Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.
What you guys call union busting I proudly call democracy. It is without a doubt worth fighting for. As Dave says,
No Vote No Peace
Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.
You are the team TWU leader no doubt.James T. Kirk said:Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.
Bill,Bill said:Do you honestly think that if there is a vote and AMFA loses that there will be peace?? If TWU loses, do you think there will be peace??? We are a group divided. The best we can hope for is civility at this point. It will definately take time to heal. That's reality, human nature....like it or not.
Maybe you should rethink your thoughts!!!
Nice try Stewart but you and your organization are failing at AA. You show me where I said I didn't want a vote......go ahead Mr. smart Guy!!!! You are the master at putting words in peoples mouths. I've watched you do it for months now. There will never be peace because people such as yourself will never agree to disagree. It's against your religion I believe.Decision 2004 said:Bill,
I think most Americans accept a fair and democratic vote.
You don't?
Maybe you should re-think your citizenship?
Yahoo,James T. Kirk said:AVIATION UNION BUSTERS amfa