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Twu/amfa Update 1

Checking it Out said:
Lets start with the 10 names not on eligibility list. the correct number is 6 and had to do with same names of other employees. Since The TWU did not have access to the company supervisor's they have no way to verify the accuracy. Like Amfa has!! I seem to remember not to long ago a supervisor was terminated for suppling access to you of confidential information!
Sniffel, Sniffle,

Then why didn't you ask for an extension?

Try searching 2000+ plus ghost without employee numbers and then come crying about your demise.

What is the Supervisors name who was fired? Or this another one of your unfounded dumbass statements? Your lies and unfounded claims are getting you nowhere but the snibblers throne.

Try being a little resourceful instead of looking for someone else to blame and see what happpens! You guys and AA management are just alike, you cannot get a damn thing done, and look for someone else to blame for your own failures.

Sniffle, Sniffle, you are the victim CIO, Sniffel, Sniffle.
Checking it Out said:
Lets start with the 10 names not on eligibility list. the correct number is 6 and had to do with same names of other employees. Since The TWU did not have access to the company supervisor's they have no way to verify the accuracy. Like Amfa has!! I seem to remember not to long ago a supervisor was terminated for suppling access to you of confidential information!
You are lying again CIO.

You forget that the TWU had full access to the companys books.

Back in January of 2003 Jim Little told us (the new board of 562) that they were getting access to the companys books. He specifically mentioned how they would get to see how many supervisors and other information that would be valuable at contract time.
Now the latest is the TWU - Art Luby list to the NMB has one man's name on it eighteen (18) times.

CIO, is that another supervisor problem there buddy? :shock:

Does this man you call a lawyer write contract language also? Know wonder our labor agreement is so grey!

PS, I went to the ATD website and find no truth or explanation regarding these matters.
Now I wonder if this same person recieved 18 votes on our industry leading concessios?

The TWU is nothing but an embarrassment to any working man.

They lower the middle class closer to the poor, they remove medical benefits so that you might become dependent on the Government for health care, they sign off changes to labor agreements without membership ratification, they claim political power and cannot even stop the right-to-work law from passing in Oklahoma, they contradict themselves in Federal Court testimony, they are all elected except for the positions they currently hold, they claim 3200 members did not get to vote and then say it didn't matter, they remove elected officers from local boards without having the accuser face the accused, they rely on management to keep them in power, they were founded by known Communist.
The Truth will come out! Spin all you want! In the end we will find out who is attempting to do a smoke and mirror campaign.

I believe all this rhetoric is nothing more than amfa's attempt to start another campaign. Are you ready for the next drive? It's apparent now that you do not have the necessary cards for an election.

Have A Great TWU Weekend!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
The Truth will come out! Spin all you want! In the end we will find out who is attempting to do a smoke and mirror campaign.

I believe all this rhetoric is nothing more than amfa's attempt to start another campaign. Are you ready for the next drive? It's apparent now that you do not have the necessary cards for an election.

Have A Great TWU Weekend!!!!!!
And so now you throw your Thought Police mental state towards the NMB and speak for them also?

WOW, is that promotion for you CIO?

Is there anyone you will not think and speak for?
It seems to me Dave, you are the one complaining! I believe everyone should have the ability to be encluded in the list who are eligible to vote in the NMB Class and Craft! If someone is left off is that an injustice to them or you?

Bob, The TWU does not have access as you claim!!!!! Lieing is amfa's specialty. Just look at there web site!!!! Or better yet go and view the video! All Delle has to do is open his mouth! Now Harvey is encluded!
Checking it Out said:
It seems to me Dave, you are the one complaining! I believe everyone should have the ability to be encluded in the list who are eligible to vote in the NMB Class and Craft! If someone is left off is that an injustice to them or you?

Bob, The TWU does not have access as you claim!!!!! Lieing is amfa's specialty. Just look at there web site!!!! Or better yet go and view the video! All Delle has to do is open his mouth! Now Harvey is encluded!
Nobody gets "left off", once the NMB decides then that is the "CRAFT OR CLASS".

Just like with the RLA your contract never expires it only becomes amendable, in this process, nobody can be "left off".

If I take a 17.5% paycut and my co-worker takes a 34% paycut, is that an injustice to him or me?

If 718 members are stripped of their job security and laid-off, is that an injustice to them or me?

If someone places one man's name on the list eighteen (18) times, is that an injustice to you or Art Luby?
Nobody gets "left off", once the NMB decides then that is the "CRAFT OR CLASS".

That is my whole point! So what is all the rhetoric about?

Right now the number will end up between 16,200 and 21,000 thousand! Sometime in the next few months (weeks) This will be decided!

How many Jones or Daves or D or Dave Stewarts does AA have listed as employees?
Checking it Out said:
Bob, The TWU does not have access as you claim!!!!! Lieing is amfa's specialty. Just look at there web site!!!! Or better yet go and view the video! All Delle has to do is open his mouth! Now Harvey is encluded!
Not that I claimed, Jim Little, along with Gary Yingst and Gless claimed it.

There were others there when he said it. Chuck Schalk, John Mazza, Pete Corabi, Nick Massi, Angelo Ragucci,and Jimmy Gorman.

It was at the same meeting where he brought us the non-union made "Its time" buttons to pass out to the members.

Its "included" and "their".
:up: AMFA Constitution PREAMBLE

The aim of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is to:

• PROMOTE and protect the interests of our membership

• Elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of ALL Aircraft Technicians and Airline Support Personnel in the aviation community

… we pledge ourselves to uphold the basic doctrines of craft unionism, to recognize individual seniority rights of members, and to protect and elevate our profession through a strong unification of Aircraft Technicians and Airline Support Personnel within an independent, skilled craft association.

Article I, Section 3

Membership in the Association:

(A) AIRLINE TECHNICIAN DIVISION – shall include all licensed and unlicensed maintenance personnel who work directly on aircraft and/or components of a certificated air carrier and are responsible for the airworthiness or workmanship of the aircraft and/or its components. This includes maintenance support technicians and related personnel as defined by the National Mediation Board’s determination of the Mechanic and Related Craft and Class.

:up: 31 NMB 12 page 53


I. Proper Craft or Class

In determining the proper craft or class for a group of employees, the Board considers a number of factors. These factors include functional integration, work classifications, terms and conditions of employment, and work-related community of interest. United Parcel Serv. Co., 30 NMB 84 (2002); Frontier Airlines, Inc., 29 NMB 28 (2001); United Airlines, Inc., 28 NMB 533 (2001); US Airways, Inc., 28 NMB 104 (2000).

It is particularly important that the employees share a work-related community of interest. Continental Airlines, Inc./Continental Express, Inc., 26 NMB 143 (1999); LSG Lufthansa Servs., Inc., 25 NMB 96 (1997); Airborne Express, Inc., 9 NMB 115 (1981). The Board makes craft or class determinations on a case by case basis, relying upon Board policy and precedent. US Airways, above; USAir, 15 NMB 369 (1988); Simmons Airlines, 15 NMB 124 (1988).

The Board has examined the proper scope of the craft or class of Mechanics and Related Employees in numerous decisions. United Parcel Serv. Co., above; US Airways, Inc., above; United Parcel Serv. Co., 27 NMB 3 (1999); Allegheny Airlines, Inc., 26 NMB 487 (1999). In United Airlines, Inc., 6 NMB 134 (1977), the Board, quoting National Airlines, Inc., 1 NMB 423, 428-29 (1947), described the composition of the Mechanics and Related Employees, in part, as follows:

A. Mechanics who perform maintenance work on aircraft, engine, radio or accessory equipment.

B. Ground service personnel who perform work generally described as follows: Washing and cleaning airplane, engine and accessory parts in overhaul shops; fueling of aircraft and ground equipment; maintenance of ground and ramp equipment; maintenance of buildings, hangars and related equipment; cleaning and maintaining the interior and exterior of aircraft, servicing and control of cabin service equipment, air conditioning of aircraft, cleaning of airport hangars, buildings, hangar and ramp equipment.

C. Plant maintenance personnel including employees who perform work consisting of repairs, alterations, additions to and maintenance of buildings, hangars, and the repair, maintenance and operation of related equipment including automatic equipment.

“The related employees . . . while of different skill levels from the mechanics, nonetheless are closely related to them in that they are engaged in a common function – the maintenance function. . . .â€￾ Eastern Air Lines, Inc., 4 NMB 54, 63 (1965) (emphasis added). It is this “functionalâ€￾ connection between mechanic classifications and those employees performing related maintenance operations that has historically formed a basis for their identity as a single craft or class. Id. See also Federal Express Corp., 20 NMB 360 (1993).

The TWU is nothing but an embarrassment to any working man

Dave you belong to the same class............remember? YOU SUPPORTED THE RTW in OKLAHOMA, A working man supporting RTW while claiming to be a UNIONIST?
Dallas Air Mach said:
The TWU is nothing but an embarrassment to any working man

Dave you belong to the same class............remember? YOU SUPPORTED THE RTW in OKLAHOMA, A working man supporting RTW while claiming to be a UNIONIST?
Show proof of support for the RTW in OKlahoma or be relegated typical TWU liar with the rest?

You still don't get it? Right-to-Work does not apply to those working under the Railway Labor Act.

Funny thing, I sure didn't understand that if Right-to-Work passed in Oklahoma that the TWU was going to lower our wages, I thought the company would carry that torch, not the "union".
Just like with the RLA your contract never expires it only becomes amendable, in this process, nobody can be "left off".

Dave, Tell us again about the greivance procedure at AMFA? Oh wait, that process wont work, we will be under the CURRENT TWU contract pertainging to greivances filed, and WON

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