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Good News/bad News For Fa's

15 daily roundtrips plus the canceled MSY flights - at most, 50 one way flights a day. Eagle has also scrubbed about 25 daily one way flights. DEL starts up in a month and early next year, AA gets two new 777s and starts PVG in April. DEL and PVG will require large numbers of FAs due to very long flights (extra cabin crewmembers) and probable 26+ hour layovers.

DEL is bidding with 11 flight attendants, which is the current MAX on the 777. No extra cabin crew members.
DEL is bidding with 11 flight attendants, which is the current MAX on the 777. No extra cabin crew members.

I stand corrected.

That's criminal. 14:25 to DEL and 15:55 back to ORD with only 11 FAs? No extras? :down: to AA on that one.
Well, they did tell us it would ALWAYS be bid with 11 no matter the load. Plus we can finally get some food for those long flights. If I remember correctly, AA took off the water service so they could avoid adding the #12 back after they lost the arbitration.
I stand corrected.

That's criminal. 14:25 to DEL and 15:55 back to ORD with only 11 FAs? No extras? :down: to AA on that one.


What's criminal is 4 FA's on a full 757. Regardless if it is only beverage service or not.

Look at it this way. 777 =5 FA's for 190 people in coach, 757= 2 FA's for 166 people in coach.

Completion time: 777= 2 full services one mid flight service- 14 1/2 to 15 hours. 757= 2 beverage services 2 1/2 hours.

While I would love to have 12 per flight you have to compare workloads here.
Not to mention the fact that there's an enclosed area for F/A crew rest, correct?... At least they get some dedicated downtime in a real seat, as opposed to the vinyl covered wood plank....