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Twu/amfa Update 1

Dallas Air Mach said:
Just like with the RLA your contract never expires it only becomes amendable, in this process, nobody can be "left off".

Dave, Tell us again about the greivance procedure at AMFA? Oh wait, that process wont work, we will be under the CURRENT TWU contract pertainging to greivances filed, and WON

What the hell are you talking about?

Are you guys so entrenched in company union thinking that you call the union the company?

I do not understand your question at all. Sorry. 🙁

Are you making reference to a certain contract at a certain carrier? AMFA represents mechanics at eight (8) airlines and your "at AMFA" question leaves me questioning your thought process.
AA asked for a two week extension, we will see if the NMB will grant it. I guess both the TWU and the AMFA brought to light that AA submitted a list that was put together rather sloppy. If the extension is granted all the dead, retired, terminated, duplicate and management people should be removed. We will see what transpires in the coming week.
1AA said:
AA asked for a two week extension, we will see if the NMB will grant it. I guess both the TWU and the AMFA brought to light that AA submitted a list that was put together rather sloppy. If the extension is granted all the dead, retired, terminated, duplicate and management people should be removed. We will see what transpires in the coming week.
The two week extension was granted within hours of the request.
The NMB is just trying to help AA correct their list. AA is such a small organization,you know. AA doesn't have the resources or people to correct their list in the time period that originally given. <_<

I think it is very apparent that the NMB is not a neutral organization. AMFA files for an extension several times and is denied! AA asks for an extension and it is immediately granted! Something is very "crooked" at the NMB!
AA filed for an extention because they are OVERWHELMED by the documentation AMFA dropped on their fraudulent eligilbilty list. They figured they could play hardass and inflate the list with management, stores, rampers, the dead (very inexcusable) and on and on.

AA thinks like the twu; We are omnipotent, we are a mean playground bully, and we do want we want, NO ONE tells us different.

They just forgot to tell AMFA how tough and cunning they think they are. I think AMFA landed a solid left hook to the jaw in the 12th round....... and the ref has started the "8" count.

Now AA and the twu are crying because they don't like AMFA's tactics......

TOUGH *HIT!!!!!!

I find it absolutely astounding that little Jimmy is crying about having access to the same information AMFA has. If the twu and AA would have submitted a credible eligibilty list, the twu and AA would not have anything to worry about would they?

We all know that being honest and truthful is not part of AA's or the twu's gameplan.

You can "strenuously object" all you want Mr. little, we will have our election one way or another.

The TWU is here to stay in 04'

I believe the TWU has there #### together! Seems to me, they are the only ones who have not filed for an extension! I also believe the numbers will stay around 19,000 +/- employees who have the right to vote in an election! Does Amfa have 60% of this number to call for an election?

The saga continues!
Checking it Out said:
The TWU is here to stay in 04'

I believe the TWU has there #### together! Seems to me, they are the only ones who have not filed for an extension! I also believe the numbers will stay around 19,000 +/- employees who have the right to vote in an election! Does Amfa have 60% of this number to call for an election?

The saga continues!
I guess we will see real soon, right ricky? AMFA has not filed the NMB protest of the twu's fraudlent list as of yet stupid. If I were you Mr. twu Mouthpiece, I wouldn't be flapping my jaws about what I believe.

Your nonsensical predictions and lies got you into trouble before, remember?

I have a prediction for you ricky, your worthless union is gonna be swimming in paper real soon.

Wanna bet me on the twu not filing for an extention?

I didn't think so.

The NMB is just trying to help AA correct their list. AA is such a small organization,you know. AA doesn't have the resources or people to correct their list in the time period that originally given. <_<

I think it is very apparent that the NMB is not a neutral organization. AMFA files for an extension several times and is denied! AA asks for an extension and it is immediately granted! Something is very "crooked" at the NMB!
You know that the company is in trouble when they dont even know how many people they employ.
Bob, I dont believe the number of employees have anything to do with the count! NMB has determined who is or is not factored into the Class and Craft. Its simple on the title groups. But is a different matter on the perponderence of the work and layed off members at TWA and AA! Also the employees who hold recall rights. These numbers could go well over 19,000 potential voters.
Dont you think everyone who is eligible has a right to vote if an election is to be held? You guys are the ones who like to exploit the fact if you believe someone is denied their rights!
Hackman quote. . . . .

Now AA and the twu are crying because they don't like AMFA's tactics......

I don't believe anyone has started to cry just yet, but as far as not liking the amfa tactics. . .I guess you are referring to the illegal ones?? Can't say that we do like those. But neither do a lot of other people I believe. I think the amfa crying should start soon though.

Don't think you can just shake this one Hackman!!!! Your name isn't on any documents is it? Maybe you're safe!!
Checking it Out said:
Bob, I dont believe the number of employees have anything to do with the count! NMB has determined who is or is not factored into the Class and Craft. Its simple on the title groups. But is a different matter on the perponderence of the work and layed off members at TWA and AA! Also the employees who hold recall rights. These numbers could go well over 19,000 potential voters.
Dont you think everyone who is eligible has a right to vote if an election is to be held? You guys are the ones who like to exploit the fact if you believe someone is denied their rights!
That's right. They determined the number in our class and craft to be about 16,000. So where do you get the 19,000 plus if you stated that the NMB will determine the number? They already did two years ago when the merger was finalized. Have we hired on 2,000 plus in our class and craft since then? Go look at the NMB web site and verify the info for yourself. If the NMB allows 19,000 plus to be determined in our class and craft then it is obvious that the NMB is corrupt. This is just plain and simple determination. How many have retired, quit, terminated and past away since then? That number should be lower not thousands higher as you stated.
twuer said:
Hackman quote. . . . .

Now AA and the twu are crying because they don't like AMFA's tactics......

I don't believe anyone has started to cry just yet, but as far as not liking the amfa tactics. . .I guess you are referring to the illegal ones?? Can't say that we do like those. But neither do a lot of other people I believe. I think the amfa crying should start soon though.

Don't think you can just shake this one Hackman!!!! Your name isn't on any documents is it? Maybe you're safe!!
No one is crying yet twuer?

This sounds like "twu tears" to me mixed in with some arrogance. Little jimmy:"We strenuously object to a union with no representation at American Airlines having access to Company resources"...... "We demand the same access to information and company resources immediately that AMFA was allowed".

What is illegal about it? Because the twu and AA say it is? Because its not going how you planned?

Listen closely twuer, I really don't think you want to debate on what is or is not illegal. Not in your present position. The twu and AA have committed FRAUD, which with most government offices, is considered a felony.

Of course, the NMB being as company biased as you can get, will most likely over look it. The facts will come out, and its shocking that a company like AA would commit an act like this. However, it is not surprising the twu would follow right along with it.

Attempting to decieve a government agency is not something that should be taken lightly. But in your skewed twu mind, its just part of the game. At least until you get caught.

So its all AMFA's fault your union and your company committed a crime to try and silence our voice for change?

Sometimes if you have to use unconventional methods in a fight to win against a opponent that has no morals or conscience, then so be it.

BTW, I'm not worried about a thing. Good luck in finding anything. 😛

THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!
One more thing twuer, tell me how AMFA has commited FRAUD?? I fail to see this point you use in the bottom of your posts. Please enlighten me.......

THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Does Amfa have 60% of this number to call for an election?
Does AMFA need 60% of whatever number the NMB accepts?

NO, they only need 50% +1.

Amfa said they would not file until they had 60%. They filed with what was known to be 60%.

Your estimate is now 19000, that means that they would need 9501. AMFAs goal for filing was 60% of 16000, or 9600 cards. Thats 99 cards to spare.

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