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700UW said:
Wrong the IAM didnt negotiate a Transition Agreement, it is a Section 6 Tentative Agreement with a three year duration.
Dont let the facts get in your way, a topped out mechanics on DOS will receive a nice increase.
After three years of negotiations 3% raise with 50 ea cents lic...with no signing bonus, call that a nice increase.....I really think it S**ks!!!  They had no problem with "retro givebacks"...... Still the lowest paid in the business!!  1.5% penality on the backside...its a joke....we will be stuck with this three yr contract for the next 5+ years!!!
Transition negotiations are a farce. Section 6 is the only leverage you guys have so don't blow it and buy the turd.  
Overspeed said:
The IAM negotiatied what should be labled a transition agreement. The JCBA would be where you go after higher wages. All the things you don't like that you voted in the new local officers to correct will be done in a new JCBA. Look at UA/CO...the IBT is doing that now. Many of you have noted the turned down $40 plus in hopes of getting more. The new 514/567/591 crew should get us more if they can walk the talk.
I liked my old negotiating team, but the TWU did away with my local.
700UW said:
Wrong the IAM didnt negotiate a Transition Agreement, it is a Section 6 Tentative Agreement with a three year duration.
Dont let the facts get in your way, a topped out mechanics on DOS will receive a nice increase.
Read what I wrote. There was no way the IAM was going to get a huge raise beyond what the AMTs have at AA. If you are saying the current IAM TA is the awesome result of three years of negotiating then what a waste of time. The TWU negotiated a better deal in 2010 TA at AA that was rejected.
Accept this IAM TA for what it is. A temporary agreement, a placeholder while the company moves through the merger process and the TWU and IAM work towards a JCBA.
Don't let your ego get in your way
dfw gen said:
your funny! gain share lol! yep that's a good one don. and what forces the company to gain share? their sense of fair play?let me guess?"they can do that brother""we'll get em next time""they are in bankruptcy" (we're scared)"its because of AMFA""its because of the teamsters""we forgot to write that letter"did i miss any?
Yes you did. The union forces the company.
A topped out mechanic at US will get a 10% raise DOS.
Overspeed said:
Yes you did. The union forces the company.
I can assume we will both agree on my next statement, The union workers in the airline industry have been hurt by the attacks of 911.
The companies now have used that to take it a step further. The industry is NOT what it was, we all know that. It's not fun any more. 
It is time for all of us to take a long look at where we want to be down the road, with our careers.
UAL/CAL mechanics still working without a JCBA, the USAirways Pilots not on the same page. The battle between AMFA and the TWU here at AA. 
How much more are we going to let the companies destroy the union concept in our industry?
We all ask why didn't the TWU do this, or say AMFA didn't do that,  the IBT failed at this. The IAM is what ever.
Shouldn't all these unions work as one to get back the benefits we had and put the fun back in our jobs. Government has put so much regulation into our industry and allowed the companies to outsource our labor its a shame.
Having a single voice for the pilots or the F/A or the mechanics each work group will be heard. The large Industrial union concept has failed. Isn't time to try another way?
Each union should support what the members want, not dictate what they think is best.
If you are a union guy supporting one anothers union is also a concept that is going away in the USA shouldn't we all try to bring that back as well.
Working toward a better way of doing things is the only way we are going to advance our class and craft and make better lives for our families.
It's time for the membership to stand together, as one work group, make a choice which union is going to make our lives better and the future of our class and craft stronger. 
It's time to make a change that will make a difference.
None, no scope was lost, nor benefits given up.
700UW said:
None, no scope was lost, nor benefits given up.
Reference please? No hight light sheet please just the entire T/A for us to see.
When the TA comes out you can read it.
I have spoken to someone on the committee, you will see when the whole TA is released.
700UW said:
None, no scope was lost, nor benefits given up.
3% raises at 12 and 24 months after amendable date in the current contract, dropping to 1.5% sounds concessionary. Looks like the company is setting up for lengthy "Harmonizing" of our contracts!
700UW said:
When the TA comes out you can read it.
I have spoken to someone on the committee, you will see when the whole TA is released.
share about the job protection for line maintenance?   you know what i mean
700UW said:
When the TA comes out you can read it.
I have spoken to someone on the committee, you will see when the whole TA is released.
You have said many times you are not affiliated with the IAM nor are you an employee of USAirways.
Is this true Y OR N?
If you are not part of the union at US then How can you have access to the T/A before the membership?
How can you know that NO scope was changed, or benefits given up?
Are you telling us that you are so important that you have knowledge before the members as an outsider?
Please explain this??????????????

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