has been working hard for years to get in and want's to represent us at the new AA.
WeAAsles I have lots of (ramp-rat nick name ) Professional Ramp Service Agent friends who do this and made a career as a Professional and I know others who think it's just a job and don't care about much but what they can get for them self's. These are the ones I don't want voting on who goes to negotiations as the TWU  does things.
I can see the writing on the wall the IAM is more than likely out of here just my opinion and another reason to vote in AMFA now.
I have more reasons that I feel it's time to change unions but this is enough for now. 
Have a nice night got to go.
Representation It's What You Pay Them For.
WeAAsles said:
You have undoubtedly come across more than one person who can make your life difficult by being overly rigid and inflexible.  Such people come across as unchangeable, egotistical, stubborn, and a challenge to work with.
Inflexible people use communications which are likely to be brusque, defensive, or even rude.  They find it hard to adapt and prefer to stick with proven, familiar ways.  These dogmatic types can dominate a group with their entrenched opinions or obstinate objections.

Man, I've seen some weird posts in this thread but this takes the cake! 😛
Are you loosing it weaasles? Eating too many rats?
View attachment 10501
TRAVIS said:
What is it you don't get or understand as to why I don't want any thing to do with the IAM or TWU and this Alliance with both of the Unions I have no trust in running it.
IT"s my opinion That the IAM has failed to produce a contract for the US ATM's and the TWU has failed to produce a contract for the ATM's at AA in witch both groups pay due's for their Representation. It's my opinion that they both have forgot who works for who.
I see others in my field making substantially larger pay and better benefits. YES but with less people as part of the collective. Those people and jobs have to be counted to the whole.
It is my opinion that a change in union representation needs to happen and now is the time for that and as we only have a few UNIONS to chose from the only choruses that are left are IBT who does not want to get involved at this time and AMFA who has been working hard for years to get in and want's to represent us at the new AA.
WeAAsles I have lots of (ramp-rat nick name ) Professional Ramp Service Agent friends who do this and made a career as a Professional and I know others who think it's just a job and don't care about much but what they can get for them self's. These are the ones I don't want voting on who goes to negotiations as the TWU  does things.

I'm not crazy about the nickname. I expect it from the passengers but not from my Union compatriots.
I can see the writing on the wall the IAM is more than likely out of here just my opinion and another reason to vote in AMFA now.
I have more reasons that I feel it's time to change unions but this is enough for now. 
Have a nice night got to go.
Representation It's What You Pay Them For.
Alright this was pretty good. You do say that you want the other organization as your personal opinion that you think they can do a better job for you though. So you want them based more so on an ideology than any tangible accomplishments.

I will say one thing in fairness to your cause. I do think on the TWU side that there should be a Maintenance Rep within the ATD rather than just two members from my class solely.
xUT said:
Man, I've seen some weird posts in this thread but this takes the cake! 😛
Are you loosing it weaasles? Eating too many rats?
There are many people who will tell you that I lost it a long time ago actually.
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