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TUL rumor not good for US Airways Mechanics

5. Q: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?

A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers.

6. Q: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?

A: The Association will have no members, but it will hold certification for the combined work group. Union membership will be based on a person’s location, as outlined in Appendix B to each Association agreement.

You have only proven SWAMT correct. It states the Association will file an application with the NMB. It never states the NMB will conduct the vote.
"Which will culminate in three elections"

If the NMB wont be involved as you claim then why file with them before an election is held?
Is that the best you can do?
Did you hear that hanging out at the elementary school yard playground?

Typical you cant debate so you have to insult and attack.

Hey the next person in line is ready at your teller window, go help them.

And I hope your bosses know they are paying you to play on the internet "mr finance", lol!
Still on company time.

Are you getting paid?
Amazing this thread titled tul rumors and its anything but that 😱
You have only proven SWAMT correct. It states the Association will file an application with the NMB. It never states the NMB will conduct the vote.
"Which will culminate in three elections"

If the NMB wont be involved as you claim then why file with them before an election is held?
Hmmm. "culminate" huh. What does "culminate" mean as used in the Q&A? We all know the different groups at both carriers will be brought together into the association. But culmination by the NMB DOES NOT mean they will conduct, handle or run the election, period. Yes the unions will have to file the proper paperwork and applications to the NMB to certify the association "AFTER" the membership has voted such association to represent them. This is the involvement that the NMB will have, certification of the new association (and maybe the de-cert. of TWU and IAM) NOT running, conducting or performing the election of the two unions combining, merging or alliance, what ever you want to call it this week. As stated, "in-writing" by the Information Officer, Don West, from the NMB and I quote; "
RE your Question: My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it?

"Just how a union chooses to represent its members is an internal-union matter, not under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board. The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections."---- 700, if you are being told this by the internationals, and this Tom guy who wrote the association verbage as you claim, then they are purposely misleading the membership. The NMB WILL NOT conduct any election for the combination of, merger of, or an alliance of 2 unions becoming one. Tell them to put it in writing answering the direct questions I listed,- THEY WON'T. "culminate", C'mon man, nice try...
You are truly wrong.

The NMB is the only one who can certify an election which results in a change of representation which is going to create a new R#.

Keep spewing your misinformation, I have personally spoken to the person who wrote and negotiated the Alliance and he has been in contact with the NMB.

So since you didnt negotiate it, you didnt write it, nor have a dog in the fight, you know exactly what is going on.

I was personally briefed in a meeting about it with all the leadership.
You are truly wrong.

The NMB is the only one who can certify an election which results in a change of representation which is going to create a new R#.

Keep spewing your misinformation, I have personally spoken to the person who wrote and negotiated the Alliance and he has been in contact with the NMB.

So since you didnt negotiate it, you didnt write it, nor have a dog in the fight, you know exactly what is going on.

I was personally briefed in a meeting about it with all the leadership.
"The NMB is the only one who can certify an election which results in a change of representation which is going to create a new R#." --- This is exactly what I just posted. YES the NMB IS the one that will certify the association after they are elected in, and give them the new R#. HOWEVER, the NMB will not run the election. 700 you are running out of twisted answers. Here is a blurp from my post above saying the exact same thing you posted:--- Yes the unions will have to file the proper paperwork and applications to the NMB to certify the association "AFTER" the membership has voted such association to represent them. This is the involvement that the NMB will have, certification of the new association (and maybe the de-cert. of TWU and IAM) NOT running, conducting or performing the election of the two unions combining, merging or alliance, what ever you want to call it this week. As stated, "in-writing" by the Information Officer, Don West. I rest my case. Don't care that you personally talked with the person who wrote and nego the alliance, he is wrong if he claims the NMB will conduct the election, we all know they will be involved to cert the new association but they will not conduct the election as it is "OUT OF THEIR JURISDICTION" I still encourage you to write the man you speak of and have him put it in writing that the NMB will in fact conduct the election process between the 2 unions. He won't. I also encourage you to contact the NMB yourself and ask them as I did. You are the one spreading misinformation, not I. I have proven you wrong, you just keep stating and quoting the guy that wrote it and the Q&A, provide proof, otherwise admit defeat on this issue.
You are just truly dense.

The Alliance is going to file for an election with the NMB, not election results.

TR spoke with the NMB, it will be this:

Yes for the alliance.
No union

And TR is well more versed and educated in the matter than you, I will take his word over yours, since he has worked witht he NMB on this issue and you havent.

If the alliance vote fails, there will be no more union on either side.

The IAM nor the TWU doesnt have the power to do that, now do they?
The individual IAM & TWU memberships will NOT get a vote on the question of the formation of IAM/TWU alliance. swamt is correct, the NMB has nothing to do with this.

The individual IAM & TWU memberships WILL get a vote on the question of the IAM/TWU alliance as a bargaining representative. This is the election the NMB will conduct.

The IAM & TWU will not file for representation individually as two separate unions, they will file as one union, the "IAM/TWU Alliance"

All that being said, any talk of what is or is not on the would-be ballot is mere speculation. Thats all it can be at this point, as...

1. no single transportation system determination has been made in the matter of AA/US.

2. no filing for representation has yet been made.

3. no one can know at this point if/how many intervenors will file and would ALSO be on the ballot.

If you're an IAM or TWU member upset with being denied input on the formation of the IAM/TWU Alliance, then you should be signing cards/campaigning for your representative of choice. That way, IF/When a STS determination is made by the NMB, and a representational election called, you'll be prepared to file and have your representative of choice placed on the ballot as well.

You DO have a choice.
You are just truly dense.

The Alliance is going to file for an election with the NMB, not election results.

TR spoke with the NMB, it will be this:

Yes for the alliance.
No union

And TR is well more versed and educated in the matter than you, I will take his word over yours, since he has worked witht he NMB on this issue and you havent.

If the alliance vote fails, there will be no more union on either side.

The IAM nor the TWU doesnt have the power to do that, now do they?
The alliance can file for an election with the NMB all they want to. Does not mean the NMB will accept and then conduct the election of 2 unions becoming one, alliance, merger or combination. File all you want to, they (NMB) has NO JURISDICTION for them to run the election for an alliance. Oh TR spoke to the NMB and told you how it will be, huh?? Why don't you contact the NMB and ask them for yourself, AS I DID, and they told me they WILL NOT conduct the election. And please don't take my word or TR's word, it would benefit you and the membership to do their own homework, get off their lazy a$$es, and contact the NMB to find the very same answers I did. TR is telling you what he wants you to tell the general public and the membership to keep them completely confused, so that the IAM international boys and TR will get the vote they want. Now tell me this 700, what does the "other" option mean that you listed in your post? If I were to mark my ballot "other" what would that mean, or what would the result of my "other" vote mean?? You are also still being very deceiving in your postings, why is that 700???

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