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Twu/amfa Update 1

Dont you think everyone who is eligible has a right to vote if an election is to be held?

I feel that anyone who is eligible should be able to vote, where we dissagree is what makes someone "eligible".

If they are not even part of our contract group they should not be allowed to vote. The TWU stated that our combined contract group was around 16000 back in 2001. Figure that in any given year there is around a 5% rate of attrition, and AA has not been hiring replacements over the last few years so that drops the number by around 2300, so in reality the number should be around 14000, including those laid off.

By the way I thought that we took all those concessions to save jobs? Should we have given a liitle more to save everyone? What was the cutoff point? What made you decide what number of layoffs was acceptable and what was not? Could it be that the company just did as they pleased and you guys made up excuses around their actions hoping that no one would question you?
I feel that anyone who is eligible should be able to vote, where we dissagree is what makes someone "eligible".

If they are not even part of our contract group they should not be allowed to vote.

Bob, I believe you think the NMB ruling should be decided by you? Contract group? The NMB says otherwise!


Amfa has requested a week extension from the NMB. This brings it to the 27th of the month. Will they be granted the extension? I understand the letter contains a bunch of rhetoric. Are you aware the TWU has not asked for one extension to date! Makes you wonder who is desperate.

Word has it, by the support or lack of it in AFW for Amfa. That the TWU is winning the trust of the members back in large numbers! Keep up the Great Job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!!!!!

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!!!
Why did they lose the the members trust in the first place?
Well it seems the incident in MCI and now AFW is an attempt by Amfa to set the stage to cry foul! Amfa is working on a stategy in an attempt to say AA is interfering with the election process! Dan cunningham and some of the others have devised a plan to deliberately cause themselves to get into a confrontation to make it appear AA is trying to intefere in the process!

I do believe Amfa wannabes are seeing the writing on the wall and the end is near!!!! It wont surprise me to see more desperate acts coming our way! They are so predictable!!

Its starting to look like amfa may have closer to 40% than 50% of eligible members of the class and craft! Remember Amfa will go to the extreme to force an election. Watch for more desperate tactics coming our way!!!!!! Don't be surprised to see what is coming next!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Deception, lies, intimidation and half-truths from the Amfa wannabes of course!
CIO, YOU know all about these things, don't you?

Checking it Out said:
As for audio tape! You were free to attend the meeting In fact you were free to have your video cameras! Unlike amfa who insist on kicking potential members out, the TWU welcomes you in!!!!

Since you have not attend any meetings or debates with Jim in the last couple of years I doubt you know what you're talking about!

More PROOF that Checking it Out is a common liar and willing to claim anything in public.

TWU Debate Security Demanding Video Camera be Turned Off - Video Clip - Click to Watch

Also notice in the background sound the TWU claiming there will be videos down at the hall.

Is this true CIO, can we get an unedited copy of this meeting on video? WE provided one for you as promised of the September 12th AMFA Info Meeting. :shock:

I believe you are completely busted in another lie CIO, just as the AA and TWU elgibility list will also be proven a huge fraud.

And on top of all of that, you lcaimed our cards were expiring and we would not file.

You know nothing, you only fish here for information because your own union doesn't communicate the facts to you. AMFA was grantred an extension to the 25th of May. Don't worry, there is another batch of documents coming soon that will show more proof of the fraud AA and the TWU are attempting. LOOK FOR BALLOTS IN YOUR MAILBOX IN JUNE.

Soubds like rick is up to his old tricks again. I also remember that we had 8 cards expiring a day, we never had enough to file, we had illeagly obtained information from aa, THERE WERE CAMERAS ALLOWED AT THE DEBATE. Thats got to be one of my all time favorites and now Dan cunningham is fired. You got your head stuck so far up your ass you will never again see the light of day. Cant wait till you have to face the very same people you screwed over on the floor. Tick tock tick tock. Fear not for whom the bell tolls for the bell tolls for thee!
Decisions wrote;

You know nothing, you only fish here for information because your own union doesn't communicate the facts to you. AMFA was grantred an extension to the 25th of May. Don't worry, there is another batch of documents coming soon that will show more proof of the fraud AA and the TWU are attempting. LOOK FOR BALLOTS IN YOUR MAILBOX IN JUNE.

Looks like the NMB did not give you the full time you asked for! I do believe the list will hold up and you will fall short of the needed cards. If you submitted the cards the same way you are handling the current issues we all have nothing to worry about!

Anyway with AA making available the confidential information you have, I believe AA actually wants you! The offers they have on AFW and several other locations will be an easy sale with Amfa!

The ballots in June! We have heard this before! It's easy to file cards! It's something else to file with valid cards! 😱
Checking it Out said:
Decisions wrote;

You know nothing, you only fish here for information because your own union doesn't communicate the facts to you. AMFA was grantred an extension to the 25th of May. Don't worry, there is another batch of documents coming soon that will show more proof of the fraud AA and the TWU are attempting. LOOK FOR BALLOTS IN YOUR MAILBOX IN JUNE.

Looks like the NMB did not give you the full time you asked for! I do believe the list will hold up and you will fall short of the needed cards. If you submitted the cards the same way you are handling the current issues we all have nothing to worry about!

Anyway with AA making available the confidential information you have, I believe AA actually wants you! The offers they have on AFW and several other locations will be an easy sale with Amfa!

The ballots in June! We have heard this before! It's easy to file cards! It's something else to file with valid cards! 😱
You claim AA wants AMFA.

Although I strongly disgree with you on which union AA desires, the TWU has never stopped AA from getting what they want. If what you say is true, and AA wants AMFA, then are you saying that the TWU for the first time in history is finally going to challenge AA?

Hogwash! AA favors the TWU and that is even clear to the regular TWU supporter. They are nothing more than big AA management brown nosed suck asses anyway, that is why they support the TWU, they want, desire, and admire a company union.

I hear them all the time "What can Brown Do for You".:shock:

When did you hear "ballots by June" before and it not come true? You are telling lies again aren't you?

If you have "nothing to worry about", then why is Jim Little and the TWU freaking about the data that proves non-eligibility? Did your AFL-CIO buy off Hennessey?

Decision 2004 said:
CIO, YOU know all about these things, don't you?

More PROOF that Checking it Out is a common liar and willing to claim anything in public.

TWU Debate Security Demanding Video Camera be Turned Off - Video Clip - Click to Watch

Also notice in the background sound the TWU claiming there will be videos down at the hall.

Is this true CIO, can we get an unedited copy of this meeting on video? WE provided one for you as promised of the September 12th AMFA Info Meeting. :shock:

I believe you are completely busted in another lie CIO, just as the AA and TWU elgibility list will also be proven a huge fraud.

And on top of all of that, you lcaimed our cards were expiring and we would not file.

You know nothing, you only fish here for information because your own union doesn't communicate the facts to you. AMFA was grantred an extension to the 25th of May. Don't worry, there is another batch of documents coming soon that will show more proof of the fraud AA and the TWU are attempting. LOOK FOR BALLOTS IN YOUR MAILBOX IN JUNE.

If a Supreme Court Judge can ban cameras then so can and should any other org. be allowed to.
j7915 said:
If a Supreme Court Judge can ban cameras then so can and should any other org. be allowed to.
I have not seen anyone say that the twu cannot ban cameras. I have only seen cio say video cameras were allowed yet, that does not appear to be the truth, now does it??? Of course cio lying does not surprise anyone and as a matter of fact, it is expected. It just would not be the same without the half truths, lies and deceptions of the twu. We as AMFA organizers have come to depend on it!!!

Here is a sure fire prediction. The twu is presently running around the base spreading their usual, this will create more AMFA votes at election time.

This does bring up a question though. LMAO The twu is telling people that there will not be an election out of one side of their mouth and out of the other they are running around the TUL base like Chicken Littles with their heads chopped off (flapping around spreading Chicken blood but no truth comes out). Now why would they do that, aye???LOL
j7915 said:
If a Supreme Court Judge can ban cameras then so can and should any other org. be allowed to.
Fine, but that is not what CIO was saying now was it?

If the TWU had put half as much effort into representing and fighting for the members as they are in fighting AMFA then maybe there would not even be an AMFA drive.

The fact is that CIO with his self contradictory statements, lies, exaggerations and hysterics can only covince the casual observer that the TWU is really screwed up.
j7915 said:
If a Supreme Court Judge can ban cameras then so can and should any other org. be allowed to.
Surely you understand the difference between the Supreme Court and a Union where the membership is supposed to be the entity itself.

Is that why you selected the Supreme Court, because the members, i.e the citizens of this country, do not have control over the appointees?

That is just like the TWU.
Rusty said:
I have not seen anyone say that the twu cannot ban cameras. I have only seen cio say video cameras were allowed yet, that does not appear to be the truth, now does it??? Of course cio lying does not surprise anyone and as a matter of fact, it is expected. It just would not be the same without the half truths, lies and deceptions of the twu. We as AMFA organizers have come to depend on it!!!

Here is a sure fire prediction. The twu is presently running around the base spreading their usual, this will create more AMFA votes at election time.

This does bring up a question though. LMAO The twu is telling people that there will not be an election out of one side of their mouth and out of the other they are running around the TUL base like Chicken Littles with their heads chopped off (flapping around spreading Chicken blood but no truth comes out). Now why would they do that, aye???LOL
Last week lower level officers were running around polling what they thought were
"Undicided voters", then asking them to vote for twu. :lol:

Another officer, An E-board member has told a few people, " It's no wonder AMFA is gaining ground, they (AMFA supporters) know more about the company than we do" 😀

BTW, considering the polling that has taken place and the begging for support, the twu can't decide if an election is going to happen or keep saying it won't happen.
Checking it Out said:
I feel that anyone who is eligible should be able to vote, where we dissagree is what makes someone "eligible".
You've got that right.

There are well over 40 confirmed deceased members on your additions to the eligibility list.

Why is that CIO? Do you think the deceased should vote in democratic elections? How about contract ratifications, does the TWU send ballots to the dead for voting in that process also? :shock:

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