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The Whining Continues...

If you think it is all right to just roll over, and let the company do whatever to our "quality of work life," or lack thereof, Flyboy, I sure am glad you are not MY union rep!

Let me guess? You voted for JW....In that case, enjoy your layovers! By the way, If I were the union rep I can guarntee you that the group as whole would be represented in any agreements reached by AA and the APFA instead of a select few.


I must respect your trust in Mr. Nikides. However, the letter posted to the LAX based F/A's was done in poor taste and obviously out of spite. I Never said Nikides never voted or sided with us in general. All I did was post a letter that he wrote. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. Its great he is a supporter of unions but at first glance you cant tell by that letter. I have personally sent an email to Mr. Nikides. I will await his response. I have also personally sent letters to the National APFA officers for some clarifications. Of course two weeks later, I still have not recieved any response.

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
Let me guess? You voted for JW....In that case, enjoy your layovers! By the way, If I were the union rep I can guarntee you that the group as whole would be represented in any agreements reached by AA and the APFA instead of a select few.


I must respect your trust in Mr. Nikides. However, the letter posted to the LAX based F/A's was done in poor taste and obviously out of spite. I Never said Nikides never voted or sided with us in general. All I did was post a letter that he wrote. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion. Its great he is a supporter of unions but at first glance you cant tell by that letter. I have personally sent an email to Mr. Nikides. I will await his response. I have also personally sent letters to the National APFA officers for some clarifications. Of course two weeks later, I still have not recieved any response.

What Unity?
Why don't you give him a call? Are you saying that he did not answer your email, or the National Officers?

There is nothing spiteful about that letter. Seems to me that you are going way overboard.

Flyboy, it seems that you let your mouth work faster than your brain. Did you ever hear anything from the company regarding that letter you sent them, and posted everywhere, talking about the size of Carty's private parts?
Did you also consider that fighting to get work rules back, and better scheduling for flight attendants, would mean the need for more flight attendants, hence recalls?

This is terrible logic. Making AA more inefficeint will just lead to AA further reducing the flight schedule, because more flight will become unprofitable. The work rules that you fight for are the same rules that increase furloughs.

Have you noticed that AA has capped its transcon fares at 299 each way? The 6500 in savings is the equivilant to getting an extra 22 seats in revenue.
StraaightTaalk said:
Flyboy, it seems that you let your mouth work faster than your brain.
Now thats the truth. Flyboy for starting a thread about whinning you sure are calling the kettle black.
Why don't you give him a call? Are you saying that he did not answer your email, or the National Officers?

There is nothing spiteful about that letter. Seems to me that you are going way overboard.

Flyboy, it seems that you let your mouth work faster than your brain. Did you ever hear anything from the company regarding that letter you sent them, and posted everywhere, talking about the size of Carty's private parts?

First off, let reinterate what was stated in the letter. The mere fact that the BASE CHAIR from LAX is complaining that the layovers in NYC are too short is ridiculous. When I first came out of training at AA, based in ORD, and then DFW it was the norm to have, at least, a 12 hour duty day and fly up to 8 hours of it. Then we would layover with EXACTLY 8 hours behind the door. This letter is complaining about a transcon. This means 1 boarding, one 6 hour flight, with at least a 14 hour layover, to go downtown, and as MR. Nikedes put it, eat bagels and go to deli's. Also, so he could see downtown NYC. So, maybe at the most, these crews work a 10 hour duty day, which is stretching it, doing a transcon. Now the company is making those bases East and West who do transcons to layover only 10-13 hours. Booo Hooo....Let me get you a viloin! Now the APFA leadership stands up and says that we have to stand up and fight for our rights...Heaven for bid, if we speak our minds and stand up for our rights when over 3000 of us lost our jobs on 07/03. As that one ex Eastern F/A told me on my last flight, "You deserve to be furloughed so we can continue with our jobs". I hope she and the rest like her go to He** with that on thier conscious.
What you guys seem to forget about this whole situation is that Mr. Nikedes letter has no merit! What the company is doing is perfectly LEGAL under the contract that you, and your precious Union voted for. Stop whining about it, and start worry about what is being done to F/A's that is illegal and violating the contract...This board is full of things that are blatent violations of the contract, yet nobody, is speaking up about it.

Straatalk as far as giving him a call goes , Have you tried calling the union lately? It takes hours to get through if you are lucky, and then when they find out you are furloughed, They take your name and number and say they will call you back. Which , of course, they never do...We are treated as we have never existed....So Why don't You with your seniority call the union and find out whats going on?

As far as your comment about nothing spiteful about the letter, Let me guess? You are LAX based or at least on the East or West Coast? You hold transcons? I bet I am pretty close with this one..Anyone based at DFW and ORD know what it's like laying over the min hours and working more than one leg a day. As to your comment about Carty's private parts? I have no idea what you are talking about. Have you taken a drug test lately? If so, let me know what it is you are smoking because that must be some pretty good stuff.

What Unity?

Since you had forgotten, someone kindly sent me Message 25214 from the Yahoo group forum. Read last sentence of 4th paragraph down. I have deleted the last few letters of your last name, as well as your employee number.


Hi guys and gals,

Here's a not so nice e-mail I sent to the bumbling idiots Uncle Jane and
Aunt Don.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed B-----
To: Jane.Allen@a... ; don.carty@a...
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 6:45 PM
Subject: Estension of Recall Rights -- Haven't Heard Back From You

Jane and Don,

I wish that I could honestly say that I am disappointed that I have not
heard back from either one of you regarding my e-mail of September 4, 2002
(included below) for me to do so would be a blatant lie.

You both claim to have the interest of every AA employee both working and
furloughed at heart.

Jane you publicly made promises to those of us furloughed last October 01,
2002 to answer any questions we have of you. This is the second e-mail that
I've sent that you have ignored.

Don, you publicly stated that all furloughed employees would be back to work
by the summer of 2002 and if not then by the fall of 2002. Once again you
have made empty promises. I can not help but believe that if you hadn't
gotten into the my dick is bigger then yours pissing match with the CEO of
UAL, AA wouldn't be in the mess it's in now. Instead and sitting back and
seeing how the USAir/UAL merger was going to pan out you ran out and bought
TWA an airline that hasn't been profitable for decades. Don, how's it feel
to take a piss holding your dick with tweezers?

Jane fortunately for you I have nothing more to say about your lack of
integrity, maybe someday when you pull your head out of Don's ass your
integrity will return; however, I won't be holding my breath.

Until next time continue displaying your lack of integrity and your lack of
respect for the employees of AA, we don't expect anything more from you.


Ed B-----
Emp. #
DFW -- Furloughed
SNA -- Living
So Flyboy,

If the company made the bid sheet into all turns would you be for that too? You know turns are really better for the company financially. I think if people don't stand up and start protecting the profession thats exactly what your going to get. I can tell you that ORD and DFW have seen their fair share of long layovers. All these people are trying to do is better the standard of flying and try and salvage our few long layovers. I think your barking up the wrong tree to gain sympathy here. Theres no one here that wishes harm to you, quite the contrary. Most posters have tried to answer your many many questions even though you still rant and rave over everything. Relax, hopefully you will be getting that call back soon.
First off Straaighttalk

My name really is ED and no I was not, at the time of furlough, DFW based. I was MIA Based....So before you go shooting off your mouth I suggest you get your facts straaight. I mean your screenname is Straaighttalk right? I have never posted, nor visited any Yahoo Group. I have never sent any letters to Don or Jane and I have always maintained that I DON'T blame AA for me getting furloughed. The company had to do what it has to do in order to survice. I blame the APFA for my swift departure from AA. Get your facts straight and stop placing blame where it doesn't belong. You are not in my situation, so why do you care so much what I post? I would be happy to tell you my full name and employee number, however, I would never post it on a message board. Although, it would be really easy for anyone who has access to the APFA website and the seniority list to figure it out?

What Unity?
Flyboy4u said:
First off Straaighttalk

My name really is ED and no I was not, at the time of furlough, DFW based. I was MIA Based....So before you go shooting off your mouth I suggest you get your facts straaight. I mean your screenname is Straaighttalk right? I have never posted, nor visited any Yahoo Group. I have never sent any letters to Don or Jane and I have always maintained that I DON'T blame AA for me getting furloughed. The company had to do what it has to do in order to survice. I blame the APFA for my swift departure from AA. Get your facts straight and stop placing blame where it doesn't belong. You are not in my situation, so why do you care so much what I post? I would be happy to tell you my full name and employee number, however, I would never post it on a message board. Although, it would be really easy for anyone who has access to the APFA website and the seniority list to figure it out?

What Unity?

As Miaami said, I have never heard an AA flight attendant wish ill will to the furloughees, and have never heard anybody express anything other than a desire to see you come back to work. We do not like being reassigned constantly, flying understaffed, reserves being flown till they drop, etc. The more recalls we have, the better off we all are.

So, why the bitterness, anger, and hostility towards us in trying to improve our work life? The transcons, 8 behind the door, and other issues are all important, and, if we can improve our work life, you will reap the rewards when you return.

OK. So you say that you do not blame AA for furloughing you, because the company has to do what it has to to survive, but, yet, you blame APFA for your "swift departure." AA furloughs people, not APFA. APFA could do whatever it wants to protest but it cannot stop a furlough. So, if you feel that it was a good thing for AA to furlough you, in order to survive, why are you mad at APFA? Makes no sense.

As for that flight attendant who you claim told you that she hoped you never got recalled, I can only say that either I don't believe it; or she is not somebody that any of us would like to fly with. Unless, of course, you were as insulting to her when working as you are to some of us on this board.

Straaight talk

I thank you for your concern but my story about the F/A is true..I vividly remember the day lias if it were yesterday. An entire 763 crew doing the MIA-SFO transcon. I was called out as the # 5 on reserve that morning. She tried to be pleasent about it, but it was right before the results of the RPA vote. I can honestly also say that I have ran into many F/A's currently working who also feels the way she does. If you haven't experienced this on the line then you are lucky. Some of these F/A's, at one time, used to be really close friends. However, greed and working under the conditions you claim are happening, they are fed up. Also, they don't like having thier money taken from them when Mgmt still has thier golden parachutes. Unfortunately, the only soultion they see was to furlough more of us keeping their work rules and pay intact....Pretty disgusting if you ask me. The one thing out of this I thought would NEVER happen is the union who told us from day one that they were there solely for us would hang us out to dry like they did. The kicker is that most of the membership let them do it, and refuse to do anything about it. In fact, they instead vote they vote the very jerk who took away anything we had coming to us back into office for another four years. How these individuals can sleep at night is beyond imaginable. The only question is who is next?
I know NOT all of you on the line feel the same way, and I appreciate that. What I don't understand is why the union and the membership continue to put up with it? This post was intended to show again how personal biases always get in the way of reality. A layover seems to be more important than trying to get the company as a whole to be profitable again. This is so we can all prosper in the good times once again. What I really hope is that those on the line understand the sacrafice the we have given up just to keep what dignity of a job you have left. The layovers should be irrelevant unless it is a violation of the contract in which the union has everyright to pursure a grievence. However, it seems not to be the case in this instance. This is an APFA officer blantely continuing to promote the same sickness that the union did to its own member just a year ago. Yes, I have never personally met this individual and he may be very sincere to the membership as a whole..However, he is in a powerful position to influence the F/A's at AA. He should really stop and think about his actions before acting upon them. Unfortuantely, the letter is being used against the APFA in the various suits filed in court.

Finally, Straaightalk I never said the F/A said that she hoped I never get recalled. All I said is her comment was " we deserve to be furloughed". Again, I hope she sleeps well tonight!

What Unity?
So Flyboy,

If the company made the bid sheet into all turns would you be for that too? You know turns are really better for the company financially. I think if people don't stand up and start protecting the profession thats exactly what your going to get. I can tell you that ORD and DFW have seen their fair share of long layovers. All these people are trying to do is better the standard of flying and try and salvage our few long layovers. I think your barking up the wrong tree to gain sympathy here. Theres no one here that wishes harm to you, quite the contrary. Most posters have tried to answer your many many questions even though you still rant and rave over everything. Relax, hopefully you will be getting that call back soon.

Turns or 10 day trips Miaami wouldn't matter to me...What I look forward to is coming back to a job I love and that's flying. You were hired to be a flight attendant. Not on layovers or turns. Where in your job description does it state you are required to layover? Don't ever lose that perspective..Your own posts show your own ignorance.

What Untiy?

You make absolutely no sense.

I wish you well.


Sorry it doesn't make any sense to you...Why don't you use some of that seniority you have and take an educational leave? Get an education, and then you will understand.

What Unity?
StraaightTaalk said:
Also, the Hilton/Best Western that FWAAA referred to has been turned into a homeless shelter, run by the Salvation Army, more than a year ago. So, I guess he won't be getting any grilled steaks after hours there anymore.
Seriously? On 135th Ave, practically next door to (just west of) the Holiday Inn?

Oh, man. :angry:

Well, as a homeless shelter, I could probably stay there for less than the $125-$160 the Hilton charged or the $125 I paid when it was the Best Western Carlton House. But you're right: no more steaks in the basement bar. B)

Anyway, the Holiday Inn always seems full of S. American FAs ready to party. B)
FWAAA said:
Seriously? On 135th Ave, practically next door to (just west of) the Holiday Inn?

Oh, man. :angry:

Well, as a homeless shelter, I could probably stay there for less than the $125-$160 the Hilton charged or the $125 I paid when it was the Best Western Carlton House. But you're right: no more steaks in the basement bar. B)

Anyway, the Holiday Inn always seems full of S. American FAs ready to party. B)

Sorry to break the news to you. I remember that hotel well, myself.

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