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TUL mechs

Chuck Schalk said:
share about the job protection for line maintenance?   you know what i mean
As far as I know there has been no changes in the current CBA in regards to protected stations.
I have several good friends on the NC and I assisted in the raid last year.
Overspeed said:
Read what I wrote. There was no way the IAM was going to get a huge raise beyond what the AMTs have at AA. If you are saying the current IAM TA is the awesome result of three years of negotiating then what a waste of time. The TWU negotiated a better deal in 2010 TA at AA that was rejected.
Accept this IAM TA for what it is. A temporary agreement, a placeholder while the company moves through the merger process and the TWU and IAM work towards a JCBA.
Don't let your ego get in your way
Overspun trying to sell another deal to the US guys. You are a character its not even your contract and you you push for a yes vote. You are a true twu stooge
Did the IAM say that this TA is a interim contract for 3 years, and if the IAM did are they trying to make sure the AA mechs don't get a raise in sept 2015 when we get an average of airline mechs pay excluding the highest paid Alaskan and SWA, (both AMFA). Seeing how the TWU can't negotiate a raise themselves they have to piggy back a raise.
Good News coming out of Tulsa
As we head into July it seems that many in Tulsa have seen the light and have begun to sign AMFA cards.
Lets hope that this trend continues and that the alliance between the TWU and IAM won't get off the ground.
Keep up the good work Tulsa we the line guys are waiting for you.
AMFA @ AA IN 2014
Good news to hear indeed.  Keep up the good work guys.  Pretty sure the Tulsa guys are seeing the writing on the wall now...
Overspeed said:
Read what I wrote. There was no way the IAM was going to get a huge raise beyond what the AMTs have at AA. If you are saying the current IAM TA is the awesome result of three years of negotiating then what a waste of time. The TWU negotiated a better deal in 2010 TA at AA that was rejected.
Accept this IAM TA for what it is. A temporary agreement, a placeholder while the company moves through the merger process and the TWU and IAM work towards a JCBA.
Don't let your ego get in your way
There you go doing the company's bidding again. Transition agreement? How long has UAL been talking? Three years, so its pretty much guaranteed that if the IAM votes YES they will remain at a very distant bottom of the industry for at least three more years, that's three more on top of the 12 years they have already been at a distant bottom, three more on top of the eight years since they left bankruptcy. They need to keep the strike option open and we need to prepare to help them so they can get compensation that compares to UAL and Delta (at the very least) after all why should they settle for a bankruptcy contract with the largest carrier in the country that is already making Billions?   Once they sign that three year deal they (we) are done, doomed to the bottom because as we see at UAL the company isn't under any pressure to come up with a fair deal, they can sit back and ride it out till the amendable dates. 
Bob Owens said:
There you go doing the company's bidding again. Transition agreement? How long has UAL been talking? Three years, so its pretty much guaranteed that if the IAM votes YES they will remain at a very distant bottom of the industry for at least three more years, that's three more on top of the 12 years they have already been at a distant bottom, three more on top of the eight years since they left bankruptcy. They need to keep the strike option open and we need to prepare to help them so they can get compensation that compares to UAL and Delta (at the very least) after all why should they settle for a bankruptcy contract with the largest carrier in the country that is already making Billions?   Once they sign that three year deal they (we) are done, doomed to the bottom because as we see at UAL the company isn't under any pressure to come up with a fair deal, they can sit back and ride it out till the amendable dates.

I don't see how anyone seeing the way negotiations are being conducted these days cannot agree with this statement!

The US agreement suddenly came out of the "Impass" and possibility of release! Vote it down and keep negotiating!!
2ndGENAMT said:

I don't see how anyone seeing the way negotiations are being conducted these days cannot agree with this statement!

The US agreement suddenly came out of the "Impass" and possibility of release! Vote it down and keep negotiating!!
I agree.  Vote this offer down US mechs.  Get back to the table and keep nego. If you guys do vote this in, then you get what you deserve in the long run, and it will only get worse...
The problem is the IAM does not want to negotiate anymore. They want a deal so they can move on with the Alliance.
iluvaa said:
Dale Danker just put out a letter this morning that the 2nd MD 80 line that supposed to start in August will not be returning causing a surplus of 100 plus heads.
To All,
We were made aware this morning from Mark Easton that the second MD-80 Heavy check line, that was suspended for the summer schedule, will not restart in August as originally planned.
Without that MD80 Heavy check, Easton predicts that this change could equate to about a 100 AMT surplus in Aircraft Overhaul and Maintenance.
Easton stated that he is in discussions with planning concerning the impact this will have on CRO and PALM. He also stated that they will be looking for opportunities to close the gap and will give more details as they become available.
Dale Danker
President TWU 514
Dock plan shows 92 heavy checks in 2015. Looks like plenty of work.
Kev3188 said:
Just curious; how does 92 c
hecks in 2015 compare to right now?
I'll have to check but it's more than this year plus that doesn't include light checks or drop ins
Additional 737 heavy check line starts in August.
Total 2 LC ,2 HC, 1 Mod line and 1 probably 2 acceptance check / drop in lines.

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