Twu Agree's, We Got Enough Cards


Sep 28, 2003
I would like to congratulate the TWU in admitting that we will have an election.

Although they are to proud to admit that the Mechanics and Related at American will have a representational election their actions on this board confirm that there will be an election.
If the cards were not there then the TWU supporters would not be battling AMFA supporters in this forum on a daily basis. Their actions are a confession that they believe there is going to be an election.

Don't judge the TWU by what they say-Judge the TWU by their actions.
I think I need to go fishing! Apparently I have caught a big one on this issue!!!!!!

By not signing a card is a vote for the TWU, In turn means the majority have chosen to stay with the TWU!!!!!!!!!!

Laugh of the day!! Thanks decision 04! Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!
I doubt you can afford to go fishing!

TWU- Lowest Average Wage in the INDSUTRY!

Very nice post mojo.

Claiming that Aircraft Maintenance Technicians are children sucking on bottles is right up your alley.

Do you have anymore avenues to fight for and defend our profession while showing a professional public persona?

I see you become more and more TWU on a daily basis.

Let's lay some truth out for once!

How about this e-mail from mojo?

Dave, I would appreciate you keeping this e-mail to yourself.

There is no way I can defend the TWU. We here at MCI are still in a learning curve as to the ways of the TWU. The mindset of the local and it's members are still IAM. We do not know the history of AA and it's relation with the TWU except for what we read on the BBs and what we learned through the transition team (and that was not much). With what little time I have been involved I can see a daily frustration between ourselves and TWU. I did get involved because it was a fresh start, a new company, a new union and I thought that maybe this would be my opportunity to help shape our local into something positive. That is not going to happen here no matter who the Union is. To many oldtimers set in thier ways. When the oldtimers retire and new blood is here then maybe things will change. The e-board here busts their ass for the membership and still there is no respect from the company or the membership, because we just don't know what we are doing yet.

Let me tell you the way it really is here at MCI... When the IAM left, the IAM people who were involved with the union just switched coats and became TWU. If AMFA was to get in, those same people would switch coats again and be AMFA. People want to #### but no-one wants to get involved. When your members don't want to step up to the plate, all you get is the die-hard rhetoric that we are all used to hearing.

I agree with Chuck Schalk when he said that if the TWU is so sure of itself, then lets have a vote and get it over with. My personal opinion is that you guys will kick their ass at a debate, but which debate will get the headlines?

AMFA@DFW ,(who I think is John ****** but I'm not sure,) wants to turn this thing into a circus. I am not willing to stand up and debate or defend the TWU because my loyalty is just not there. Like I said in my post, there are more qualified people to do that.

again, this is where I'm coming from and please keep it confidential.
I am sick and tired of the very few but vocal, two faced Officers/Members at MCI playing both sides and riding the fence.

Why don't you guys at MCI take a stand, rise up on your beliefs instead of playing coward ass games?

At least the TWU Officers in Tulsa take a stand and defend their position with vigor.

I may disagree with those Officers in Tulsa, but they are solid in their positions. AS bad as I dislike Steve Conell, at least he stands loyal to what he really believes in.

Hey, if you are an industrial unionist, then stand up and say so. Afterall, it is a valid form of unionism, just one that I disagree with.

On the other hand, if you are a craft unionist, then stand your ground there and be counted.

Do you guys that are Officers at MCI play both sides with AA management also?
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As the TWU sheep continue to argue on this board I am more sure than ever that they are attempting to win votes in the upcoming election!
"How about this e-mail from mojo?"

Yes, I once drank the kool aid, but my head is clear now. I've seen amfa's track record and see that I must support the TWU. :shock:

Guess I'm not going fishing with you any more Dave
mojo13 said:
"How about this e-mail from mojo?"

Yes, I once drank the kool aid, but my head is clear now. I've seen amfa's track record and see that I must support the TWU. :shock:

Guess I'm not going fishing with you any more Dave
Oh no,

You mean I wont be fishing anymore with someone who sends e-mails claiming one position and then post anti-mechanic statements and pictures on the internet that indicate they favor the most docile mechanics union in the industry?

What a terrible loss that would be mojo.

That's OK, I rarely run with those that ride the fence on every issue, those barbs of the fence will often cut you right where it hurts the most.

I have zero respect for men like you anyway. You proabaly also lie about fishing trips and who caught what fish anyway.

Guys like you are likely going to be management soon anyway, and I don't fish with them either.

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