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The Whining Continues...

hey Flyboy,
Do you feel we have had enough of YOUR *hit!? We flight attendants are a great group and usually very tolerant, but sometimes you just have to say enough!
Please do us all a favor and look for a job in another industry if you are mentally stable enough. Again my guess is you just aren't employable. Buh-bye.
Flyboy4u said:

Read my post again before opening your mouth. I never said anything about Reserves. I said RA's were happning alot. Maybe you are too junior to know what RA's means so let me spell it out for you. R E A S S I G N M E N T S. That spells Reassignments. Woud you like me to get you the definition of it as well?
I hate to "open my mouth" again but let me inform you (Flyboy) on the definition of a few things.

Re-Assignment is when you are legal to do your own trip and they "reassign you to do another trip". The flight attendant will recieve the greater value of the 2 trips. Re-assignments at base would be the result of the company exhausting their reserve pool.........This is where we covered this before.... the reserve pool is fine!

Re-Scheduled is when your trip is goes late and you may misconnect and are rescheduled to do another leg...no pay protection. You get paid for legs flown.

As everyone has been trying to educate you on whats going on here on the working end, There have not been many if any reassignments out there. Being rescheduled is different and may happen more often but is not a result of a shortage of f/a's. Just the company trying to keep the operation as close to on schedule as possible. This usually only happens when airplanes break down at out stations.

Also Mikey is right, The EZE trips go very senior. Junior people can't even touch them so again you are wrong about people complaining about them.

I'm with everyone else. Would never want to be on a plane with you. Do all of us and AA a favor and find another job. One in which people's safety isn't in your hands. To everyone else who is on furlough... hope you are back soon.
super80fa said:

I'm with everyone else. Would never want to be on a plane with you. Do all of us and AA a favor and find another job.
Well, not so fast.

If he left AA, he might end up over here at UA and then **I** would have to deal with him.

No thanks! Y'all can keep him. 😛
You all are such a warm group of individuals. Can't wait to get to meet you in person. This board obviously is very biased...Thank You to those out there who really care, ie. Wing, TWA'nr, Jim,L1011..etc....To the rest of you be safe in flying I don't wish you any harm and enjoy your jobs.

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
You all are such a warm group of individuals. Can't wait to get to meet you in person. This board obviously is very biased...Thank You to those out there who really care, ie. Wing, TWA'nr, Jim,L1011..etc....To the rest of you be safe in flying I don't wish you any harm and enjoy your jobs.

What Unity?
Now you want warmth after you have asked us for info , we gave it to you and you threw it back in our faces. Not only did we give you info to ease your concerns you turned around and basically called us idiots. Just because you don't like the answers doesnt make us cold. You keep asking " What Unity?" Well you got it.... I think we all united to tell you to stop whinning! I don't think Wing, TWAnr, Jim or L1011 would even back you now....Im sure they have limits too. Now chill out and enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day Weekend.
Not to give Fly any ammo but we have been reassigning our asses off for the past few days. Reserve hours are sky high due to all the weather we have had this month. No one could have for seen this. Tracking was not chasing the flying for the first half of the month (we thought we would have reserves) and by the time we realized we were screwed with WX it was to late. We tried like hell to keep the reserve hours down but the WX just kept kicking us in the ass.

By the way, please do not bother calling us up asking us for an extra on your flight for the next few days. Unless something has changed, we are only covering Bids and we may be taking flights down to min if we have to. Memorial Day will be a rough ride. Every one hold on.
I don't think Wing, TWAnr, Jim or L1011 would even back you now....Im sure they have limits too.


I sure am glad your voice can speak for everyone on here. Maybe you ought to run for an APFA office. I am sure you would fit right in.

What Unity?
Reserve hours are sky high due to all the weather we have had this month. No one could have for seen this. Tracking was not chasing the flying for the first half of the month (we thought we would have reserves) and by the time we realized we were screwed with WX it was to late.


Thank you for the honesty on here...It seems a select few think I am making everything up that I post. You are correct about the WX, but as long as there has been a commercial aviation industry there has also been WX problems. I am sure you guys will keep things flying this weekend. Good luck to you guys, and thank you for trying your best. Enjoy what you can of a very important Memorial Weekend.

What Unity?
Thanks alot garfield.....I thought we had this fire out. Listen Flyboy I'm a purser at IMA and sat the last week solid. We are extremely short on pursers at IMA and for me to sit a whole week on Reserve and not get a call should tell you that things were not as bad as you make them out to be. Its the last 2 days of the month and a Holiday so if they are reassigning people it must be on the domestic side. I just checked open time for today and and looks like LGA, SFO and LAX are the only bases with sequences open. I think if we were really short f/a's all bases would have trips in open time.
Miaami, is right. Sure they may have micscalculated on the weather situation, but things are not that bad. You have asked for advice, but you don't like what you hear, so you accuse us of being idiots. I am sorry you do not like what you hear. But honestly, you are someone who should not be flying. Apparently your dream of being a stewardess (steward) must be somehting that has doiminated your psyche and since you are unable to get on with anyone else, you are losing it!
Trust me we have all walked in YOUR shoes, but most of us on here were able to obtain employment with othere carriers, even in the worst of times! I know now you are trying to allign with others, but NOT ONE has really come to your defense!
I am really sorry to write to anyone this way, but ED you just don't get it, do you?
Flyboy4u said:

I sure am glad your voice can speak for everyone on here. Maybe you ought to run for an APFA office. I am sure you would fit right in.

What Unity?
Thats my opinion, I'm not speaking for anyone. By the way hows that request for aid from Wing Jim TWAnr and L1011 coming?
MiAAmi said:
By the way hows that request for aid from Wing Jim TWAnr and L1011 coming?

Ed is doing quite well without help from me, Bill or Jim (I'd rather not be in the same company as Wing).

You know that Ed makes a very valid point. I have discussed it ad nauseam in the past, so you know exactly how I feel about this Reverse Robin Hood union. Your motto should be: "We take from the have nots to benefit the haves."
TWAnr said:

Ed is doing quite well without help from me, Bill or Jim (I'd rather not be in the same company as Wing).

You know that Ed makes a very valid point. I have discussed it ad nauseam in the past, so you know exactly how I feel about this Reverse Robin Hood union. Your motto should be: "We take from the have nots to benefit the haves."
You say Ed is doing quite well, is anxious doing quite well in your eyes? Ed started this thread about the whinning of f/a's about their layovers and that turned into his deluded version rampant reassignments and f/as complaining about the short EZE layovers. When people who actually work on the line responded and said that his information was not exactly correct he blasted everyone. Most posts directed back to Ed were sincere posts with information to calm his anxiousness to return to the line. When our information didn't suit him he became abrasive. If thats doing fine then I would hate to see your example of someone doing terrible.

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