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Tulsa will be gone by February 2014

The CBA protects PIT and CLT with a headcount of 675 between both bases.

Dont lie, there is no 15 people language, LAS was reduced from a hub to a regular station, the company wanted to close it and they couldnt so they had to maintain staffing, the company sets the staffing numbers, not the IAM.

And ATL has 16 mechanics and they run all three shifts.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

Line maintenance stations will include at a minimum
33 BOS, CLT, DCA, LGA, PHL, PHX, LAS, LAX and at least seven
34 (7) other stations as determined by the Company

The Company will not furlough to the street any Base
18 Mechanic who is active as of the effective date of this agreement
19 provided such employee exercises their seniority to the fullest
20 extent. (Subject to force majeure provisions as described in Article
21 5.F and 20.D.2)

22 The Company shall maintain a minimum headcount of six
23 hundred seventy-five (675) active Base Maintenance Lead
24 Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Lead Utility and Utility
25 employees combined. (Subject to force majeure provisions as
26 described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2.)

Base work will be performed in both CLT and PIT. The Company
29 will continue to utilize the PHX hangar facility for aircraft maintenance.

You would be surprised at the amount of bsuiness between DFW, ORD, and TUL, and it's not ferry flights to get planes to maintenance shops. And, the passengers are not all non-revs--in fact the last time I worked DFW-TUL, there were something like 20 non-revs on the standby list (last flight of the day. Some of them had rolled over several flights trying to get on.) None of them got accommodated. All revenue passengers.

You do know that there is still a booming oil business in Oklahoma, and a number of the major oil companies have offices in Tulsa. Not as many as there used to be, but...
While it is true that TUL has a decent business climate, many markets from there have low fares stimulated by WN, or at least there is the possibility to accept a lot of traffic if necessary in order to fill the planes.
IT doesn't take secret DOT data to see that DFW-TUL has a very high percentage of connecting traffic.
The economics of operating a flight with 75% plus domestic connecting traffic in a market that also has plenty of low fares are not favorable. Since AA has a maintenance base in TUL, part of the cost of operating the flights can be attributed to the need to move planes to/from there, but it is not a given that AA would operate the same schedule at TUL if they didn't have maintenance base there.
There is NO UNION workplace in the History of AA, that D E S E R V E S to get HURT ($$$$)more than TULSA, due to the Lack of BALLS by the Majority of so-called Union Men.
AND if TUL shuts Down, I'll 'Party like it's 1999' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as EQUAL, I'll PRAY LIKE HELLL for Every M A N....in TUL,..Who Always stood tall against the TWU/AA (same ####) during Every new contract !!!!
There is no justification or joy in any employee being displaced regardless of whether the union or company did their job.
The hope will always be that the maintenance base will remain there and it is worth the effort to fight to keep it there - and those who are directly affected need to know they have the support of others like me outside of the company and region.
There is NO UNION workplace in the History of AA, that D E S E R V E S to get HURT ($$$$)more than TULSA, due to the Lack of BALLS by the Majority of so-called Union Men.
AND if TUL shuts Down, I'll 'Party like it's 1999' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just as EQUAL, I'll PRAY LIKE HELLL for Every M A N....in TUL,..Who Always stood tall against the TWU/AA (same ####) during Every new contract !!!!

Wow, really?
Wow, really?

You just met the Bear.

He's still fighting the Civil War 150 years after Gettysburg. He's taking a page from Sherman's march to the sea. Burning Atlanta in a thread at the Water Cooler, titled:

"Today, I entrusted my dear Wife to ATL/GA. (DL).......YUUK !"
Not really. IIRC Indy was abandoned by UA as it had favorable lease options in its contract. Indianapolis and Indiana provided over $300 Million to lure UA and after they left Indy stayed empty for years. Now AAR has a pretty sizable presence but that is recent history.

SFO has the landing gear, jet shop and component maintenance that they just couldn't dump in an instant (although much component maintenance is now outsourced).

Also keep in mind that after 75 years at SFO, it is considered a 'Super Fund' site that has chemical contamination down to 30 feet. Before UA could dump SFO, they would have to clean it up.
B) xUT

Wonder how close Tulsa is to being a " super fund" site??
The CBA protects PIT and CLT with a headcount of 675 between both bases.

Dont lie, there is no 15 people language, LAS was reduced from a hub to a regular station, the company wanted to close it and they couldnt so they had to maintain staffing, the company sets the staffing numbers, not the IAM.

And ATL has 16 mechanics and they run all three shifts.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

Where did you hear, see, or read, or who told you that PIT might not have the headcount protection of Article 2- 2a written into the next CBA proposal ?

And if that's the case, it almost pays to vote for the IBT because that will muddle things up for so many years while they negotiate a new CBA, and the contract of '08 will still be in effect along with the protected headcount in PIT.

With the high seniority here, that'll buy most of us just enough time to get the heck away from here and retire.
My money is on the politicians from OK, nobody is better at giving corporate welfare then a "conservative".

The reason cities (not just conservative ones) practice corporate welfare is because it enriches the citizens (through employment) and creates a profitable tax base from income tax and supporting businesses.

Try to remember that when your UNION is funneling your UNION dues to help support liberal agendas while bringing you back one concessionary contract after another.

Tell me what Democrat welfare has done for the working citizens of any city besides rape their wallet.

Maybe you need to ask yourself what the Democratic Party has done for working Americans lately. I think you will find the list is short, maybe even blank.
Dues money cannot be used for political purposes.
That is why the union PACs exist.

You do realize every single penny a union spends is public record and must be filed with the Department of Labor. Unlike a company.
The reason cities (not just conservative ones) practice corporate welfare is because it enriches the citizens (through employment) and creates a profitable tax base from income tax and supporting businesses.

Try to remember that when your UNION is funneling your UNION dues to help support liberal agendas while bringing you back one concessionary contract after another.

Tell me what Democrat welfare has done for the working citizens of any city besides rape their wallet.

Maybe you need to ask yourself what the Democratic Party has done for working Americans lately. I think you will find the list is short, maybe even blank.

Welfare that goes to people goes directly back into the Local economy since the monies given are used to buy food and other necessities from Local merchants and pretty much 100% goes back into the economy. So it too helps provide jobs much like you claim Corporate Welfare does, if anything a lot more jobs than Corporate Welfare which is primarily diverted into profits for shareholders. Welfare for people is intended to be temporary, to help people through a tough period where eventually they will no longer need Welfare, corporate welfare gets built into the bottom line as a permanent hand out regardless of need. They could be posting billions in profits yet still extracting their handout from the Taxpayers, like we will likely see at AA. Odd that you would support giving to those who do not need it while being against giving to those who do. I can understand the outrage over the fact that in too many cases people find themselves in need due to their own foolish behaviors but to be OK with Welfare going to provide profits to Shareholders which may not even be people, but other corporations, boggles the mind.
The CBA protects PIT and CLT with a headcount of 675 between both bases.
That way they can run PIT with 16 mechanics like they do in ATL?

Have A Nice IBT Day...
Speaking of Headcount how is US Air's looking for M&R... Is it going down like AA's or stable? AA's title I is below 8000 now!
Speaking of Headcount how is US Air's looking for M&R... Is it going down like AA's or stable? AA's title I is below 8000 now!

How can that be? We gave away everything, even job protection to save jobs!!! TeAAm Videtich told us that we had to.

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