Why don't you give him a call? Are you saying that he did not answer your email, or the National Officers?
There is nothing spiteful about that letter. Seems to me that you are going way overboard.
Flyboy, it seems that you let your mouth work faster than your brain. Did you ever hear anything from the company regarding that letter you sent them, and posted everywhere, talking about the size of Carty's private parts?
First off, let reinterate what was stated in the letter. The mere fact that the BASE CHAIR from LAX is complaining that the layovers in NYC are too short is ridiculous. When I first came out of training at AA, based in ORD, and then DFW it was the norm to have, at least, a 12 hour duty day and fly up to 8 hours of it. Then we would layover with EXACTLY 8 hours behind the door. This letter is complaining about a transcon. This means 1 boarding, one 6 hour flight, with at least a 14 hour layover, to go downtown, and as MR. Nikedes put it, eat bagels and go to deli's. Also, so he could see downtown NYC. So, maybe at the most, these crews work a 10 hour duty day, which is stretching it, doing a transcon. Now the company is making those bases East and West who do transcons to layover only 10-13 hours. Booo Hooo....Let me get you a viloin! Now the APFA leadership stands up and says that we have to stand up and fight for our rights...Heaven for bid, if we speak our minds and stand up for our rights when over 3000 of us lost our jobs on 07/03. As that one ex Eastern F/A told me on my last flight, "You deserve to be furloughed so we can continue with our jobs". I hope she and the rest like her go to He** with that on thier conscious.
What you guys seem to forget about this whole situation is that Mr. Nikedes letter has no merit! What the company is doing is perfectly LEGAL under the contract that you, and your precious Union voted for. Stop whining about it, and start worry about what is being done to F/A's that is illegal and violating the contract...This board is full of things that are blatent violations of the contract, yet nobody, is speaking up about it.
Straatalk as far as giving him a call goes , Have you tried calling the union lately? It takes hours to get through if you are lucky, and then when they find out you are furloughed, They take your name and number and say they will call you back. Which , of course, they never do...We are treated as we have never existed....So Why don't You with your seniority call the union and find out whats going on?
As far as your comment about nothing spiteful about the letter, Let me guess? You are LAX based or at least on the East or West Coast? You hold transcons? I bet I am pretty close with this one..Anyone based at DFW and ORD know what it's like laying over the min hours and working more than one leg a day. As to your comment about Carty's private parts? I have no idea what you are talking about. Have you taken a drug test lately? If so, let me know what it is you are smoking because that must be some pretty good stuff.
What Unity?