Why would I trade an am for another am on the same day?
* If you have an 800-430pm shift and have something you need to do at 3pm, you could trade for a 430am-1pm shift and be able to do what you need to do at 3pm without taking a hit on a shift trade. This also applies when trying to help someone else get off when you can work and trade shift for an earlier time to pick up an afternoon shift. You trade your 800am-430pm for a 430am-1pm and then pick up a pm 2pm-730pm shift so someone else can be off.
Do trade for trades (my shift on tues for your shift on thurs) AND drops (my shift to you, not working for you back) both count as part of that 20 times per calendar quarter? This is a HUGE one for us! We have unlimited trades. Again while the money increase may be nice, most of us LOVE the flexibility of the position. Consensus has been that agents would take $2-3 less if they have total flexibility like we have.
*Yes these count as trades. We used to have unlimited trades, but for some reason (most of us suspect with the staffing cuts we took, they wanted agents eager to work overtime, thus limited the time we can take off so we are sure to be around. This also applies to not being able to work more than 1 12 hour shift in a row due to "safety reasons", yet if its overtime you're working 16 hours two days in a row, its not a problem. :unsure: :down: )
So how many days are paid or included in the plan? We currently have 10 paid days but we are typically counseled (although it's not consistent) after 3 or 4 in a rolling calendar year. At what point does "sick time" become an attendance "issue"? Is that addressed anywhere?
*12 sick days I believe looking at the orig paper contract (although it may be changed, but I dont have the time to look it up online right now.) You can have 4 sick calls in a rolling 12 month calendar year until being called in. First verbal warning, then steps up to 4. The oldest one drops off on the 366th day after occurance. It takes quite a bit to get up on levels, although we have some up there that keep hanging on.
So I can trade 1 hour to another agent? Does that count as part of my 20 trades?
*If you trade in advance, yes. You can also VTO (voluntary time off) day of without coverage in some cases that doesnt count as a trade, just unpaid.
This certainly varies from location to location but in PHX, we've had everything from three 8 hour shifts for part timers to 4 six hour shifts to typical standard of 5 days per week at 4 - 6 hour shifts. We have had bids with 4 10-hour days for full timers but they found that it doesn't work as well for the operation so the last two bids have been 5 8-hour days but again, the flexibility to double and trade at will is just HUGE.
This would be a huge nightmare and inconvenience as it's a 16 minute ride from the parking lot to the ATO and with 2 hours in between a shift, well, you can see it would be yucky.
*I dont know of many cities that currently have split shifts. It would most likely take place in smaller cities with a limited flight schedule. You come in and work the am originator, then dont have another flight until in the afternoon so there is a couple hour gap where staffing is not needed. With the merger, many of the cities that might have had this need would probably now have enough flights to elminate this. It is allowed, but not a great way to do things unless absolutely necessary (or to piss off your agents!)
I think, overall, the saddest part of this is the trading. The holidays and vacation part are probably livable but the consecutive doubles and unlimited trades can make or break it. Many full timers do what I do and work only 3 or 4 days with drops and trades while still maintaining hours. Many (most) part timers work 3 or 4 days or even two days a week dropping to min hours of 16 per week.
* I dont think you'd get any argument about the trade or double shift things. We thought it was a problem too in the beginning, especially those of us who had to commute due to being displaced. You just have to pick and choose when you want off or want to work. It would be nice to get both of these changed if possible since some people HAVE to work hours to be able to pay their bills and are limited. I do not accept the "safety" aspect of the double shifts while we have agents who continue to work weeks doing 12 and 16 hour shifts on overtime for days in a row. Another problem with the trade offs we've had in station before was someone who was almost never at work due to trades. (They were displaced and would trade off for a couple weeks at a time to go home.) They were getting benefits and not working. I could see some restriction in place like you have to work X amount of your scheduled hours in a quarter or something along those lines to limit this problem. Maybe also you have to work X amount of hours in a quarter to keep benefits, that way you could drop an entire week and pick up hours the next week to be able to get time off when needed.