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The Whining Continues...

Flyboy4u said:
Turns or 10 day trips Miaami wouldn't matter to me...What I look forward to is coming back to a job I love and that's flying. You were hired to be a flight attendant. Not on layovers or turns. Where in your job description does it state you are required to layover? Don't ever lose that perspective..Your own posts show your own ignorance.

What Untiy?
No one under estimates what sacrafices where made by the entire f/a group. From being furloughed to major paycuts or whatever. Just because some of us are not furloughed doesn't mean that we don't understand what its like to be on furlough. The ones that are working have every right to try and make the job the best it can be under the circumstances that the company is under. Flyboy you've said your peace. We just don't agree. Before you start throughing words around like "ingnorance" remember your the one with all the questions.
StraaightTaalk said:

Sorry to break the news to you. I remember that hotel well, myself.
But how does it compare to the Best Western in Hempstead?

On a more serious note, in the mid nineties, my wife's favorite line consisted of working the 1230 flight from LAX to JFK and the 0800 flight back the next morning, arriving at 1045. Seven of those a month and she was done.
StraaightTaalk said:
As Miaami said, I have never heard an AA flight attendant wish ill will to the furloughees, and have never heard anybody express anything other than a desire to see you come back to work.
The two of you must have missed Jay Narey's latest diatribes on the 4M (it is not as secure as some of you may believe).

I agree 100 %. There definitely is an attitude of ill will towards those of us on furlough. If the F/A's at AA ever want to see thier precious layovers again then we wil have to unite and collevtively work together in establishig this amoung other things in the next contract. Unfortuantely, I don't see it happening as long as the APFA Remains the voice amoungst the membership.

What Unity?
If you have come across someone that has ill will toward you then you have found the needle in the haystack. Why wouldn't any of us want you back? The more people that get recalled means that more people hold off reserve. Its not hard to figure out that the more people below you the better. Therefore the more people called back only benefits us. The only thing I can figure out is maybe the ill will is towards you personally. You do have an abrasiveness about you. Maybe someone mis-understood your anxiousness. Anyway may you get recalled sooner than later. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend FLyboy! Cheers!
Per StraaighTaalk


As Miaami said, I have never heard an AA flight attendant wish ill will to the furloughees, and have never heard anybody express anything other than a desire to see you come back to work. We do not like being reassigned constantly, flying understaffed, reserves being flown till they drop, etc. The more recalls we have, the better off we all are.

Ever heard of Jay numbnuts Narey or Chris in JFK who refered to "some" of the furloughees as "turds" on 4M or Bobby Clay, How about the infamous Maggie who am I today? J.?

There are more needles in that haystack than you can imagine. These F/A's have seniorities anywhere from 15-25yrs. They know, no matter what happens, that their job is intact. I am not making these stories up.. They have said ample times that they wished more furloughs had happend so they could have kept their pay intact. These people don't care about you or me...All they care about is themselves. In fact, if you want to see upfront who some of these individuals are then look not further than you own APFA National Officers. There blatent discriminations were apparent with the falsification/ratification of the current RPA. Now some of them are wanting to fight for there longer layovers as well. I have no doubt that I will return to the line soon and I thank all of you who continues to support our rapid return. However, I am asking you guys to look just a little further than our return and into a movement that continues to gain strength on the line. These individuals are out there..Trust me...I just talked to my trainer from when I graduated at AA who said he flew with a lady who told him the exact same thing. She told him that more furloughs were needed so she could get her money back that she lost. His response was maybe you need to find a new job making more money. She responded that she did her time and that money that AA is taking is rightfully hers... These stories are not made up but instead a very real reality!

What Unity?
I can assure you Flyboy this is not anything that I have ever heard on the line. I fly high time too, so I usually hear alot. If I were you I wouldn't be worried about these few incidents. An overwhelming majority of us want you back.
Flyboy, you should be happy they are fighting to preserve the career for you. If they give it all away, what sort of job do you expect to see upon your return. (don't have to answer, you aren't going to recognize this job now. It's changed)

If this job has changed so much and you and your fellow coworkers continue to whine about it why don't you QUIT! Get a job that makes you happy. Instead we ( Furloughs ) continue to here how bad things are. If they are so bad why stay around? Reality is this job has changed....so if your poor, little NYC long layovers are no longer there then bid a new line.. Many Intn'l F/A's have been dealing with shortened layovers for quite awhile now. Stop the complaining and be thankful you have job...Some of us out here don't!
I thought this thread was about shorter layovers in NYC for LAX f/a's?

Keep it in line, people!

-Topic Cop :cop:
Too much drama Flyboy! Get over it. I can see it already, the first month back, you'll be complaining about the change. Instead of me quitting, how about you go find a job, seeing that you don't have one. 😉
Just my two cents worth..........

-the longer the layovers- more f/a's they would need to recall. :up:

-the shorter the layovers- less f/a's they would need. :down:
twasilverbullet said:
Just my two cents worth..........

-the longer the layovers- more f/a's they would need to recall. :up:

-the shorter the layovers- less f/a's they would need. :down:
Unfortunatly for everyone it just doesn't work that way.

Longer layovers=higher costs=less flights=fewer recalls
Shorter layovers=lower costs=MORE flights=More recalls

That logic is common among us Mechanics. But with us its like this:
"Gee, lets all work really slow so Management will relize how unhappy we are and they'll pay us more!" I know it sounds ridiculous but it true!
Too much drama Flyboy! Get over it. I can see it already, the first month back, you'll be complaining about the change. Instead of me quitting, how about you go find a job, seeing that you don't have one.

Why are you so worried about me finding a job? You haven't been worried since any of us got thrown on the street so you can have your precious layovers. Why don't you and your fellow flight attendants be thankful that you are getting a check every two weeks.

What Unity?

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