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The Whining Continues...

What, EXACTLY, do you expect the flight attendants to do? Honestly. What could the remaining flight attendants do to make you happy?
After all your whiny posts, I for one do not want to see YOU back on the line. If you JUST want to fly, go apply at Jetblue, Eagle, any of the lcc's that are hiring. My guess is that they were more astute in their interview process than AA was and therefore have not hired you! I am not one to be truly contorversial on this board, but you are a whining idiot! :down:
twasilverbullet said:
Just my two cents worth..........

-the longer the layovers- more f/a's they would need to recall. :up:

-the shorter the layovers- less f/a's they would need. :down:
Sorry AAmech, It should have read:

-The longer the layovers-less f/a's they would need to recall. :down:

-the shorter the layovers-more f/a's they would need. :up:

Thanks 😉 🙂
After all your whiny posts, I for one do not want to see YOU back on the line. If you JUST want to fly, go apply at Jetblue, Eagle, any of the lcc's that are hiring. My guess is that they were more astute in their interview process than AA was and therefore have not hired you! I am not one to be truly contorversial on this board, but you are a whining idiot!

Now we have resorted to name calling on this board. I am a whining idiot. Moderator please remind the poster of the TOS for this board.

AAStew read the letter posted by the APFA officer. If that's not you flight attendants on the line doing the whining then what is it? If you don't like my posts then so be it. However, I am not advocating standing up and fighting the company on something that is in thier every right to be done. Lets not forget the sacrafices we ALL had to endure so you AAStew can continue to collect a paycheck every two weeks. Also, while you are reading his letter notice how the author is using his title as the LAX base chair to stand on his pulpit and use the public arena to air out his dirty laundry. He claims to be emailing the company back and forth on this issue. He is literally trying to speak, using his title, for the collective F/A group. Sorry if you don't see the insult in his letter, but if you would take the blinders off and stand in our shoes perhaps that light bulb in your head will come on.

Oh and by the way, I plan on coming back to AA. Either deal with it or find a new job!

What Unity?
What, EXACTLY, do you expect the flight attendants to do? Honestly. What could the remaining flight attendants do to make you happy?

I am not sure there is enough room here to post what all could be done Fly. For starters, instead of complaining about noessential things like layovers going from 14 hours to between 10 and 13 and sleeping at the airport. Why don't you complain and write to the company concerning those layover that really are just 8 hours behind the doors. Ask the IMA crews how they are liking the Buenos Aires Layovers at just 10 hrs? That is what I call reasons for complaining. Why not stand up to the company about all the RA's that continue on a daily basis? What about speaking out against this "so called" union's lack of progress in restoring some of those things we lost during the RPA? They seem to be too busy falling apart at the seams to care what is going on. Where were the line holders when we were thrown on the street without ANYTHING? You guys sit back and let it happen. Why is the membership too busy lobbying congress about reduced layover fatigue ? when it was this same membership who voted to allow the company to do it? Why do the flight attendants continue to allow the company to work flight understaffed? These are all LEGITIMATE complaints , yet you guys seem more worried if you are going to be able to see downtown NYC. I am not saying AA is doing everything up to parr, but why cry wolf about something as ridiculous as this? Complaing and whining about legitimate gripes are rellevant but come on guys this is out of hand!

What Unity?

I think I can see now why that flight attendant told you that you deserve to be furloughed. Obviously, it was not a generalized statement directed at all junior flight attendants, but, rather, to you, specifically, based on the way you must carry on while on duty. If you are even one-tenth as angry, and nasty, on the plane, as you are on this board, with your aggressive attitude towards all AA flight attendants who are still working, you are not somebody most of us would want to fly with.

Get some help.
So have you applied at other carriers? If all you want to do is fly, maybe you could become a professional scab and go from carrier to carrier and fill in. After all you are willing to work under any conditions, right?
It is flight attendants like this LAX chair who have made it possible for our job to be somewhat tolerable.
Again, I think my first thoughts were correct, you can't get hired anywhere else so you *itch on this board! Get a life and seek help!
Hope to never see you on the line, but if I do I have saved your posts! You will be very popular to say the least!
Straaightalk and AAStew

Until you have walked in my shoes, and the thousands of us thrown on the street without anything except major debt, please keep your whining and complaing about how pitiful your jobs are to yourselves. Your furloughed flight attendants, schedulers, aa management, and especialy the passengers could really care less. Also, don't be so quick to judge me. I am one of the best and most professional flight attendants you will ever have the privilidge to work with. Until then fly safe!

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
Until you have walked in my shoes, and the thousands of us thrown on the street without anything except major debt...
Most of us who have been in this industry for any length of time HAVE walked in those furloughed shoes of yours. I would wager that anyone who spends their entire career working in this industry has a better than 50% chance at being furloughed at some point.

Did you not do your homework about the stability of this industry? And the risks inherent in the seniority system? Were you under the impression there was some sort of "employment guaranteed at the same company in the same position for life" or "no layoffs" deal with the airlines? :huh:
Flyboy4u said:
Ask the IMA crews how they are liking the Buenos Aires Layovers at just 10 hrs? That is what I call reasons for complaining.
The only people complaining about the short GIG and EZE are you, and a few junior people who could never hold it to begin with. Want to know what the IMA people think? Just look at the seniority of those eho now fly it. Moist senior trips at the base.

PS Put me on the list with most of the other f/as on the board here who hope we never have to fly with you and your pissed offf attitude about EVERY last thing.
Flyboy4u said:
Why not stand up to the company about all the RA's that continue on a daily basis?
Could you fill us all in on this. Or is it simply your dream its happening. I have not seen or heard of one forced reassignment in months.
Flyboy4u said:
Why not stand up to the company about all the RA's that continue on a daily basis?
This was already covered in an earlier post on this very thread. Reserves are not flying that much hence no need for reassignments. I think Flyboy has it stuck in his head that things are not running smoothly but they really are.
Ok guys want the information here it is again....Then get off my back..I am not the idiot who wrote the letter.


Yes/Yes/Yes...is the answer to your questions. Also, those who have walked in my furloughed shoes before I am sure got some sort of compensation for their walk. In researching the airline I wanted to work for, Please tell me in the HISTORY of AA had the company been forced to furlough the amount of employees it has done to date? Inquiring minds want to know. Remember my sacrafice of not having a job is your gain of getting a pay check. Why are you guys calling me the whiner? It's the very f/a's on the line who are the one's on this board who constantly post gripes about what is going on.

This was already covered in an earlier post on this very thread. Reserves are not flying that much hence no need for reassignments. I think Flyboy has it stuck in his head that things are not running smoothly but they really are.


Read my post again before opening your mouth. I never said anything about Reserves. I said RA's were happning alot. Maybe you are too junior to know what RA's means so let me spell it out for you. R E A S S I G N M E N T S. That spells Reassignments. Woud you like me to get you the definition of it as well?

Could you fill us all in on this. Or is it simply your dream its happening. I have not seen or heard of one forced reassignment in months.

Hi all,

Starting next week, you will find a new reporting tool regarding reschedules. At the APFA Board Convention in March, I had put forward a resolution regarding the outrageous increase in reschedules, especially in the bases of ORD and DFW. These 2 bases are subject to continual reschedules when the FAs return from their line sequence to their base. Often times they are RSK’d to cover another base’s trip or VMs.

Crew Tracking has a variety of ways they code a RSK. They use RS, Code 25, LO, etc. There are RSKs due to a MIC. Those are legal per the contract.

What we are trying to track through these forms is when crew tracking is violating Article 9. L.; the order of open time that crew sked and crew tracking are supposed to follow.

Summer is coming upon us. Remember the nightmare of last July? AA has no idea how many FAs will actually return from the overage leaves. Also, how high will the sick list go?

Please, look for the very bright lime green forms under the APFA Bulletin Board at K19 Ops. They should be there early next week.

ORD is always a leader in effecting change. I thank you all for your continued participation in all our causes to create a better work life for all.

In Unity,




Just in case you don't know who Liz is she is an APFA divison rep covering ORD and DFW. So get off my back. Hey Miaami......Does this letter sound like things are running smoothly?

The only people complaining about the short GIG and EZE are you, and a few junior people who could never hold it to begin with. Want to know what the IMA people think? Just look at the seniority of those eho now fly it. Moist senior trips at the base.

He has over 25 years seniority and is quoted to me as saying if he is called out on reserve to do this trip he will call in sick...Who can blame him? Remember Mikey this topic is on a letter about an officer of the APFA whining about not having more than 14 hours behind the door so he can go downtown NYC to visit his favorite deli and eat bagels.

Notice to those reading these posts...The ones who think things are fine the way they are are also the ones getting a paycheck. Where are are the TWA'ers in this?
Do you guys think things are running smoothly as Miaami seems to think? I can't wait to here the next episode of " As the APFA Burns"

What Unity?
Flyboy4u Posted on May 29 2004, 07:49 PM
Please tell me in the HISTORY of AA had the company been forced to furlough the amount of employees it has done to date?

Ok, but only if you can tell me in the history of America, when have we been attacked on American soil? I truly get the impression that the only way you'd be happy is if ALL the flight attendants would quit so you'd have a job. Why is that? If you really were a flight attendant, you'd know we have ZERO say in anything. Right? :blink: What gives with you?