The Local Prez don't at any time sit with the company. They are Not going to have ramp/stores mechanics getting alll hot under the collar with the HR and Legal teams of the AA team. --Isn't it the job of the elected Local Presidents to sit with the Company...how can you argue they don't have time. That's ridiculous. No the ATD does that the pres. or local rep sent sit on a side bar room and the ATD brings what was discussed tot them and then these committees hash out articles submit what they think back to ATD reps.
The ATD can as well just sign off on it they DON"T even have to let us vote, they do have the power to do that. They don't but they can. Just like this Association they are speaking for us J. Little and T. Buffenburger signed this agreement without our say not didn't they? --The can, but they didn't. The Presidents brought back the Tentative Agreement, they argued their points, and shared their views with their Memberships. The AMT pres are out numbered by the rest so that is why our Local pres wanted a NO VOTE. Even put out a video. it only passed by 48 votes since many didn't take the time to vote. How SAD
They signed away our profit sharing as well or did you forget. Pres. didn't vote on that.
Bobby Gless just gave it away and said its better to get money now we did not have a say. --The Profit Sharing was an MOU with a company we didn't work for. The AMT's received an annual $2,500 raise that they can add to with OT and 401K matching funds. In the beginning of the decade the Profit Sharing was seen as an albatross and now we received pay raises and that's wrong too. Bobby Gless who was part of the ATD felt it was better so he bargained it away, my point was that we did not have a say now did we?
They kept our stock to pay the legal fees we again had NO SAY --The holding of the stock was a Court mandated issue. It was a court order that established the 14% holding from a lawsuit raised by Early Out recipients based on a decision made by the Equity Committee, which were all Local Presidents. For the TWU to use MY stock and yours to pay their legal fees and then when alll said and done give me what's left is BS. Did you authorize that I surely didn't?
They did not put a snap back clause in our 2003 contract, and in fact Don Vedeitich made this statement we didn't feel it was in the best interest of the company at this time to put a snap back in on our contract. --Bad call, if it was even possible to get under the circumstances. Pilots got all of their concessions back, so it must of been available if the union was willing to fight for it. Oh thats right the TWU just rolls over
What ever is going to keep the dues flowing is what the TWU is going to do, and you better come to realise that. Its a business for the TWU and the crooks that run it. --So there are not dues at other unions or with AMFA. The TWU is only union that collect dues? Is that really an argument. With AMFA the members get to vote on whats going to be done the TWU and the rest just doit was my point.
If you guys want AMFA, then you need to tell everyone how they will make things better for everyone else. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem there is too much positives to advertise about...except they can vote for absolutely everything. If that's what the Members want and they ignore the other stuff, then get those cards signed. Good luck with that. AMFA is NOT for everyone else its for the mechanics and related those designated by the NMB to be in our class and craft and that does not include Fleet/stores
We are working on those cards. But why do you even care its Not about any change for you now is it? So why bad mouth a union you won't be affiliated with or represented by.