Tim Nelson
It's true that Unions 'could' have sunk it. Unions have that type of power. Unions still can sink it. I didn't say that the unions did sink it because management sunk it only to be resessitated with an infusion of high dollar oxygen. The unions chose not to sink it due to its weakened economic stance resulting from membership losses.What did you consider "true" and "non disputable"?
Since, we have found out that the company lied about their financial condition, that they simply used a crisis to achieve something they could not do through lawful means, that of concessions. They actually celebrated when the first tower fell.
After the first go-around, they found out they could have gotten more, so, publicly, they announced that another go was on the agenda in order to "gain more concessions from unions under chapter 11".
I find it difficult to see your attempted correlation of union killing company when the company makes those kind of statements.
You seem incredibly unhinged from reality, sir.
A case could be made that it would have been fair and equitable for the unions to sink US AIRWAYS back in 2003. Most likely it would have preserved industry jobs and Airline management integrity and accountability. Because the unions chose not to sink US AIRWAYS, the whole industry is now polluted with corporate gweed growing faster than ever before.
Remember, the US AIRWAYS "Wall Street" model worked! Wall Street tried this with Eastern and it failed, but the US AIRWAYS unions bluffed and backed down and allowed a complete and utter unjust situation to occur. After the dam was allowed to break, United, NW, and Delta followed it.
OTOH, Charlie Bryan and the fighting machinist at Eastern had foresight and decided Eastern's future. This 'cleansing action' preserved industry jobs so that many of his Eastern members had the opportunity to continue to find decent paying industry work at other airlines. Now, because the unions chose for the first time to go through bankruptcy by bowing down to injustices, the whole industry is on spoiled ground. If I mechanic loses his job now, where to go??? If a pilot loses his job now, where to go?
At any rate, the unions decision not to wield its power and stop the cancer from spreading, was a result of their dwindling economic position in the culture because of 'painful' losses in membership numbers.