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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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NYer said:
They're far worse because you say so? Your opinion is going to be issued as fact?
I guess the IAM striking Eastern Airlines was a noble cause but not AMFA? The IAM showed them...Put Eastern Airlines out of business....Nearly 40,000 people out of work and throw in a few suicides...
So AMFA's strike was a farce? But the IAM strike was a masterful plan? They chose to strike with anti union Bush 1 in office and anti union sentiment in the Congress. Great choice IAM
 They gambled that Bush would step in and he DID NOT!
Yea the IAM sure showed them at Eastern. 
 Are you and WeAAsles old enough to remember that?
Glenn Quagmire said:
You just don't get it. With AMFA, there is no "they". We voted to strike. We fought a company, and the IAM, who wanted to eliminate over half of our jobs. The IAM was more than happy to fill in the void left when we went on strike. So you see, It was not "they wanted to save their membership". It was us. All the people representing us were elected by us, including the negotiators.
I can see how you think now. People are members or non-members to you, not workers.
You never did answer my question. Did you support us while we struck? Did you walk our picket line? Would you have crossed it to perform our work? Several people on here did walk with us. Some IAM folks here also did not cross the line. There were quite a few that did the right thing and refused to follow the IAM's scab request to assist the company in breaking us. They are real union people who understand right from wrong.
i flew to Dallas with a group from tulsa and walked with the AMFA mechanics
NYer said:
A unionist cares for their fellow unionist. It doesn't matter if I'm a mechanics, stores, facilities, GSE or fleet worker. We all get stronger when we share information. The goal of these pages is to share information in order to make ourselves better, not just to have one side of the story and being sheep. I'm sure you'd agree with that.
And remember...a unionist will honor ANY and EVERY picket line,,,,regardless of how they feel about that union. 
And yes I agree what the goal of these pages is...But you have made it one sided because of your hatred towards AMFA...which confuses me because you are not a mechanic....
Why fear AMFA if they would not be representing you?
comatose said:
Then you met several of us from DFW.
And I thank you all for your support. We actually had the support of the cops while walking the line at my station. We also had many SWA and UAL folks walk with us. We were also given a huge check from the UAW in support of our efforts. Ron G. recognized what was happening while the AFL-CIO looked the other way. Shame on them and shame on those of you who did not support our efforts. To this day, as much as I despise the IAM for what they did, I would still honor their picket lines.

"With the walkout in its fourth week, the strikers were cheered to hear of an $880,000 donation from the United Auto Workers.


"Northwest Airlines' behavior toward AMFA is blatant union-busting and an insult to every American worker," UAW President Ron Gettelfinger said in announcing the donation from the UAW's headquarters at Solidarity House in Detroit. AMFA said the donation would be distributed to Northwest strikers across the country by the Detroit local.

Meanwhile, the Twin Cities Solidarity Committee announced it would hold another support rally Saturday, Sept. 17, at 3 p.m. It will be held in the parking lot of the AmeriSuites Hotel, 7800 International Dr., where AMFA has its strike trailer."

It is a sad day when the UAW supports our cause while the IAM supports the strike breaking company against their own co-workers.
MetalMover said:
And remember...a unionist will honor ANY and EVERY picket line,,,,regardless of how they feel about that union. 
And yes I agree what the goal of these pages is...But you have made it one sided because of your hatred towards AMFA...which confuses me because you are not a mechanic....
Why fear AMFA if they would not be representing you?
Don't hate AMFA. I've been encouraging those that support them to collect as many cards as possible. The hatred comes from the anti-TWU crowd and the arguments they use are not painting an accurate picture of the truth.
MetalMover said:
I guess the IAM striking Eastern Airlines was a noble cause but not AMFA? The IAM showed them...Put Eastern Airlines out of business....Nearly 40,000 people out of work and throw in a few suicides...
So AMFA's strike was a farce? But the IAM strike was a masterful plan? They chose to strike with anti union Bush 1 in office and anti union sentiment in the Congress. Great choice IAM
 They gambled that Bush would step in and he DID NOT!
Yea the IAM sure showed them at Eastern. 
 Are you and WeAAsles old enough to remember that?
Never said the Eastern was a noble cause, but most that went through that wanted to bring down that airline, and were happy when they did. Was that the purpose for the NWA strike?
NYer said:
Never said the Eastern was a noble cause, but most that went through that wanted to bring down that airline, and were happy when they did. Was that the purpose for the NWA strike?
And you can thank the IAM for bringing that airline down. Ruining the lives of thousands and thousands of people.  All you want to talk about is the AMFA strike at NWA. But you don't want to badmouth the IAM for calling a strike with an anti-union president in office and an anti-union sentiment in Congress. Why is that?
NYer said:
Don't hate AMFA. I've been encouraging those that support them to collect as many cards as possible. The hatred comes from the anti-TWU crowd and the arguments they use are not painting an accurate picture of the truth.
Just like you have your reasons for liking the TWU, there are those of us who have our reasons for not liking them. Should your views and opinions outweigh those who disagree with you? And vice versa?
Do you truly believe that there are thousands of mechanics who want the TWU gone just because we believe the lies about them? Are we all reacting to lies and an inaccurate picture of the truth as you say? 
Do you understand that most of us that want the TWU gone is because of our experience under them?
Are we all just getting on the anti-TWU bandwagon blindly?
What do you not understand that we dislike them because of what they have done? They have bent over backwards to accommodate managements' every desire. No, they have bent US over.
Whether or not AMFA gets in, it will NEVER change how we feel about them.
NYer said:
Never said the Eastern was a noble cause, but most that went through that wanted to bring down that airline, and were happy when they did. Was that the purpose for the NWA strike?
When Eastern Walked it was all the unions.  WHY because Eastern's workers were a Family. It was a UNION shop. The Unions even had seats on the B.O.D.
Easterns Strike was a noble thing, we never got a full pay check while I was there. It was the Frank Borman's VEP, WIP, 10% 18% stock, 22%,  just one thing after another. The IAM had no plan, when we walked but they (the unions) did try to get the airline bought to have  it survive. But F. Lorenzo and the Texas Air group had its hooks firmly intrenched. I along with many other to this DAY, will say, EASTERN was the best JOB I ever had.. 
The airlines back then had started to take advantage of the workers mostly it was being done by the leaders of Continental, Which was at one time a great carrier. That was just ONE of the Failures that the IAM had in the history of the airlines.
NWA was always in labor strife and was the leaders when it came to needing the mutual aid if I remember correctly. NorthEast wasn't even taken over by Delta then.
NWA wanted to cut the labor force and its salaries, it was time for a Union to stand up and say "ENOUGH". That is when the IAM scabbed and crossed a official picket line. The Teamsters Leadership even flew on struck work. 
Oh and while the members of AMFA walked the Picket lines at LAX AA mechanics walked with them and even the TWU's Maint. Local provided support to them. WE even had informational pickets at our Terminal.
In order to save the AMFA represented employees and more hardship they AMFA's Leaders decided to give up the representation to ease the transition with Delta.
NWA even sent letters to the state so that AMFA employees could not rcv unemployment. Not until a ruling was made I believe two yrs later did the AMFA members get the vacation and other moneys due them.
AA and its Unions will never compare to the Eastern workers. You would be hard pressed to dispute that fact.
When Eastern did stop flying in 1991, it screwed it's scab workers and "YES"
 I was glad to see it gone because it was NOT the Airline I worked for for 10yrs.
But I will always be proud to say that I was part of the Greatest airline there ever was.
NYer said:
They're far worse because you say so? Your opinion is going to be issued as fact?
You set the critique
Based on your repeated original statement where you are attempting to critique AMFA by way of "current mechanic membership vs past mechanic membership" numbers - the group you're advocating for an alliance with, the IAM has a far more atrocious record of "current mechanic membership vs past mechanic membership"  numbers
Its not my opinion the IAM is worse than AMFA - its a fact.
iluvaa said:
i flew to Dallas with a group from tulsa and walked with the AMFA mechanics
We had two lines in SFO - one at the terminal, and one at the cargo facility, which just happened to be where they tried to sneak the scabs in.
We had so many cameras on them we felt like paparazzi
As usual, the industrial unionists
ThirdSeatHero said:
We had two lines in SFO - one at the terminal, and one at the cargo facility, which just happened to be where they tried to sneak the scabs in.
We had so many cameras on them we felt like paparazzi
Watching the reamsters drivers turn over their keys to a 3rd party so their load wouldn't cross a picket line while they were in the cab...
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