The CBA protects PIT and CLT with a headcount of 675 between both bases.
Dont lie, there is no 15 people language, LAS was reduced from a hub to a regular station, the company wanted to close it and they couldnt so they had to maintain staffing, the company sets the staffing numbers, not the IAM.
And ATL has 16 mechanics and they run all three shifts.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Dont lie, there is no 15 people language, LAS was reduced from a hub to a regular station, the company wanted to close it and they couldnt so they had to maintain staffing, the company sets the staffing numbers, not the IAM.
And ATL has 16 mechanics and they run all three shifts.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Line maintenance stations will include at a minimum
33 BOS, CLT, DCA, LGA, PHL, PHX, LAS, LAX and at least seven
34 (7) other stations as determined by the Company
The Company will not furlough to the street any Base
18 Mechanic who is active as of the effective date of this agreement
19 provided such employee exercises their seniority to the fullest
20 extent. (Subject to force majeure provisions as described in Article
21 5.F and 20.D.2)
22 The Company shall maintain a minimum headcount of six
23 hundred seventy-five (675) active Base Maintenance Lead
24 Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Lead Utility and Utility
25 employees combined. (Subject to force majeure provisions as
26 described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2.)
Base work will be performed in both CLT and PIT. The Company
29 will continue to utilize the PHX hangar facility for aircraft maintenance.