Here's the irony: by the time they see anything...(if ever) the East attrition will make it moot, but they'll be bankrupt from litigating.
The hands are already in the cookie jar...and they're gonna sue to get the cookie NOW...and they'll spend every penny to do it.
when they could have the whole jar in so many years...
Indeed sir. The entire scenario's proved mind-boggling to me from the very onset of the first post-nic, west "Booyooshaka!!"..and the east response of "umm..guys, gals...this nic thing's not going to really work"....."can we talk?"..West = "It's Final and Binding!"...."It's OVER. Get used to it!"...and countless variations on: Whooopeee!!..We "Won"/You should have reverently kissed our tails prior to arbitration!!/"We saved you!"/and thusly = You OWE us everything/etc...puke and repeat as needed.
I'd honestly like to finally know what it is they believe they'll ever gain from all this "All Out Warfare"...and just when "St Nic is coming to town" per their schedule. I've little doubt that litigation will be attempted., to say the least. I merely wonder as to how they honestly imagine all this playing out over time....
I guess that it'll have to run it's course until/unless enough west money's been spent, and insufficient stomache acid's left in their sytems to continue....or some final ruling's handed down many years hence.....It's seriously mind boggling to me all around.