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Twu And Aa Files Final Brief With Nmb

We are all losers-you simple minded idiot-if our right to a representational election is stripped from us.
Nightwatch said:
proscamfa, you post some idiotic items. If they are veterans they should be especially ashamed and are undeserving of the label-American.
...you got to be kidding me...you high?

I haven't seen the company and the TWU work together on this drive...have you? Fact is, the company has bent over backwards, and allowed more violations of the ROC towards the AMFA supporters than they ever have done for the TWU loyalists. That's a fact Jack. You might echo the wasted thoughts of your brother amfa scabs, but you know the true facts remain. The card drive failed. You failed, ergo..you're a loser.

Why not approach Congress with your stupidity and see about getting the TWU members that are veterans a dishonorable discharge for not falling for delle's crap...you simple minded idiot.
Listen to the Nightbitch twist off. Your not a cryin' little beeych now are ya? . Haven't seen the company and the twu workin together on this drive? Jeez, that's twu cultist news. What "AMFA violations" are you whinning about Nightbitch? I haven't seen other airline AMFA officers to come on the base during work hours and talk trash about the twu's concessions to the OSM's. I haven't observed any AMFA supporters get away with assaulting and cussing a AA manager on base with several witnesses.
Should I continue? Your very predictable with your inane rantings and name calling behind your cowardly alias.

The card drive failed? I have not yet heard of a NMB determination that the cards are short. Care to tell us where you get this information from? I didn't think so. It must be the twu crack pipe talking again.

If that is the case, polish up that twu concession coffin and come on down dumbass.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Didn't Delle and his boys put fleet service etc on thier list to get what they wanted????? So, we do it we are wrong, Delle does it and everything is hunky dorry!!! That's that amfa hypocrisy we have grown to love and expect!!! It does wonders for their cause!!!

Oh and Proamfa.........about this comment you made.......

"If they are veterans they should be especially ashamed and are undeserving of the label-American."

You aren't a veteran are you. Oh and one more thing......(sorry in advance to the moderator and to those I offend) .......F*** YOU!!!!!
Twuer what list are you referring to. AMFA has never submitted a list to the NMB. The twu and AA did however submit a list and between the two of them they submitted over 2245 people who were retired, deceased, or terminated. Twu and AA both said they just did not know the status of the people yet there was know over lap between AA's and Twu's list. how does this happen unless they worked together on it. Now AA has answered AMFA's appeal by stating that there are 86 people who they admit should come off the list and an additional 286 people they have no documentation or affidavits to depute AMFA's prof. Now shut up and lets vote! The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
My sentiment exactly CIO!!

Mark, I am not referring to the current amfa list. I can't remember which airline it was, I want to say Horizon (maybe someone can help me out) where Delle included the fleet service etc to be included in the craft and class. So to become amfa members is my thought!!!. He must have wanted to secure those dues!!!! I will get you some documentation if you would like. I don't keep a file of things the way some folks here do.

I said from the start that the list AA submitted sucked! The TWU's list was a correction of AA's. We found the deceased, retired just like amfa did. You want to believe everything you are told but you can't do that. These staunch amfa supporters are going to feed you any line they can to criticize the TWU. You just keep taking it in Mark.
Twuer I don't believe anything I hear concerning the company, Twu, or politics without documents to back it up. The information I have posted here is from my own research not things someone told me. The list of eligible voters is different at every airlines. It depends on the break down of the work groups. At AA the company said the M&R's are separate from the fleet service craft and class in 2002. They also said each craft and class is covered under their own separate bargaining agreement. The board determined that separating craft and class by preponderance of work at AA and TWA was no longer appropriate. American Airlines needed only to look at pay codes and see which contract each person was covered under to decide if they were eligible voters. They also determined that simulator tech's and tech services fell in the M&R craft and class. I would have to see how the list you are speaking of breaks down and see what AMFA's reasons for the list contents were to believe you. You know as well as I that Twu international has misled the members on many occasions to sway their opinion or vote. Take CEO for example he sits there in his home posting lies about what I am saying with out the slightest attempt to find out the truth. I have offered to show him the proof and he is just not interested. I think the only solution is to have the vote and let democracy rule. The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Mark,You dont have a clue what you are talking about!

Kevin, take a look at the names on the AMFA submission, you will see who worked on it and does know exactly what is going on. Mark is one of those and does know more about the goings on of all the parties than the entire local 514 does. The twu tries to keep the membership in the dark but, the dark ages are just about to come to end!!! Count on it!!!
Checking it Out said:
Mark,You dont have a clue what you are talking about!

Yeah Mark, listen to Cio and Nightbitch.

They have some good drugs you can try at the same time your enjoying the wealth of information they have. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

The fact that he embraces AMFA, as you do Nuggett, shows his level of intelligence. Your wealth of information derives from Daave Stewart, your leader. Now, go polish Daavies boots and tell him what a big boy he is, you idiot.
Nightwatch said:
The fact that he embraces AMFA, as you do Nuggett, shows his level of intelligence. Your wealth of information derives from Daave Stewart, your leader. Now, go polish Daavies boots and tell him what a big boy he is, you idiot.

Well Nightbitch, he use to embrace the twu hardcore. He finally realized how corrupt and worthless the twu is.

Your still running your cowardly mouth behind your alias.

I got something for you to polish, and it sure isn't my boots.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Nightwatch said:
The fact that he embraces AMFA, as you do Nuggett, shows his level of intelligence.

He embraces AMFA and that shows his intelligence? That statement shows you have no intelligence, and no thought process at all.
I worked on that list right beside Mark and we saw first hand how the twu and aa worked together on it. There was one difference though; the twu gave enough info so as to make it easier to find the people on their list.
I called people just to find out that they had passed away years earlier.
I called people who had been retired for over 20 years who were on the list.
I called a person who was on the list who was given a report date but never reported for work.

Mark is a intelligent person and by saying otherwise you show you are not.
............and how many duplicates and management did AMFA have????????? You think we don't know!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Pays to have friends in high places!!!!! To use Hackman's quote......."It's like calling the kettle black"..........but in your case let's make that yellow!!!!!

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