NYer said:
Never said the Eastern was a noble cause, but most that went through that wanted to bring down that airline, and were happy when they did. Was that the purpose for the NWA strike?
When Eastern Walked it was all the unions.
WHY because
Eastern's workers were a Family. It was a UNION shop. The Unions even had seats on the B.O.D.
Easterns Strike was a noble thing, we never got a full pay check while I was there. It was the Frank Borman's VEP, WIP, 10% 18% stock, 22%, just one thing after another. The IAM had no plan, when we walked but they (the unions) did try to get the airline bought to have it survive. But F. Lorenzo and the Texas Air group had its hooks firmly intrenched. I along with many other to this DAY, will say, EASTERN was the best JOB I ever had..
The airlines back then had started to take advantage of the workers mostly it was being done by the leaders of Continental, Which was at one time a great carrier. That was just ONE of the Failures that the IAM had in the history of the airlines.
NWA was always in labor strife and was the leaders when it came to needing the mutual aid if I remember correctly. NorthEast wasn't even taken over by Delta then.
NWA wanted to cut the labor force and its salaries, it was time for a Union to stand up and say "ENOUGH". That is when the
IAM scabbed and
crossed a official picket line. The Teamsters Leadership even flew on struck work.
Oh and while the members of AMFA walked the Picket lines at LAX AA mechanics walked with them and even the TWU's Maint. Local provided support to them. WE even had informational pickets at our Terminal.
In order to save the AMFA represented employees and more hardship they AMFA's Leaders decided to give up the representation to ease the transition with Delta.
NWA even sent letters to the state so that AMFA employees could not rcv unemployment. Not until a ruling was made I believe two yrs later did the AMFA members get the vacation and other moneys due them.
AA and its Unions will never compare to the Eastern workers. You would be hard pressed to dispute that fact.
When Eastern did stop flying in 1991, it screwed it's
scab workers and "YES"
I was glad to see it gone because it was NOT the Airline I worked for for 10yrs.
But I will always be proud to say that I was part of the Greatest airline there ever was.