WOW, AMFA Knew it would bring the airline to its knees? That is not what you guys have said that AMFA is and always been a mom and pop union, No Power, No money? --I know you have AMFA in your mind constantly, but it was the Eastern employees that knew they were going to bring Eastern to it's knees. (re-read the original post when someone wanted to make the point about the IAM.)
I did not know that, were you there? All the employees all of us went, you simply can't blame one group. Even though most want to blame Charlie Bryant.
So how could they know that their strike would cripple the carrier. The Pilots scabbed, the F/A scabbed and the IAM did as well. So the BIG unions continued to work while AMFA represented mechanics and related walked a picket line. --Under the NMB process, everyone else must continue to report to work.
After the Union members authorised a strike why would they then cut the support from the Leaders by demanding to vote on a contract that was not acceptable. --Voting for everything is the a point brought in favor of choosing AMFA rather than staying with the TWU. It just so happens that for the NWA strike, although a strike vote was passed the final offer from the airline was not brought back by the leadership. It's just the facts.
O.V. Delle did not feel that what NWA was offering was in the best interest of of the AMFA members. Many today still feel they did the right thing as did the Eastern guys.
( in the eyes of the Leadership) Union members should support the Leaders when they stand up for the members Unlike the TWU leadership. They (the TWU) will bring any POS back and even push for it to pass. I am talking the TWU Intl. reps. Since the AMT Line local wanted to vote our T/A down. --So you're OK with the leadership to decide for you what is worthy and what isn't worthy. And if the Members, in your opinion should "support the leaders when they stand up for the members" why is a negative talking point when the TWU and IAM decided on the Association...without Member input. If you want to argue that is wrong, you then can't argue that bringing back a TA is wrong since both entail the Members making their own decisions.
The difference is that TWO unions NOT leadership is going to decide my future. When its all about dues that is what it different for me. The circumstances when a strike vote is taken than a joining of two unions to keep one from fighting the other thus causing the Looser to be done away with. per the AFL-CIO agreement. Nop raid clause.
After NWA had the carrier set to do what it did there was no turning back since the end was near. "YES" they even had scabs there as well.
But tell us when was the last time the TWU Pushed the Almighty AA to the brink and got for its members any real substantial benefits. -- When was the last time any airline or union brought their employer to brink and got substantial benefits? Not just AMFA, mind you, but anyone.
The airline would not take its employees to the brink were they would reap benefits, that would be the unions job. and since I can't include AMFA it would have to be EASTERN as they were in battles over $$ all the time.
Just about wages is a bad thing, what about the fight the unions of the past made to give you what you have today. The Holidays and everything else, vacation, O/T pay rates. --In the 1950's, when unions were at their peak we received many items we enjoy today. We had the numbers, we had the political influence and as important if not more important...we had the laws on our side. That was a long, long time ago and those tactics no longer work in the airlines...or much of anywhere else. Oh we don't have the numbers why is that? So are you saying that its not a requirement to be a BIG and Powerful Union. Are you saying that the Lobbying Power of the three BIG unions the IAM/TWU/IBT is no more than the little ole AMFA?
You seem to forget or maybe your just to young to remember that it was the unions standing together in the past that got you the money you make today. If you are a fleet worker that job yrs ago was a part time thing set up for kids to work their way through College now its a full time job to drive the crapper trucks and throw bags. I could say more jobs but the TWU gave away cleaners and the fuelers.
Something else you don't know that there were many EASTERN mechanics at NWA well. Both in ATL and MSP. NWA mechanics have always been fighters as far back as I can remember. They were IAM at one time and then the IAM was strong, but the iAM became more about itself then who they represent. So it was personal there as well.
Tell us that you would not stand up for what you believe? Go Ahead....
If you can then YOU are a True TWU supporter, in other words, more of a company man than a true UNION guy. --Only people that think as you do is a union guy? That's the litmus test, we have to pass your background check to be deemed worthy.
You don't have to be worthy of any thing, you have your opinion and I have mine but don't tell me about what the mechanics did at EASTERN or NWA. I was a strike Leader at LAX
while at EASTERN, and many guys I worked with and still keep in contact with worked at NWA. After EAL.