An AMT only takes two years of schooling, my first degree is a BS in Political Science with a minor in Psychology, my second degree is an Associates in Science. That is more schooling than an A&P.
The alliance election will be conducted by the NMB per GLR Tom Regan who wrote the alliance and is the go between the IAM, TWU and NMB.
And if if you are so concerned about something that you have nothing to do with then why dont YOU e-mail, I all ready know the answers.
Like I said, I know more and do more than you have any idea about.
Like I said, the majority of the workers at an MRO where planes are overhauled have more unlicensed mechanics working on planes than licensed mechanics, glad to see you are trolling and ignoring the facts.
I knew you were going to respond that way. Of course you already know the answer, as so do I and you are afraid to post it in writing here as I have. Just so we are clear here, AGAIN, is my e-mail, in writing from the NMB, National Mediation Board with my direct question of who will run the election between the TWU and IAM alliance vote:
Here is my e-mail to NMB:
Don West,
As we have been discussing about the TWU and IAM combining, yes some things have changed on their side since we last spoke. My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it? And what options will the mechanic and related have to choose from, and what results would be obtained from voting on each option?
We are being told that the NMB will run the election. We are also being told that there will only be options on the ballot for this "Alliance" vote; 1- Yes, for the Association and 2- No which would be a vote for no-union or non-union. Then after I informed them that I was contacting the NMB to get answers we were told that there would be a third option of "other", with no explanation of what "other" meant. I suggested to them that the "other" option (with the NMB running the election) generally means "write-in" or "speak-in" option where one could "write-in" or "speak-in" any choice of union they wish. It took constant pressure and inquiries but they finally admitted (after 2 weeks) that the "other" option does mean a "speak-in" option. Here is what I suggested the options would be with the NMB running such an election: 1- Yes, for the Alliance (Association) 2- No, against the Alliance (Association) 3- "Write-in" or "speak-in" 4- No union or Non-union. Then we were all told that this is a different type of an election than a regular card collection and vote for representation, therefore the options I listed above will not be the same. Mr. West can you please indicate what will happen? And what the options will be? And this is even if the NMB will run the election. As we have spoke before, you mentioned that the NMB wouldn't conduct an election unless you were asked to by the unions, well as #5 Q&A states below, both associations will be filing with the NMB to conduct the election. If this is all true, would you be so kind to provide the options on the ballots that the members will receive for this type of an election?
Another question; How long does the NMB normally take when a union files an appeal to protest against the one year limitation term of filing again at a carrier where another union has pulled out of a representational election? Just curious to a possible time frame of the outcome.
Again Mr. West thanks so much for time and patients with me. It seems a lot of my previous information has changed due to the IAM/TWU Alliance has changed some of their information after some of us have proven them wrong. I just cannot see 2 unions coming together with a vote that forces you to vote for the Alliance or vote No and be non-union. It sounds to me like the members actually don't have a choice.
Here is the TWU and IAM Q&A.
Published 14 May, 2013
Q: Why did the TWU and IAM form a representation alliance?
A: The alliance was formed because both the TWU and the IAM concluded that joining forces as partners would offer members of both unions the most bargaining leverage and representation resources possible at the “new” American Airlines.
Q: Who will administer the Associations?
A: There are three Associations – Mechanic and Related, Fleet, and Stores -- that will be jointly administered by the TWU and IAM International Presidents, or their designees.
Q: How much authority will the Associations have over each respective union?
A: The Associations will have no authority over TWU and IAM. Rather, the Associations will govern system-wide negotiations and other system-wide representation issues as outlined in the Association Agreements.
Q: Who will be the first Director of the Association, TWU or IAM?
A: The IAM International President will be first Chairperson for a two-year term followed by the TWU International President.
Q: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?
A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers.
Q: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?
A: The Association will have no members, but it will hold certification for the combined work group. Union membership will be based on a person’s location, as outlined in Appendix B to each Association agreement.
Q: Will the structure of either Union change at any level?
A: No. TWU and IAM will remain separate and independent, but they will jointly administer the single contract negotiated and ratified by the classification following completion of the merger for their respective members.
Q: Is the AA TWU Presidents Council being dissolved?
A: No, the AA TWU Presidents Council will still meet per the by-laws.
Q: What methodology was used to allocate station representation to each Union?
A: The guiding principle was the fair standard of each Union retaining responsibility of representation based on the percentage of membership with which they entered the Alliance. A snapshot of station staffing lists was used to determine system membership numbers, and then the lists were used to show which union had the majority of members working at each station or location.
Q: When were the station assignments determined and where did the employee information come from?
A: The best efforts of both unions were used to determine employee numbers at each carrier and at each location when discussions began in February 2013. These numbers were used by both TWU and IAM representatives to determine representation allocation. The Association agreements recognize final and accurate numbers will be supplied by the respective carriers as of the payroll closing date(s) immediately prior to the signing of the agreements. If necessary, adjustments may be made to Appendix B after the final snapshot is received from the carriers.
Q: Were employees on leave of absence or recall at a particular station considered when determining the assignment of a station to a particular union?
A: Members with recall rights were not on the station staffing lists today but could be if they become active after possible re-staffing of cities following ratification of single joint CBAs. Any future changes in the carrier’s staffing that significantly affects the ratio will be addressed by the Association Director and the Association Vice Director under the terms of the Association agreements.
Q: If a current TWU station within a one station set is being reassigned to the IAM, how does that impact the one-station agreement?
A: This will need to be worked out while negotiating a single contract that covers the employees of the merged company.
Q: What impact will the formation of an Alliance have on collective bargaining with the new merged carrier?
A: The most important reason for the formation of the Alliance between the IAM and TWU is the advantages it gives us in seeking to roll back the bankruptcy driven concessions both groups have endured and secure an industry leading contract at the world’s largest carrier. When the carriers merge, the Company will seek the synergies associated with having single collective bargaining agreements covering the AA and US Airways work groups. Working together we can choose the most favorable provisions from both agreements covering our common work groups and build on them in negotiations to make sure the membership is properly rewarded for the financial and productivity gains produced by a single operation. Of equal importance, both organizations can focus all of their efforts and resources on securing the best possible agreement for our members rather than wasting time and effort in lengthy and bitter representation fights that will create long term divisions and inevitably limit and delay improvements for both our memberships. The Alliance assures that the resources and work of both organizations will be focused where it should be– on improving the work lives of our members.
Q: Will the formation of the Association change my current contract?
A: No. Your contract will remain in full force and effect and will not be changed until 1) either union reaches a new agreement for their members only at the pre-merger carrier in which they currently represent employees, or 2) the Association negotiates a single agreement to cover employees of both pre-merger airline in a particular classification and it is ratified by the combined TWU-IAM memberships.
Q: Will the forming of the Association impact the current IAM-US Airways negotiations?
A: No. The IAM will continue bargaining with US Airways for its current members at the stand-alone carrier until the National Mediation Board determines US Airways and American Airlines are operating as a single carrier. The IAM’s position is that US Airways must fulfill its bargaining responsibilities with the IAM before joint negotiations begin.
Q: When will the Association begin bargaining a combined/joint contract?
A. After the airlines’ merger is completed and the membership approves a TWU/IAM joint representation alliance.
Q: How will the Association negotiate a joint contract for each of the different classes and crafts at American Airlines and US Airways?
A. Per the Association constitutions, the Negotiating Committee shall be comprised of an equal number of representatives from the TWU and the IAM for each class & craft.
Q: Will the “Association” have separate negotiating committees for each class and craft?
A: Yes. Each class and craft (Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores) will have their own negotiating committee.
Q: Will the formation of the Alliance affect the seniority integration agreement reached between the TWU, IAM, American Airlines and US Airways?
A: No. Seniority will be integrated as set forth in the previously announced Seniority Integration Agreement.
Q: Would my dues remain the same even if responsibility for my location shifts to a different Alliance member?
A: No. Dues will be determined under the Constitution and bylaws of the Union with representation responsibility for the location.
Q: Will our dues structure be different at each station depending on which Union is servicing the members there?
A: Yes. The TWU and IAM have different dues structures. The TWU has a 2x the hourly rate dues structure. IAM dues vary and are set by the membership of each Local Lodge.
Q: Will TWU Local assets be assigned over to the IAM if a Local is disbanded?
A: TWU assets will not be assigned to the IAM. Under the TWU Constitution, such funds would be placed in a special fund to be run by the TWU IAC for the benefit of the TWU ATD.
- Alliance Voting and Options
FROM info line
RE your Question: My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it?
Just how a union chooses to represent its members is an internal-union matter, not under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board. The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections.
RE your Question: Another question; How long does the NMB normally take when a union files an appeal to protest against the one limitation term of filing again at a carrier where another union has pulled out of a representational election? Just curious to a possible time frame of the outcome.
I'm not sure I understand this question, but if you are talking about a Representation case, it seems you may be asking about Time limits on applications. If so, you may want to see Section 1206.4 of NMB Rules at
RE your Question: Question #5 is the way they are now saying they will ask for the NMB to run the election:
We cannot address hypothetical applications. Applications actually received by the NMB for the Investigation of Representation Disputes are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Don West,
As we have been discussing about the TWU and IAM combining, yes some things have changed on their side since we last spoke. My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it? And what options will the mechanic and related have to choose from, and what results would be obtained from voting on each option?
We are being told that the NMB will run the election. We are also being told that there will only be options on the ballot for this "Alliance" vote; 1- Yes, for the Association and 2- No which would be a vote for no-union or non-union. Then after I informed them that I was contacting the NMB to get answers we were told that there would be a third option of "other", with no explanation of what "other" meant. I suggested to them that the "other" option (with the NMB running the election) generally means "write-in" or "speak-in" option where the one could "write-in" or "speak-in" any choice of union they wish. It took constant pressure and inquiries but they finally admitted (after 2 weeks) that the "other" option does mean a "speak-in" option. Here is what I suggested the options would be with the NMB running such an election: 1- Yes, for the Alliance (Association) 2- No, against the Alliance (Association) 3- "Write-in" or "speak-in" 4- No union or Non-union. Then we were all told that this is a different type of an election than a regular card collection and vote for representation, therefore the options I listed above will not be the same. Mr. West can you please indicate what will happen? And what the options will be? And this is even if the NMB will run the election. As we have spoke before, you mentioned that the NMB wouldn't conduct an election unless you were asked to by the unions, well as #5 Q&A states below, both associations will be filing with the NMB to conduct the election. If this is all true, would you be so kind to provide the options on the ballots that the members will receive for this type of an election?
Another question; How long does the NMB normally take when a union files an appeal to protest against the one limitation term of filing again at a carrier where another union has pulled out of a representational election? Just curious to a possible time frame of the outcome.
Again Mr. West thanks so much for time and patients with me. It seems a lot of my previous information has changed due to the IAM/TWU Alliance has changed some of their information after some of us have proven them wrong. I just cannot see 2 unions coming together with a vote that forces you to vote for the Alliance or vote No and be non-union. It sounds to me like the members actually don't have a choice.
Here is the TWU and IAM Q&A. Question #5 is the way they are now saying they will ask for the NMB to run the election:
Sincerely, Name deleted
TWU/IAM Alliance Q&A and Full Agreement
Published 14 May, 2013
Q: Why did the TWU and IAM form a representation alliance?
A: The alliance was formed because both the TWU and the IAM concluded that joining forces as partners would offer members of both unions the most bargaining leverage and representation resources possible at the “new” American Airlines.
Q: Who will administer the Associations?
A: There are three Associations – Mechanic and Related, Fleet, and Stores -- that will be jointly administered by the TWU and IAM International Presidents, or their designees.
Q: How much authority will the Associations have over each respective union?
A: The Associations will have no authority over TWU and IAM. Rather, the Associations will govern system-wide negotiations and other system-wide representation issues as outlined in the Association Agreements.
Q: Who will be the first Director of the Association, TWU or IAM?
A: The IAM International President will be first Chairperson for a two-year term followed by the TWU International President.
Q: Will I have the opportunity to vote on whether or not I am represented by the Association?
A: Yes. Following the completion of the American – US Airways’ merger, the Associations will file representation applications with the National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, which will culminate in three separate elections, one for each of the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classifications. You will vote in the election of the classification in which you work with others from both carriers.
Q: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?
A: The Association will have no members, but it will hold certification for the combined work group. Union membership will be based on a person’s location, as outlined in Appendix B to each Association agreement.
Q: Will the structure of either Union change at any level?
A: No. TWU and IAM will remain separate and independent, but they will jointly administer the single contract negotiated and ratified by the classification following completion of the merger for their respective members.
Q: Is the AA TWU Presidents Council being dissolved?
A: No, the AA TWU Presidents Council will still meet per the by-laws.
Q: What methodology was used to allocate station representation to each Union?
A: The guiding principle was the fair standard of each Union retaining responsibility of representation based on the percentage of membership with which they entered the Alliance. A snapshot of station staffing lists was used to determine system membership numbers, and then the lists were used to show which union had the majority of members working at each station or location.
Q: When were the station assignments determined and where did the employee information come from?
A: The best efforts of both unions were used to determine employee numbers at each carrier and at each location when discussions began in February 2013. These numbers were used by both TWU and IAM representatives to determine representation allocation. The Association agreements recognize final and accurate numbers will be supplied by the respective carriers as of the payroll closing date(s) immediately prior to the signing of the agreements. If necessary, adjustments may be made to Appendix B after the final snapshot is received from the carriers.
Q: Were employees on leave of absence or recall at a particular station considered when determining the assignment of a station to a particular union?
A: Members with recall rights were not on the station staffing lists today but could be if they become active after possible re-staffing of cities following ratification of single joint CBAs. Any future changes in the carrier’s staffing that significantly affects the ratio will be addressed by the Association Director and the Association Vice Director under the terms of the Association agreements.
Q: If a current TWU station within a one station set is being reassigned to the IAM, how does that impact the one-station agreement?
A: This will need to be worked out while negotiating a single contract that covers the employees of the merged company.
Q: What impact will the formation of an Alliance have on collective bargaining with the new merged carrier?
A: The most important reason for the formation of the Alliance between the IAM and TWU is the advantages it gives us in seeking to roll back the bankruptcy driven concessions both groups have endured and secure an industry leading contract at the world’s largest carrier. When the carriers merge, the Company will seek the synergies associated with having single collective bargaining agreements covering the AA and US Airways work groups. Working together we can choose the most favorable provisions from both agreements covering our common work groups and build on them in negotiations to make sure the membership is properly rewarded for the financial and productivity gains produced by a single operation. Of equal importance, both organizations can focus all of their efforts and resources on securing the best possible agreement for our members rather than wasting time and effort in lengthy and bitter representation fights that will create long term divisions and inevitably limit and delay improvements for both our memberships. The Alliance assures that the resources and work of both organizations will be focused where it should be– on improving the work lives of our members.
Q: Will the formation of the Association change my current contract?
A: No. Your contract will remain in full force and effect and will not be changed until 1) either union reaches a new agreement for their members only at the pre-merger carrier in which they currently represent employees, or 2) the Association negotiates a single agreement to cover employees of both pre-merger airline in a particular classification and it is ratified by the combined TWU-IAM memberships.
Q: Will the forming of the Association impact the current IAM-US Airways negotiations?
A: No. The IAM will continue bargaining with US Airways for its current members at the stand-alone carrier until the National Mediation Board determines US Airways and American Airlines are operating as a single carrier. The IAM’s position is that US Airways must fulfill its bargaining responsibilities with the IAM before joint negotiations begin.
Q: When will the Association begin bargaining a combined/joint contract?
A. After the airlines’ merger is completed and the membership approves a TWU/IAM joint representation alliance.
Q: How will the Association negotiate a joint contract for each of the different classes and crafts at American Airlines and US Airways?
A. Per the Association constitutions, the Negotiating Committee shall be comprised of an equal number of representatives from the TWU and the IAM for each class & craft.
Q: Will the “Association” have separate negotiating committees for each class and craft?
A: Yes. Each class and craft (Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores) will have their own negotiating committee.
Q: Will the formation of the Alliance affect the seniority integration agreement reached between the TWU, IAM, American Airlines and US Airways?
A: No. Seniority will be integrated as set forth in the previously announced Seniority Integration Agreement.
Q: Would my dues remain the same even if responsibility for my location shifts to a different Alliance member?
A: No. Dues will be determined under the Constitution and bylaws of the Union with representation responsibility for the location.
Q: Will our dues structure be different at each station depending on which Union is servicing the members there?
A: Yes. The TWU and IAM have different dues structures. The TWU has a 2x the hourly rate dues structure. IAM dues vary and are set by the membership of each Local Lodge.
Q: Will TWU Local assets be assigned over to the IAM if a Local is disbanded?
A: TWU assets will not be assigned to the IAM. Under the TWU Constitution, such funds would be placed in a special fund to be run by the TWU IAC for the benefit of the TWU ATD.
Question #5 is the way they are now saying they will ask for the NMB to run the election:
Sincerely, My name deleted by me.
Here is the NMB's response to me, "in writing":
RE your Question: My main issue with this "Alliance" vote is, who will run it?
Just how a union chooses to represent its members is an internal-union matter, not under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board. The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections.
RE your Question: Another question; How long does the NMB normally take when a union files an appeal to protest against the one limitation term of filing again at a carrier where another union has pulled out of a representational election? Just curious to a possible time frame of the outcome.
I'm not sure I understand this question, but if you are talking about a Representation case, it seems you may be asking about Time limits on applications. If so, you may want to see Section 1206.4 of NMB Rules at
RE your Question: Question #5 is the way they are now saying they will ask for the NMB to run the election:
We cannot address hypothetical applications. Applications actually received by the NMB for the Investigation of Representation Disputes are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Are you still going to say different 700? If you are so sure your correct I urge you to get it in writing from both TWU and IAM. Not Q&A's listed on web site, put it in writing and ask them directly, so they can answer in writing. I also encourage the entire membership at both carriers to do the same. I have posted evidence proving my case, and you refuse to do so because you claim you already know the answer. What a lame excuse. You claim NMB is running the election and the NMB has responded they will not "IN-WRITING" now prove me wrong 700. Again here is the NMB's response about conducting the election between the TWU and IAM:---"The NMB has no jurisdiction over the alliance or merger of unions and does not conduct such elections." Now, dispute this with proof---you cannot, now admit it and move on, quit with the misinformation to the members. Let it all out for all to see 700UW. You can't produce, you are lying, you are trying to deflect the membership into a forced vote for the alliance as you know AMFA will prevail at AA over any alliance. C'mon 700 prove me wrong!!!
Sorry so long guys, but wanted to put it all out there and get blamed for leaving something out...