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Three 13 hour Shifts

Would you be willing to work three 13 hour shifts with four days off

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Prelimary only; 3-13 shift times, Starts Friday afternoon 6:00pm to 7:30am, Fri-Sunday. Day's,
Sat-Mon 6:00am-7:30pm, Totaling 39 hours, Area's, Overhaul hanger lines.

Was this ever put to the membership?
This is outside the labor agreement, don't see how they could force you to work it.
We had many question about this, to(Mangement). and was told "Don't worry, everbody wants it"
I'll try to contact our union hall, to get the written rules. It has to be in writing? Right?
So you're saying that you were never allowed to C/S off and C/S on at any station you have been at? In my humble opinion, a C/S is a C/S. Doesn't matter if you C/S to work a double shift, work a day off or change your start stop time. The point is, C/S is allowed at line stations and now it is not allowed in Tulsa. Bottom line is line guys can C/S to accomodate a part time job and Tulsa guys can't. But, 74% of the koolaid drinkers in Tulsa were stupid enough to vote for a contract that had work rules and overtime rules to be written later.

Old guy hit it on the nose, Tulsa voted it so now they suffer. Line mntc can do CS's and double's, this sometimes is to accomodate traveling, due to alot of line mntc do not live in the same city as they work. Since transfer's were frozen, and you can't move around. Alot of AMT's work second job's, since we don't see OT very often (Class II's). And it's really nice to see how other companies treat their workers, and how moral is high. Makes you want to leave... but the only thing is, you almost need two - three incomes, to make it in todays world. Everything goes up except our pay and if that goes up our cost of benefits goes up geez is there a relationship there.

As far as a 13 hr day goes, a line mntc amt should be able to handle those hours easy. Overhaul, depending where you are, i.e. Hangar or shop, you might not be able to handle it. Due to the difference in the type of work. The 13 hr day in line mntc would save us (workers) money in the commute, and help our moral, being out of the work area and being with family more.
But this is what nearly 80% of the Tulsa base wanted and voted for. And I say this with the utmost respect for those, like you Old Guy, who fought for a NO vote on the base, but the YES crowd got exactly what they asked for. The contract says up to 12 hour shifts, so I say No to 13 hour shifts on a deal cutting for Tulsa only like Sam Siri is looking to pull. If the company wants 13 hour shifts, I say make them open the contract and fix all the other stuff, like pay.
No offense taken at all Tex-Mech. I completely agree with you. Tulsa as a whole is to blame for this. I am torn though because I hurt for the no voters who have tried to earn a second income but I love to say "I told you so" to the yes voters who complain now. I wonder if they'll be so quick to vote yes on a contract with blank pages for work rules and overtime rules with a disclaimer TBD?
If its true that Tulsa is removing the flexibility that they have allowed in the past then its obvious that they are doing so in an effort to insure failure. This way when they do outsource the 767s and the MD-80s go away, resulting in massive headcount reductions, which would happen no matter how good of a job Tulsa does, they will claim that they did so because the workers failed to perform.

We have seen this before on the line, with the movement of B-cks. most dont buy it but some do. I recall when we lost the 767 Bck out of JFK, the checks performance was excellent, so they could not blame performance, but they shifted itto LAX due to routing.

The company figures that if they make movements of work look like punishment that workers brought upon themselves that others will work harder to insure it doesnt happen to them or that if they work hard enough they will get more work brought in.Sadly our appointed reps in the ATD run around supporting this hoax. But they dont move work because one station works harder than the other-they would replace management if that was the determining factor-work ends up where aircraft can be routed to places they have the time and facilities to do it.

JFK realized back with the 767 that it doesnt matter one way or the other. Tulsa is likely being provoked into a response, but whether they respond or not the result will be the same, they will lose work if AA can find a place to do it cheaper and as old planes are replaced by the 500 new ones they have coming.
They may have finally gone too far. A mechanic got a call from a local school official and was told to come and get his child. There had been a student who commited suicide by shooting themselves in a bathroom. The school was sending all the kids home. The AMT went to management and asked if he could leave to pick the child up and was told no. He scrambled and got a relative to do it. The word of this got around and now even the koolaid drinkers are angry. Now managers are blaming Dallas for the new policy. A manager was asked today if Dallas is going to run the Tulsa base why do we need him? He did not have an answer. Things are going to get interesting now. They have threatened everyone with their job but now it is finally dawning on level 5 managers that they will not have jobs either. But nobody will take responsibility for this policy. I wonder who the fall guy will be. There is always someone thrown under the bus.
Why bother asking just punch out and go home sick. Why even take the chance of them telling you "NO"
They may have finally gone too far. A mechanic got a call from a local school official and was told to come and get his child. There had been a student who commited suicide by shooting themselves in a bathroom. The school was sending all the kids home. The AMT went to management and asked if he could leave to pick the child up and was told no. He scrambled and got a relative to do it. The word of this got around and now even the koolaid drinkers are angry. Now managers are blaming Dallas for the new policy. A manager was asked today if Dallas is going to run the Tulsa base why do we need him? He did not have an answer. Things are going to get interesting now. They have threatened everyone with their job but now it is finally dawning on level 5 managers that they will not have jobs either. But nobody will take responsibility for this policy. I wonder who the fall guy will be. There is always someone thrown under the bus.

The manager screwed up. He should have grabbed a steward, notified the company that he had to leave and went. No job is worth abandoning your child.
Having worked both 4 10s and 3 13s before, but while sitting at a desk with breaks whenever I wanted one, I can tell you that either one will wear you down to a nub eventually. I can not imagine doing that while working as a mechanic or a ramper. Ewww.

That it will do. With the 4/10 it seems like you spend your days off recovering from your work week. On more than a few occasions I had a hard time remembering the drive home. No thank you. I'll stick with my current schedule. 5/8, weekend and holidays off.
It's hard to imagine a 15-16 hour day dedicated to this place. The would include travel time depending on your commute.
First day off to recover... 1 day before going back, just moping around the house thinking about those 13 hour days...
No offense taken at all Tex-Mech. I completely agree with you. Tulsa as a whole is to blame for this. I am torn though because I hurt for the no voters who have tried to earn a second income but I love to say "I told you so" to the yes voters who complain now. I wonder if they'll be so quick to vote yes on a contract with blank pages for work rules and overtime rules with a disclaimer TBD?


I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read that.

Then again..........

Yeah, on second thought it's not so funny........ 🙁
The line is hearing that Tulsa is pushing forward for 3 13's. This is coming from different sources on base, any feed back?
The line is hearing that Tulsa is pushing forward for 3 13's. This is coming from different sources on base, any feed back?
Hard to say. I've heard that 3/13's is off. We'll know the truth when the bid sheets come out. If it is true, I'm understanding it's only for the 737 group in hanger 1 & 2.
Hard to say. I've heard that 3/13's is off. We'll know the truth when the bid sheets come out. If it is true, I'm understanding it's only for the 737 group in hanger 1 & 2.

How can it only be for one dock only. Is this a management decision for the dock?

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