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Cwa Contract Question Regarding Swaps


Feb 21, 2004
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A question for all you CWA'ers that are in the know about the contract. It has been ammended so many times since it came out , there are many Grey Areas. Is it allowable, per the contract, for a Full time CSS, to swap their shift with a part time agent, who is eager for hours???? Some agents in my city are saying that since it is a different classifaction, it is not allowed. We have CSS's that are really only working part time,receiving full time benefits . They swap off their 8 hr shift with a part-timer, so they only have to work 5 hrs. instead of 8 hrs a day. But meanwhile they are receiving full time benefits. The funny thing about it, is that the part timer that is picking up the extra hours, is very senior to the full time Supervisor, that is giving up the hours, and he is working over 40 hours a week , with part time benefits. Meanwhile the Supervisor, who kept their full time job after 9/11, (because their supervisor skills were NEEDED for the operation of the airline), is actually only working a part time agent line, about 25 hours a week. They say the 20 swaps per quarter does not pertain to their deal because they are both shift 1. But Every shift is shift 1 now?? Right??? So now we have Part-timers that are CSS's 4 days a week, because the Real CSS's don't want to work full time anymore.... Can someone shed some light on this????????? :unsure:
As long as the Part-timer is CSS qualified and not changing shifts such as night for day it's fine. Once you switch the hours like day for night is when the swaps start to disappear. This is just a classic example of how folks are getting creative with what they have to work with. In my station I'm a CSS and we have maybe one person who is CSS qualified to swap with and that person is out on medical and taking the buy-out anyways. We have quite a few CSS's to swap with though. It gets hard some times and I think if the person has been or has enough knowledge there shouldn't be a problem, but not here it just wont be approved even though work brain will allow it the station manager will not.