[background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Well if he was "dumb", then why did Lee Seham represent him and he was re-instated with FULL BACK PAY?
You missed the point TWU informer: Dumb was putting himself in a position to get fired over a T-shirt. It shouldn't have happened, and obviously the arbitrator agreed. I doubt though that Dan was just strolling by, didn't say a word, and then got hit by lightening. Give me a break. That's what was dumb and if you can't see that, you make a perfect couple.[/background]
Realityck C'mon. You need to re-read your screen name.
Here are some facts for all of you guys to consider;
1- TWU union members as well as union leaders ratted out Mr. Cunninham.
2- AA, the company and the TWU worked hand and hand together, to get Dan fired.
3- Fired for a T-shirt? People C'mon, a little common sense here.
4- TWU refused to represent DC after a termination- HOW PATHETIC
5- It took an outside union, AMFA, to represent Dan C. And only did AMFA get his job back, they also got him
his well deserved back pay as well.
6- Where in the hell was the TWU representation? You as the membership should be asking the TWU this.
7- To say that this man put himself into a position to get fired for a t-shirt is just DUMB in it's self.
8- You were not there sir, and neither was I, so I will not suggest anything that happend, JUST the facts and
the results.
Realityck, you need just that, a reality check for yourself. A union that rats on it's own membership, joins up with the AA to help get him fired, for something that he should have never been fired for in the first place, THEN, his very own union DID NOT represent him, it took AMFA to get his job back with back pay. And you guys still want to support the TWU at AA?? Yea, that's the type of representation I would want. Pull you heads out people, the TWU and the company (AA) are always doing what the other wants them to do.
Realityck; your original post about Dan C. started out as, "Oh, your that guy that blah, blah, blah" You have heard this story way back when. And I would be willing to bet you were actually shocked at how Dan C. was treated by the TWU as well as the AA. Bet you were even more shocked when AMFA got him his job back and not the TWU. Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic. BTW; It's time for you all to wake up. Fire the TWU!!!