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Usairways Hiring More Part Time Customer Service

Everyone wants tons of P/T help. The companies know that very few of them will be career people. Hire them for crap wages, and hope they leave before they get too far up the payscale. This job is better suited for Students, Housewives and retired people just looking for a few free flights, and a couple of extra bucks for the time being. I have seen it first hand, and that is what type of agents we are getting. Some only last a few months before moving on. Those dedicated pesky career minded people are just pulling this company down.
tadjr said:
. I wonder why they are wanting to hire MORE agents (with benefits) instead of giving us 4 more hours a day and being done with it? Those of us who were downgraded are getting full time benefits already so it wouldnt be adding any more benefits cost to the bottom line to upgrade us again instead of bringing more people into the mix or at least giving those of us here more hours spread over the entire group if needed (5 or 5 1/2 hours instead of 4). I
NW did the same thing at my station; there were 4 rampers bumped to P/T, all topped out with full benefits, and rather than recalling them to F/T, they just flled the gaps with overtime.Unreal..... :angry:
wings396 said:
Everyone wants tons of P/T help. The companies know that very few of them will be career people. Hire them for crap wages, and hope they leave before they get too far up the payscale. This job is better suited for Students, Housewives and retired people just looking for a few free flights, and a couple of extra bucks for the time being. I have seen it first hand, and that is what type of agents we are getting. Some only last a few months before moving on. Those dedicated pesky career minded people are just pulling this company down.

In my station, that is exactly what they have out of the few that made it thru the last training class.
MDA has training classes for CSAs in PHL (acronym overdose?). A couple of weeks ago one class that had been in session for three days lost 90% of the class. They were told they had to pay for uniforms which costs about $600 per set. After the lunch break TWO students of a total of 20 returned to class. Eighteen people opted to abandon their training. Believe me, it is not just the uniforms. When you factor in all of the BS along with the pay, it is simply just not worth it.
Lakefield and his executive clowns couldn't run a side-show in a carnival.

Let's see:

1. Crap compensaton in high cost of living area.
2. Zero morale among employees.
3. Probably won't finish training before the company goes belly up.
4. Got to pay $600 for uniforms that you'll probably never get the chance to wear.

You don't have to have a business degree to know you're being screwed on that deal.

Does Lakefield and any of the execs have an interest in or get a "cut" from the uniform company?
At that pay and the overwork situation and upcomming abuse that will come from customers with the bad weather this winter, most of them will most likely figure it is not worth it and leave and the revolving door begins...
Theres plenty of people out of highschool and college who want the job. Dont fool yourself. Have we all been paid so well so long, that we forgot how it was when we started?
usfliboi said:
Theres plenty of people out of highschool and colleg who want the job. Dont fool yourslef.

😉 Are you sure you are one of them darling?
Darlin, I am one of those people who has appreciated being at the top of the industry, since Ed ruined PIEDMONT in 1989.... The i was hired part time when i started
LOL! Whooosh--- right over the head!

Part time? I thought we were supposed to think of you as a flight attendant?
usfliboi said:
Theres plenty of people out of highschool and college who want the job. Dont fool yourself.

Not in the PHL area.

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