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The Whining Continues...


This Thread has absolutely nothing to do with rampant RA's and short on reserves... Again, your ignorance is getting the best of you. Do me a favor? Go back to page 1 and reread the original post. Where in it does it state I am asking for any advice or complaining about the short EZE layover? I could care less. Remember I am the one on furlough here. My point of the post is merely the fact that those still on the line are complaining and whining about what their job has become. They seem to forget that they have a job. They want thier cake and to be able to eat it too. When I mentioned the EZE layover it was in reference to the fact that you line flight attendants do have a legitimate complaint concerning them. However as you and FAMikey so eloquently put it, these trips go very senior and those that fly them love the shortened layover. In other words, I must be making this up when a good friend of mine, also very senior at over 25 years, thinks they are horrible.

The point of this entire thread deals with an officer of the APFA using his title to complain to the company, and asking his fellow LAX based FA's to standup and fight the company on having shortened NYC layovers which consisit of between 10 and 13 hours. Somewhere along the way, you tried to turn this thread into my personal situation about trying to get recalled from furlough. Yes, I would like the recall but my point is that the focus should shift from personal biases and prejudices to working together as a collective group, and fighting for what are blantent illegalities, and violations of the contract. The APFA Officers should not be concerned with whether an individual gets 14 hours in New York or 10 hours there. Instead, they should be focused on working with the company to bring it back to financial stability. When was the last time you have heard anything from your beloved APFA President? The APFA is more focused on quality of layovers and petitioning congress about reduces rest. These are the very things that they bargained away when they signed off on the RPA.

If the company can save money by placing F/A's at airport locations for layovers, then why not do it? Look at those who fly for LCC's. They aren't staying across the street from Central Park on layovers. In the end, when the company reaches financial gains again they can continue to expand which in return allows for furlough recalls. However, if you look at the actions of the APFA and certain line holders ( Not all of them ), there is a complete disregard for furloughees ( Not just TWA) and there well being. If this were not the case, then the actions of the union would be focused again on the overall financial stability of AA. So Miaami, AAStew, FAMikey, and Bear96, If you can't understand the nature of this post then maybe it's because you don't want to. This is what the TWA'rs and other have been saying for quite awhile now but you individuals would rather bury your head in the sand and continue to allow it to happen. Thus, A divison remaindamoung the F/A's at American and they will never unite together until this focus shifts.

What Unity?
Hey Miaami

Where are you? Still no response yet? I guess they are finally using you on reserve since you have been sitting all month. Enjoy your memorial day.

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
Hey Miaami

Where are you? Still no response yet? I guess they are finally using you on reserve since you have been sitting all month. Enjoy your memorial day.

What Unity?
No, I have a life outside this board. I was doing what I suggested you do. enjoying my weekend. They did catch me for tomorrow though, but still not maxed out. Kind of a slow month. Any way you get the last word here I resign from your thread. Enjoy your time off while it lasts
I can't wait to hear YOU whine once they get you back on the line. Just be aware, duty days are a LOT longer than you are used to. Throw short layovers into the mix, and whining will happen. Considering that you whine about people whining, seems that you'll probably whine the loudest after your 12 hour day with 10 hour layover, 4 day trip like that. Just my thought. Even a guy who works a normal day (8 hours NOT 12 - 14) gets 16 hours off (layover). 9 - 5 ya know 😉
You know what Fly? I used to do the same thing...Whine and #### about the job....However, being on this end of it has made me grow up and mature quite a bit. You guys on this board think otherwise about me but the fact of the matter is I would welcome the day I can do 4 legs and get to sleep less than 9 hours a day. Why? Because being on furlough now almost one year has made me realize just how much I miss the job...Some of you have been VERY lucky, and have never had to experience the life on the outside of the airlines...Trust me, savior every minute you have of that precious job, and be nice when scheduling calls you in the middle of the night for a trip. You never know. That trip could be your last. For those of you who have been on furlough before, then you absolutely know what it's like. However, the one thing even you havn't had to endure is the ramifications of 9/11 and the ENTIRE industry as a whole going through the overhaul it's going through to become profitable. Remember this is not just a single carrier like the past ones of Braniff, PanAm , Eastern, and TWA....This is an industry wide issue that has never happened before in Aviation History...Only a select few of the airlines were able to pull through without any real harm, but even they are beginning to see their own problems....It's real easy for those of you like Bear96 to say go work for another carrier, but do you have any idea the amount of individuals trying to get on with that one carrier? Of course not, because you have your job!

However, I am getting tired of telling you all this post and thread has absolutely nothing to do with me getting back to AA. Why? Because you, nor I, have any control over, if and when, that will happen. Believe it or not Miaami, I am highly educated and have had my fare share of life experience. What I am trying to say along with the TWA'rs on this board who have experience as well is that the collective group of F/A's left at AA are eating themselves alive within their own organization, and the group leading to the F/A's self destruction is the APFA. THe company is winning this fight and laughing about it. All I am saying for the upteenth time is stop whining about the small potatoes. When you have an officer using his title, and being so blatent about his pesonal grievences like laying over at the short layover instead of the long in NYC, then that shows not only the immature level of thinking by the APFA, but it also shows just how far personal biases, and the disorganizational effort to keep AA flying is being put forth by your union. If this is the kind of organization, and the kind of individuals you want to guide you through the worst times in Aviation history then keep on doing what you are doing. You too will eventually see the other side of life outside AA along with myself. It's not pretty. So if you don't start changing your perception of how things really are then continue on with you life, and let fate take it's course. Enough Said!

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
However, the one thing even you havn't had to endure is the ramifications of 9/11 and the ENTIRE industry as a whole going through the overhaul it's going through to become profitable.
You must be smokin' :lol: :stupid: I want what he's having. Baby, you have NO idea what the "ramifications" even are.
I am with you stew. He spends way too much time and drama on make believe. So very typical of so many junior know it all's. Then again here we are answering and trying to set straight the record of a guy who despises the company, union, and fellow employees. I am sure we can follow that line to add our customers as well. After all I love hearing people who have never done union work, but know the in's, out's and how to do it better than anyone else. Must have been a real dream having to listen to his rants on the jumpseat.
MiAAmi said:
Thanks alot garfield.....I thought we had this fire out. Listen Flyboy I'm a purser at IMA and sat the last week solid. We are extremely short on pursers at IMA and for me to sit a whole week on Reserve and not get a call should tell you that things were not as bad as you make them out to be. Its the last 2 days of the month and a Holiday so if they are reassigning people it must be on the domestic side. I just checked open time for today and and looks like LGA, SFO and LAX are the only bases with sequences open. I think if we were really short f/a's all bases would have trips in open time.

You are correct. The domestic side is swirling the bowl. I have used Intl back up at my bases several times in May already. I think the reason you do not see to many seq in open time right now is due to all the VMC positions are being canceled out right. I cannot be certain of that till I go in today but I am pretty sure that is the case.

FLY, until these last few days you have been pulling things out of your ass as far as flights going out short. As a rule, flights have been going out fully staffed. I even put a #8 on a 767 trans con. The only way a flight went out shirt (with the exception of the last few days) is if something came open last min and we did not have a move.

I’m on for the next 4 days and it’s going to suck but oh well. Such is life in the big city. We will get a one month break and then we will have to deal with the 4th. Hopefully we will have better coverage to deal with all the holiday sick calls by then.
Flyboy4u said:

I must be making this up when a good friend of mine, also very senior at over 25 years, thinks they are horrible.

What Unity?
Then your friend of 25 years is not to bright because she is still bidding for them. I am guessing that with 25 years she would have a choice of a better line.
Flyboy4u said:
1. However, the one thing even you havn't had to endure is the ramifications of 9/11 and the ENTIRE industry as a whole going through the overhaul it's going through to become profitable. Remember this is not just a single carrier like the past ones of Braniff, PanAm , Eastern, and TWA....This is an industry wide issue that has never happened before in Aviation History...

2. It's real easy for those of you like Bear96 to say go work for another carrier, but do you have any idea the amount of individuals trying to get on with that one carrier?
1. Not quite true. The aftermath in the years after deregulation in 1978 were extremely traumatic and many thousands of F/As at many airlines lost their jobs and many airlines went out of business. Maybe the events of 9/11 were more spectacular than a legislative and regulatory change in the industry, but those were wild times as well. And there are more to come-- wait until we have cabotage and Air Zimbabwe carrying local traffic from LGA to ORD paying their F/As $7/hr., and jetBlue starts flying ORD-NRT and LHR.

2. I never said you should go work for another carrier. I think you have me confused with someone else. Frankly, I wouldn't advise anyone to get hired by any carriers that are now hiring. Their pay and working conditions are horrible, and it is the way the job is becoming for F/As industry-wide. I would advise people NOT to pursue the F/A job anymore. If you are as "highly educated" as you claim, why would you even want to come back to this job? I myself am in the process of completing another degree and leaving the F/A job.

I really am sympathetic about your situation. It is a major, life-changing event to lose your job, and I am sorry you are having to go through it. Plus the way APFA has treated its furloughees seems pretty shameful, from what I understand of it, so that only makes it worse I am sure. But the airline industry is ALWAYS in a state of change and flux. It is what makes it exciting for some who thrive in that type of environment and can adapt, and unbearable for others who cannot. Certainly the past three years have been more than any of us have bargained for and has been a stressful time, but sometimes that is the way things go.

Thank you for your honest and mature response. The information you have posted actually makes some sense, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, others on this board would rather resort to ridicule and name calling. The information I have posted is merely my observations of what is actually happening to the rank and file f/a's at AA. Instead, some think that its my vengence and bad attitude of just trying to get my job back. Again, these individuals know, as well as I, that THey ,nor I have any control over how, and when that will even happen. However, I can't tell you time and again how many flights I have recently been on where the crews actually have no idea what's going on. If these individuals actually cared about thier profession and there colleagues then the results of the recent National officer elections prove my point. Almost 1/2 of the entire membership didn't even bother to vote. Of those that did cast their ballots, most can be attributed to those on furlough. Why is that? If you think it's because the TWAer's think they are going to get their seniority back well think again. The only one in charge of that issue now is a court of law. Maybe, just perhaps, it could be the fact that they have seen personally what can happen to a company and it's unified membership if they don't change their ways of thinking.

I have seen corporations crumble and other carriers fall apart at the seams beacause workers would rather be hide instead of speaking out about right, and wrong. The choice and the immediate future of AA is in their hands not ours. I only wish some of these F/A's would take the time to get informed and speakout. Instead, they would rather pretend like everythings great until something as silly as their favorite layover gets changed in order to save the company a few dollars. Until then fly safe, and goodluck.

What Unity?

You are not only ridiculous in your assertions, but you are a major hypocrite too. You accuse others of name-calling, meanwhile, the lion's share of the name-calling on this thread has come from you, calling people "idiots" and "ignorant."

I can see why flight attendants were telling you that you deserved to be furloughed. With your attitude, you would not be welcomed at any airline. No wonder you are not employed anywhere else in the industry at the present time.

I agree with one of the other posters who told you to get some help...fast.
IntelligentObserver said:
I agree with one of the other posters who told you to get some help...fast.
The fact that you feel the need to be self proclaimed as intelligent is very telling.
And the fact that I consistently see you come on this board, proclaiming to have "insider" information, to which none of us "outsiders" (which includes you) would otherwise be privy, is very telling as well. You seem to think of yourself as the town crier.

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