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AA seat upgrade help


Apr 3, 2018
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My husband and I are flying to Cancun in 2 weeks. When we first booked our trip, Texas was our layover with good seats but we got informed that the flight has changed and now Charlotte is our new layover and our layover time is only 45 mins and we have the last seats on the plane when I say last seats I mean the very back seats at the end of the plane.. Its a small plane with only 23 rows. I decided to upgrade our seats and found 2 seats open in row 11 on AA.com. The problem I am having, I go to AA.com pull up our trip Itinerary click on change seats and pick the seats I want, fill out all the information and click pay now . Then it comes back saying ( System is having trouble check back later). I even called the airlines and got a recording saying to go to AA.com to change our seats. We went through a travel agent and she is on vacation. Is there a reason why I cant change our flight seats. Any advice would be appreciated.
I would try again with reservations and explain to them that the system is not working for you on the upgrade feature. It may be the remaining seats are blocked for some reason or another--like seat needs repair, but a/c would have to be taken out of service to do the work. Loss of revenue from plane out of service is a lot more than loss of revenue due to a broken seat or two.

Also, dont be surprised if you are told that there are no seats available for upgrade. I've noticed some glitches in the on-line seating charts lately. The system assigned me a nonexistent seat on two different airplanes. (I was assigned a seat in row 5 on an airplane that does not have a row 5. (Don't ask. It's too complicated to explain, and I spent 17 years at AA as a flight attendant trying to get someone to tell me why there was no row 5 on that airplane. No one knew. There is a 5th row, but it is labelled, Row 7.)