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Twu Agree's, We Got Enough Cards

Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.

What you guys call union busting I proudly call democracy. It is without a doubt worth fighting for. As Dave says,

No Vote No Peace
Do you honestly think that if there is a vote and AMFA loses that there will be peace?? If TWU loses, do you think there will be peace??? We are a group divided. The best we can hope for is civility at this point. It will definately take time to heal. That's reality, human nature....like it or not.

Maybe you should rethink your thoughts!!!
James T. Kirk said:
Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.
You are the team TWU leader no doubt.

Resort to name calling and labels to defend your position.

Call me or the movement whatever you wish, I have been called much worse by others that support the TWU.

Truth is the truth, and this drive moves on!

The day name calling stops TWU members from being disgruntled you let me know.

I hear one of your former Union Officers that is a stock clerk and a shop steward actually hit the nail on the head Monday. Why can't the rest of you get it like she does?
Bill said:
Do you honestly think that if there is a vote and AMFA loses that there will be peace?? If TWU loses, do you think there will be peace??? We are a group divided. The best we can hope for is civility at this point. It will definately take time to heal. That's reality, human nature....like it or not.

Maybe you should rethink your thoughts!!!

I think most Americans accept a fair and democratic vote.

You don't?

Maybe you should re-think your citizenship?
Decision 2004 said:

I think most Americans accept a fair and democratic vote.

You don't?

Maybe you should re-think your citizenship?
Nice try Stewart but you and your organization are failing at AA. You show me where I said I didn't want a vote......go ahead Mr. smart Guy!!!! You are the master at putting words in peoples mouths. I've watched you do it for months now. There will never be peace because people such as yourself will never agree to disagree. It's against your religion I believe.

Tell me, will you be at the debate next Wednesday or will you be holding up another counter with your co-horts, afraid to come in???? You might as well come in since your almighty leader is afraid to debate Mr. Little.

This is Delle-Femine, on the record: "Yes, I will debate Mr. Little........No, I won't debate Mr Little." Kind of wishy-washy isn't he???? He will lose either way.
That's a good one Bill,

If AMFA is "failing" at AA, then why is there even a "debate" scheduled?

Why is the anti-AMFA Team TWU video playing on AA Computers at work?

A little "wishy-washy" would be claiming that AMFA is failing while producing anti-AMFA videos, anti-AMFA newsletters, anti-AMFA buttons, anti-AMFA t-shirts, and braggin because Local 100 came out against AMFA, driving around Tulsa with a coffin on trailer, hiring a PR firm, enlisting the help of the AFL-CIO.

You guys are damn good at telling everyone what you are against. You just never tell us what you are for or how you intend to fix the damage your union has caused our personal lives.

Even your own shop stewards are tired of hearing about AMFA. Does that sound like a TWU that thinks AMFA is failing?

What a joke, you fear mongers cannot even lie well, much less tell the truth!

I have a copy of your claim that AMFA is failing right here pal.

Bill and the AMFA is failing Campaign - TWU is "hoping" to retain representation at AA!

BTW, I didn't claim you did not WANT to vote, you questioned if the membership would accept the outcome!
Then I questioned if you could accept the outcome. I can.

Get it?
James T. Kirk said:

James T. Kirk shows up with another TWU slogan and some name calling.

You are on roll now boys!

Chalk one up for the mighty TWU!

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