Overspeed said:
Yes you did. The union forces the company.
I can assume we will both agree on my next statement, The union workers in the airline industry have been hurt by the attacks of 911.
The companies now have used that to take it a step further. The industry is NOT what it was, we all know that. It's not fun any more.
It is time for all of us to take a long look at where we want to be down the road, with our careers.
UAL/CAL mechanics still working without a JCBA, the USAirways Pilots not on the same page. The battle between AMFA and the TWU here at AA.
How much more are we going to let the companies destroy the union concept in our industry?
We all ask why didn't the TWU do this, or say AMFA didn't do that, the IBT failed at this. The IAM is what ever.
Shouldn't all these unions work as one to get back the benefits we had and put the fun back in our jobs. Government has put so much regulation into our industry and allowed the companies to outsource our labor its a shame.
Having a single voice for the pilots or the F/A or the mechanics each work group will be heard. The large Industrial union concept has failed. Isn't time to try another way?
Each union should support what the members want, not dictate what they think is best.
If you are a union guy supporting one anothers union is also a concept that is going away in the USA shouldn't we all try to bring that back as well.
Working toward a better way of doing things is the only way we are going to advance our class and craft and make better lives for our families.
It's time for the membership to stand together, as one work group, make a choice which union is going to make our lives better and the future of our class and craft stronger.
It's time to make a change that will make a difference.