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Twu Agree's, We Got Enough Cards

Decision 2004 said:
Oh no,

You mean I wont be fishing anymore with someone who sends e-mails claiming one position and then post anti-mechanic statements and pictures on the internet that indicate they favor the most docile mechanics union in the industry?

What a terrible loss that would be mojo.

That's OK, I rarely run with those that ride the fence on every issue, those barbs of the fence will often cut you right where it hurts the most.

I have zero respect for men like you anyway. You proabaly also lie about fishing trips and who caught what fish anyway.

Guys like you are likely going to be management soon anyway, and I don't fish with them either.
And you deserve respect Dave???? No wonder noone likes you. This is not the first or second or even third time I have heard of you betraying someone's trust. I guess that is all you know how to do.

I guess people are not allowed to change their minds huh Dave??? You say you rarely run with those who ride the fence??? You don't run with anyone do you Dave? I don't think you could find anyone to run with.

I believe you just did some irreversible harm to yourself there pal. The real Dave emerges!!! Deceitful and non-trustworthy!!! Good job!!!!
:lol: :up: :lol: :up: :lol:
Sonny hall, International Pres. found guilty of violating workers rights! New York, District Court Why do Anti-Amfa supporters think that what ever Mr. Dell will do, it is terrible- he cannot be trusted! If they knew anything about AMFA they would know that the membership, every union member gets to vote on a national director for AMFA every four years! Unlike the TWU international pres. that is only elected by delegates! And cannot be recalled for another vote, even if he has violated workers rights,(which sonny hall has done, and found guilty.)
Also Local officers cannot be recalled out of office, since the change in twu bylaws1997 even if Dennis Burchette did something terrible, we as union members could NOT get him out of office!
Why is that important? Because than these people are UNTOUCHABLE, and therfore UNACCOUNTABLE!

The SRPs don't even know they are being taken for a Ride!
Why is the TWU lieing to the SRPs about AMFA? To keep them in line, under TWU!
I think it unbecoming a union member to threaten the Owasso high school, why did the TWU threaten the principal that violence would ensue if they allowed the AMFA meeting! (its on record that the threatening phone call came straight from local 514)
The TWU does not understand, Putting people in bad standing will back fire on them! Not all AMFA supporters are shirt wearers! They cannot be seen by the TWU! And when the time is right, they will sink the TWU!
Thug class 101

How to intimidate AMFA supporters: Make sure to put them in bad standing, get the company on your side, chant TWU in the cafeteria, yell SCAB at them, AMFA sucks, AMFAG, and anything else you can make up! If you cannot think of anything, than the classic, flip-off is good! And what ever you do, do not debate the issues with these folks!!!
>Next Page
There you go.....thinking that AMFA is beyond reproach, without fault!! It takes two teams to play the game Hopeful!!! And this certainly has become quite the bedlam game hasn't it???

Words to ponder......
"Those without sin cast the first stone."
Bill said:
And you deserve respect Dave???? No wonder noone likes you. This is not the first or second or even third time I have heard of you betraying someone's trust. I guess that is all you know how to do.

I guess people are not allowed to change their minds huh Dave??? You say you rarely run with those who ride the fence??? You don't run with anyone do you Dave? I don't think you could find anyone to run with.

I believe you just did some irreversible harm to yourself there pal. The real Dave emerges!!! Deceitful and non-trustworthy!!! Good job!!!!
:lol: :up: :lol: :up: :lol:
I have not betrayed anybody's trust because I never agreed to confidential treatment of the scoundrel's communications. He requested it, but I never agreed to such an act.

Your wonderful TWU International removed Officers from the TWU for not signing letters of allegiance and/or posting information on internet bulletin boards. TWU Local 514 will not allow anyone on the election ballot that will not sign a letter of true and faithful allegiance. I give clear a decisive proof that one of your Officers took an oath of Office, but admits to not being loyal to the TWU and refuses to defend the organization, and you come on here defending him.

What is the difference in your mind?

I know the difference, the TWU Local 562 Officers were informing the members and responding to the wishes of the 562 membership.

mojo on the other hand is a tow barge of the complete party line, albeit without allegiance.

You guys are constantly demonstrating the double standard that leads to complete distrust by the membership. Inept, wrongful, double standards that could be classified as nothing more than violations of Federal Law.

And now you designate me the "bad guy" for showing everyone the truth? OK, now we know of another failure within the TWU. Or at least a major character flaw, of which you are in posession. Yourself and Kevin Hammack are the twin sons of different mothers.

Now I wonder how many secrets you guys keep for management and other Officers.

Your pledge should read, "Anything but Accountability, Anything but the Truth".

Is your life motto ... Defend and remain silent about all wrongs that you have knowledge of to protect your good name.

We are not running drugs and avoiding "NARCS" here pal, we are talking about professional union representation, we are talking about accountability which you obviously know nothing about, how can there be accountability if all of us are intimidated by name calling and peer pressured labels, not to inform others of the truth?


Pronunciation: (di-sEt'ful), [key]
1. given to deceiving: A deceitful person cannot keep friends for long.
2. intended to deceive; misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action.

Now who is misleading here? The guy showing you the e-mail? Or the guy that wrote it?

Spin it however you want about "changing your mind", but he wrote that e-mail as a TWU Officer under the oath of the TWU Constituion!

Does that matter to you at all?
Dave, I know mojo, He has a hard road to ride! I do have enough ethics to respect someones wishes who writes a note to me! You would be surprised at the emails I receive from the Amfa supporters who do not care for your tactics either! Major concern is your continued lies and deception you portray on these boards!

Someone of your caliber has no business being in charge of anything!!!!

If you would quit supporting the darkside and come back into the light you would see how true representation is done!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Dave, I know mojo, He has a hard road to ride! I do have enough ethics to respect someones wishes who writes a note to me! You would be surprised at the emails I receive from the Amfa supporters who do not care for your tactics either! Major concern is your continued lies and deception you portray on these boards!

Someone of your caliber has no business being in charge of anything!!!!

If you would quit supporting the darkside and come back into the light you would see how true representation is done!!!!!!!
I dont know what rock you crawled out from under, but I am NOT IN CHARGE of anything.

So what is your point?

However, if I was, those supporters you claim do not care for my tactics could re-call me under the AMFA Constitution.

What are our options with you, and our dislike for your leadership?

I notice you completely evade the double standard issue. Why is that?
Decision 2004 said:
I am sick and tired of the very few but vocal, two faced Officers/Members at MCI playing both sides and riding the fence.

Why don't you guys at MCI take a stand, rise up on your beliefs instead of playing coward ass games?

At least the TWU Officers in Tulsa take a stand and defend their position with vigor.

I may disagree with those Officers in Tulsa, but they are solid in their positions. AS bad as I dislike Steve Conell, at least he stands loyal to what he really believes in.

Hey, if you are an industrial unionist, then stand up and say so. Afterall, it is a valid form of unionism, just one that I disagree with.

On the other hand, if you are a craft unionist, then stand your ground there and be counted.

Do you guys that are Officers at MCI play both sides with AA management also?
Guess what Davey boy. I was at that debate and I did, and do, support the TWU 100%. The people who know me, know this. You just showed me another reason that I made the right choice, Brother :down:
mojo13 said:
Guess what Davey boy. I was at that debate and I did, and do, support the TWU 100%. The people who know me, know this. You just showed me another reason that I made the right choice, Brother :down:

I talk to people who "know" you and they tell us a different story.

Get off the fence before your sack gets damaged.

I have no doubt you are anti-mechanic, your posted picture proves that beyond belief.

If you call someone "brother" because they cover your mis-deeds, then let's get one thing straight...

...I am not your "brother".
Checking it Out said:
Dave, I know mojo, He has a hard road to ride! I do have enough ethics to respect someones wishes who writes a note to me! You would be surprised at the emails I receive from the Amfa supporters who do not care for your tactics either! Major concern is your continued lies and deception you portray on these boards!

Someone of your caliber has no business being in charge of anything!!!!

If you would quit supporting the darkside and come back into the light you would see how true representation is done!!!!!!!
I do have enough ethics to respect someones wishes who writes a note to me!

Dear CIO, could state your true identity?
James T. Kirk said:
Dave only a true UNON BUSTER would make a statement like that. Instead of amfa Dave it is UNION BUSTER DAVE.
Maybe you could explain your statement Kirk because I too believe the AMFA drive will not die until there is a vote of the membership. Are you saying the membership should never be allowed to vote????
Rusty said:
Maybe you could explain your statement Kirk because I too believe the AMFA drive will not die until there is a vote of the membership. Are you saying the membership should never be allowed to vote????
Decision 2004 said:

Pronunciation: (di-sEt'ful), [key]
1. given to deceiving: A deceitful person cannot keep friends for long.
2. intended to deceive; misleading; fraudulent: a deceitful action.

Now who is misleading here? The guy showing you the e-mail? Or the guy that wrote it?

Spin it however you want about "changing your mind", but he wrote that e-mail as a TWU Officer under the oath of the TWU Constituion!

Does that matter to you at all?

Yes Dave, I was deceitful. You got me there, you blew my cover, I was deceitful to you and the rest of your amfa buddies. I will no longer get to ask questions because you don't trust me....

Decision 2004 said:
I dont know what rock you crawled out from under, but I am NOT IN CHARGE of anything.

So what is your point?

However, if I was, those supporters you claim do not care for my tactics could re-call me under the AMFA Constitution.

What are our options with you, and our dislike for your leadership?

I notice you completely evade the double standard issue. Why is that?
You hit the nail on the head there big boy, you're not even in charge of your own life, look at ya, what a mess! Did mojo e-mail you and ask to cc everyone in this forum? Your integrity has been nonexistant since I read your first post. You are truly a jewel biggun, why not show the e-mails you get from the gleam team?

Slick move exlax...typical amfa style.

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