twuer said:
Hackman quote. . . . .
Now AA and the twu are crying because they don't like AMFA's tactics......
I don't believe anyone has started to cry just yet, but as far as not liking the amfa tactics. . .I guess you are referring to the illegal ones?? Can't say that we do like those. But neither do a lot of other people I believe. I think the amfa crying should start soon though.
Don't think you can just shake this one Hackman!!!! Your name isn't on any documents is it? Maybe you're safe!! 😀
No one is crying yet twuer?
This sounds like "twu tears" to me mixed in with some arrogance. Little jimmy:"We strenuously object to a union with no representation at American Airlines having access to Company resources"...... "We
demand the same access to information and company resources immediately that AMFA was allowed".
What is illegal about it? Because the twu and AA say it is? Because its not going how you planned?
Listen closely twuer, I really don't think you want to debate on what is or is not illegal. Not in your present position. The twu and AA have committed
FRAUD, which with most government offices, is considered a
Of course, the NMB being as company biased as you can get, will most likely over look it. The facts will come out, and its shocking that a company like AA would commit an act like this. However, it is not surprising the twu would follow right along with it.
Attempting to decieve a government agency is not something that should be taken lightly. But in your skewed twu mind, its just part of the game. At least until you get caught.
So its all AMFA's fault your union and your company committed a crime to try and silence our voice for change?
Sometimes if you have to use unconventional methods in a fight to win against a opponent that has no morals or conscience, then so be it.
BTW, I'm not worried about a thing. Good luck in finding anything.
THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!