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Twu And Aa Files Final Brief With Nmb

Rusty CEO and Nightwatch do not know who of us research the lists because they don't have the submissions the TWU does not communicate with them they lie to them just like they did to us when we trusted what they told us. They have not seen our names on the affidavits and read what we found out. The Twu's defense is getting weaker than cat crap boys. The reason is they have nothing to defend and are afraid to show up at the base or station and show the prof of there statements. The AMFA guys are out there every day taking responsibility for there statements. We have the prof with us when our statements or honesty are challenged. How many times have you confronted a TWU guy about a lie he was spreading to try and control the members and he tell you I will get back to you on this? Don't stand around waiting he won't come back. The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
=Bill,Aug 12 2004, 12:57 PM]
............and how many duplicates and management did AMFA have????????? You think we don't know!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
:huh: :huh:

You can't be serious? Your an idiot!!! We didn't try to add to the list we took people off! If there were management on it still then it was from the twu/aa list.

Pays to have friends in high places!!!!! To use Hackman's quote......."It's like calling the kettle black"..........but in your case let's make that yellow!!!!!
:huh: :huh:

You don't even know who I am. If you do, come say it to my face so I can laugh in yours!!!!
Radman said:
:huh: :huh:

You can't be serious? Your an idiot!!! We didn't try to add to the list we took people off! If there were management on it still then it was from the twu/aa list.
:huh: :huh:
You don't even know who I am. If you do, come say it to my face so I can laugh in yours!!!!

amfa is just full of tough guys...oh my!
Bill said:
............and how many duplicates and management did AMFA have????????? You think we don't know!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Pays to have friends in high places!!!!! To use Hackman's quote......."It's like calling the kettle black"..........but in your case let's make that yellow!!!!!

Hey retard,

AMFA never submitted a list. Why? AMFA is the challenger, its the companies obligation to submit an eligilbility list to the NMB. The twu then also has a chance to submit they're list if they choose to dispute the companies submission.

AMFA then goes through both list an protests the mistakes.

In the case of AA/twu, the list had over 2400 erroneous names on it, the most false and fraudulent list ever recorded.

Your friends in "high places" are just that. HIGH ON twu CRACK!!!!

Get a grip Willy.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Hey retard? Are you running for an amfa office too? Typical amfa mentality.
Looks as if I have stunned a few. The names I was referring to were not on a "list". I know AMFA did not turn in a list. DUH!!!! I am referring to the CARDS that were submitted. You know, the cards you claimed were legit? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Confidential huh????

CAN YOU SAY MOLE?????!!!!!
:shock: :lol: :shock:
Anyone want to speculate how many management personal signed amfa cards?

Ever wonder why so many did? All you have to do is look at NWA Alaska and United and you will see the reason?
Checking it Out said:
Anyone want to speculate how many management personal signed amfa cards?

Ever wonder why so many did? All you have to do is look at NWA Alaska and United and you will see the reason?

Well supervisors are mechanics and if our wages and benifits improve so will theirs right?

The lower levels of management have more in common with us than the International does.

How many former TWU officials are in management?

Why did Koziateks retirement party have more members of management in attendance than members?

Why were members of management giving speaches about how they loved and would miss Koziatek?

Why was Koziatek seated with Carty?

If you are trying to imply that the company would rather have AMFA than the TWU then you have very little, compared to evidence of the contrary, to back it up.
Amfa Bob, you are correct, that was my point!!!

The lower levels of management have more in common with us than the International does.

At least we do agree, lower management does want you!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Amfa Bob, you are correct, that was my point!!!

The lower levels of management have more in common with us than the International does.

At least we do agree, lower management does want you!!!!!

Yea so? A lot of the guys on the lower levels of management are basically salaried mechanics. They have no say in the contract and just try to get the airplanes out. Many of them are also under paid and overworked. Why wouldnt they want to see mechanics wages go up? It would only make their job of getting the planes out easier with a happy motivated workforce.

The upper management of the company however is in a love affair with the TWU. This was demonstrated at Koziateks retirement party. Why wouldnt they be, after all the TWU gives the company everything they want?
They, upper management and the TWU could care less about the workforce. As one executive recently told the mechanics at JFK "Morale is not my problem".

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