I guess your first assumption is that I am in Tulsa. Wrong. I left in May of 90 and have never been back.
I am in the top 3rd in system seniority even before early outs are figured. So when 6000 title 1s are gone I will begin to worry. Wrong again.
You might want to do the math.
Well Stool, if you are going to call me a liar at least let me in on what I am lying aboutOh, so your a liar. Go figure....
Didn't Kansas City get the promise of twu job security. I've had a chance to speak to quite a few of them over the last 3 years and I always delight over their thoughts of twu promised job security(I truly hope you yes voters do too) and what it really meant to them. 2500 to start, 0000 at the end. You folks do the math. 0 jobs saved by twu job security, unless you count Gordon Clark! Seems Gordo didn't bother informing his twu constituents at MCI that his letter of September 2008 that he wasn't in the twu international and did not plan on being in the twu international was nothing more than a lie. A letter of December of 2008 indicated his short lived promise by identifying him as a newly annointed twu int'l rep. His newly unsecured constituents at DFW were not at all amused by his deceptions and were less amused to find out that the DFW Bootlickin 565 is helping the twu international hide him out at DWH while he conducts ibteamster organizing while being paid by aa and or the twu.
It is gettin harder to discern who is company and who is union in that the twu international inked a deal to get all bankruptcy legal costs paid by aa. Also, how does one explain the company's willingness to indemnify the twu against any and all lawsuits up to $5,000,000 cash and up to 5% of costs over that. Can anyone say, "Company Whore?" What "union" other that the Bootlickin twu wholesale their membership in such a manner that warrants a payment directly to the union of such monies as those Non-gotiated by aa and the twu international?
Oh, and by the way, the 4.7% equity stake provided by aa to their cowardly, urinating itself lapdog goes only to the twu international!!! Wonder how the twu international is going to spend their newfound millions. Ask your bootlicking twu rep today and see if Chicken Jim little and Bagsmashin Joe Gordon can give you an update on how they, and legally they alone, are going to divvy up their ill gotten gains.
Gotta love them Back Door Whores! They get more and more and more and more of the monies they helped save aa by shaving your contract to look worse than non-union shops. Better get used to those working conditions because, unfortunately, some of you might be forced to look in such places for employment soon!!
Regards, Dan Cunningham
I had help, it passed get over it....
Regards, Dan Cunningham
I've heard that you're the guy who was dumb enough to get himself fired over a T-shirt issue, you obviously have just the type of leadership qualities the AMFA is looking for. Did you get your training from Delle as he fell for managements orchestrated NWA debacle, or does it come naturally?
[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Well if he was "dumb", then why did Lee Seham represent him and he was re-instated with FULL BACK PAY?
You missed the point TWU informer: Dumb was putting himself in a position to get fired over a T-shirt. It shouldn't have happened, and obviously the arbitrator agreed. I doubt though that Dan was just strolling by, didn't say a word, and then got hit by lightening. Give me a break. That's what was dumb and if you can't see that, you make a perfect couple.[/background]
Regards, Dan Cunningham
I've heard that you're the guy who was dumb enough to get himself fired over a T-shirt issue, you obviously have just the type of leadership qualities the AMFA is looking for. Did you get your training from Delle as he fell for managements orchestrated NWA debacle, or does it come naturally?
Was he a TWU officer when this all started ? I can't remember all the particulars but I do remember hearing about it and if it has been mentioned here then my bad I missed it and will reread.No like I told you earlier. He was "RATTED" by TWU stooges, and then defended his right to free speech and wearing the shirt.
And you call the man "dumb" for doing so. Yet in the end, he was proven correct.
Somehow I am not suprised and realize that you would have just crawled under a rock in fear and removed the shirt.
That is and has been the TWU method of operation for years now.
As pathetic as that is, I know you would have quickly hid and removed the shirt, but that's not what a freedom loving American Male should do.
Well if he was "dumb", then why did Lee Seham represent him and he was re-instated with FULL BACK PAY?
What is "dumb" is being at the Casino when you are suppose to be working.
What is "dumb" is officers fighting in the Local Union parking lot.
What is "dumb" is giving concessions to save jobs, when the headcount gets decimated anyway.
What is "dumb" is having get another Union to run inference for you to protect your worthless ass.
What is "dumb" is using deceased members to prevent your membership from getting a ballot to express their views.
What is "dumb" is building a new Union Hall after the membership voted three times not to build one.
What is "dumb" is claiming victory in arbitration when your scope was just gutted.
What is "dumb" is using stooges for teAAm TWU to defend the Union, then they all end up in management.
What is "dumb" is driving around Tulsa with a Coffin on a trailer and an American Flag attached.
What is "dumb" is screwing up seniority on every RIF that you buy into.
What is "dumb" not giving certified results to a ratification because you know you violated the law.
What is "dumb" is that every all of these "dumb" things we have not replaced the TWU earlier.
Regards, Dan Cunningham
I've heard that you're the guy who was dumb enough to get himself fired over a T-shirt issue, you obviously have just the type of leadership qualities the AMFA is looking for. Did you get your training from Delle as he fell for managements orchestrated NWA debacle, or does it come naturally?