The TWU Conssesions History

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  • #121
Yes, swamt. UAL is hiring.

sCAL is hiring off the street while sUAL still has mechanics on furlough.

And the ibt, which represents both mechanic groups, is watching it happen.

Very sad to hear this is happening while there are members on the street still. Way to go teamsters, way to go.
Yes, TWU does represent SWA F/A's. And they are the union that just got done screwing the F/A's during their scenoirity integration negos., as well as the rampers at SWA. The dispatchers just got huge increases ONLY because they were able to "compare" themselves to the UPS dispatchers. Great for them, not knocking it at all. But the TWU did not in any way nego from scratch a huge increases as AMFA did for the NWA mechanics years ago. Now SWA cannot refuse to "compare" us with UPS mechanics wages, as this will be done in the current contract negos.
You need to give credit when and where credit is due. All airlines have the AMFA represented mechanics at NWA to thank for the higher wage scales in the industry as they started it all, then all other unions simply used the AMFA/NWA wage increases to their advantage to get increases.

Yes TWU has represented F/A's here at SWA. They are also the union that just scewed over it's members during the scenoirity

You are talking about the thousands of NWA AMT's that lost their jobs, and their Union, AMFA, that revoked it's representation rights for NWA AMT's soon afterwards right?
You are talking about the thousands of NWA AMT's that lost their jobs, and their Union, AMFA, that revoked it's representation rights for NWA AMT's soon afterwards right?
revoked their representation rights because they didn't want to represent SCABS or replacement workers?? Yes, that union.
These are the facts too;
1- You recommended we vote down a TA that would have paid us $38 or number two highest paid because we were going to fight for more and that BK was a scare tactic - EPIC FAIL by the vote no coalition

Lie #1. You said "we", so even if you only meant you and I and not the thousands of other mechanics at AA, that is not a fact. I work days, and would not get the MRT, so that knocks me and anyone else who doesnt start between the narrow window where the MRT would have kicked in down below WN, UAL, Jet Blue and Delta, the base guys would not be getting the $2.55 line premium, so that knocks them down to around where they are now. They would still be bottom of the industry. If you are going to include premiums that are limited then you have to include the GEO Premiums and Taxi premiums that our peers recieve as well. You choose to only pick comparators that the company tells you to use. Why is that , are youy a company suck?

2 - You recommended we vote down a TA that would have restored three holidays because we were going to fight for more and that BK was a scare tactic - EPIC FAIL by the vote no coalition

Spin-And we still would have been at the bottom of the industry. As far as the BK scare tactic find where I said that. I said that some in the union were using it as a scare tactic because they were claiming that we would drive the company into BK if we did not give into their demands, I said that Maintenance wasnt enough of a savings to drive AA into BK because we were already lagging the industry (I did however underestimate how far the ATD was willing to go to give AA everything they wanted and underestimated how many weak people we had in our class and craft that would be swayed by their fear tactics), I said they could they get their concessions(such as all our funds for the Retiree Medical for those under 50 on DOS) and file anyway and come back for more.
3 - You recommended we vote down a TA that would have have restored VC and added PTO days because we were going to fight for more and that BK was a scare tactic - EPIC FAIL by the vote no coalition

Another Spin, once again, would the majority of workers have had their VC restored? NO, only those with less than 5 years and only for those five years.

4 - You recommended we vote down a TA that would have given us full pay SK pay for all days and increased SK time accrual because we were going to fight for more and that BK was a scare tactic - EPIC FAIL by the vote no coalition

Yes, I recommended that we vote down a deal that would at best only raise a small percentage to $38 if any at all,,(yet you come here and accuse me of being willing to throw the majority under the bus!!) it could have been only on paper and leave the rest of us at the bottom as far as wages, Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays, IOS and work rules, and I recommended that we vote against the LBO too, unlike you.

Now, lets look at what YOU recommended we accept and not fight (like the pilots).

You recommended that we do away with system Protection, which will allow them to lay off far more workers than the 4500 they were threatening to lay off oif we voted NO, in fact Bobby Gless admits that we will likely lose around that number anyway.

You recommended that we vote to give away another week of vacation, so now over a 40 year career we will have effectively recieved a year less vacation than our peers.

You voted to accept that the company can outsource as many jobs as they like as long as they dont spend more than 35% of their maintenance spend on outsourcing, with a caveat that they can increase that percentage "accordingly" if other things beyond our control change. So the 35% isnt even a hard number.

You voted yes to a deal that covers ten years of our lives and holds us at the bottom of the industry.

FACT- I Recomended that we reject this deal.

FACT YOU recommended we accept this deal.

So you come here saying that I recommended voting NO for a deal that was better than what we have now but leave out the fact I pushed to reject this deal as well, thus implying through omission that I was willing to accept this. You also leave out the fact that it was YOU who pushed to accept the worst contract in the industry instead of fighting like our pilots chose to do (we could have been right along side them) because to were too much of a c*&t. Spin, spin, spin. The only ones to blame for us being where we are for six more years is the people who voted yes and those who told them to.

Overspeed, keep it up the spinning , you are living up to your name.
Overspeed, with a great deal of respect to you; It is my conclusion that Bob Owens is a man who is an elected representative of one union in support of another. Am I correct?

If so, why waste your time. Your contributions are solid and beneficial, but I have a hard time dealing with such hypocrisy. Just my two cents. I appreciate all your posts and hope you keep up the good work.

No I support the profession, and if certain members of my union have aligned themselves with management in an effort to destroy my profession by driving down wages and giving away everything that the Union men who came before us fought for I will contest their efforts, no matter who they pretend to be.

You claim you want the IBT here, NO? Why? Is the IBT going to adopt the same strategy of having Union members earn less than Non-union in exchange for the company implying that they will provide more members than if they insisted on the going rate? If so then I think that those who have signed cards have been mislead, because I doubt that these people want to pay the IBTs even higher dues rate to get what they are getting now. I dont think anyone wants to pay even more than they are to work under the worst conditions in the industry just so they can say 'Yea, we are miserable, but look how many of us there are!!"

OS comes here spreading lies and distortions, these lies helped get the worst deal in the industry to work under, even compared to our non-union peers at Delta and Jet Blue, put in place. Through you is the IBT is here saying if you arent happy with the TWU dont try and change it, dont go to AMFA either, come to us and we will adopt the same strategy but charge you an extra few bucks a week? Is that what you have to offer?

Hypocrisy is saying you are a Unionist but furthering the anti-union agenda where false promises of security are given in exchange for decent wages, benefits and work rules. Thats exactly what OS and his idols in the ATD have been doing for years. I will fight for Union principles, I will fight anyone for those principles, even if they have taken over the organizations that are supposed to lead that fight.
You are talking about the thousands of NWA AMT's that lost their jobs, and their Union, AMFA, that revoked it's representation rights for NWA AMT's soon afterwards right?

Didn't the IAM do the same with the TWA/AA deal? How many members did the IAM lose? The IAM and the TWU knew that if there would have been a representational runoff election AMFA would have won. The IAM did a favor to the TWU.
Didn't the IAM do the same with the TWA/AA deal? How many members did the IAM lose? The IAM and the TWU knew that if there would have been a representational runoff election AMFA would have won. The IAM did a favor to the TWU.

You sound as irrational as Bob!
You sound as irrational as Bob!

If the IAM and TWU lost out to AMFA the big loser would have been the AFL-CIO.
I am sure that the IAM was persuaded to back down and relinquish their representation to cut their losses. The AFL-CIO took a small hit and the TWU picked up a big gain. You see it is all about the $$ MONEY $$. The members never had a say in representation.

just confirmed that due to our great concessionary contract, airline management have cited that their costs are too high compared to AA.
Great job TWU ATD just what we wanted airlines to ask for more concessions because we lowered the bar again!
how can anyone defend thisTWU contract as it will have a very short term small gain but a devastating long term effect.

lets see what pay raises (LOL) UAL and us air get because of us which will affect the great pay parity clause in our concessionarfy contract.

maybe the International needs another raise to retain their great talent of representing.
Lie #1. You said "we", so even if you only meant you and I and not the thousands of other mechanics at AA, that is not a fact. I work days, and would not get the MRT, so that knocks me and anyone else who doesnt start between the narrow window where the MRT would have kicked in down below WN, UAL, Jet Blue and Delta, the base guys would not be getting the $2.55 line premium, so that knocks them down to around where they are now. They would still be bottom of the industry. If you are going to include premiums that are limited then you have to include the GEO Premiums and Taxi premiums that our peers recieve as well. You choose to only pick comparators that the company tells you to use. Why is that , are youy a company suck?

Spin-And we still would have been at the bottom of the industry. As far as the BK scare tactic find where I said that. I said that some in the union were using it as a scare tactic because they were claiming that we would drive the company into BK if we did not give into their demands, I said that Maintenance wasnt enough of a savings to drive AA into BK because we were already lagging the industry (I did however underestimate how far the ATD was willing to go to give AA everything they wanted and underestimated how many weak people we had in our class and craft that would be swayed by their fear tactics), I said they could they get their concessions(such as all our funds for the Retiree Medical for those under 50 on DOS) and file anyway and come back for more.

Another Spin, once again, would the majority of workers have had their VC restored? NO, only those with less than 5 years and only for those five years.

Yes, I recommended that we vote down a deal that would at best only raise a small percentage to $38 if any at all,,(yet you come here and accuse me of being willing to throw the majority under the bus!!) it could have been only on paper and leave the rest of us at the bottom as far as wages, Vacation, Sick Time, Holidays, IOS and work rules, and I recommended that we vote against the LBO too, unlike you.

Now, lets look at what YOU recommended we accept and not fight (like the pilots).

You recommended that we do away with system Protection, which will allow them to lay off far more workers than the 4500 they were threatening to lay off oif we voted NO, in fact Bobby Gless admits that we will likely lose around that number anyway.

You recommended that we vote to give away another week of vacation, so now over a 40 year career we will have effectively recieved a year less vacation than our peers.

You voted to accept that the company can outsource as many jobs as they like as long as they dont spend more than 35% of their maintenance spend on outsourcing, with a caveat that they can increase that percentage "accordingly" if other things beyond our control change. So the 35% isnt even a hard number.

You voted yes to a deal that covers ten years of our lives and holds us at the bottom of the industry.

FACT- I Recomended that we reject this deal.

FACT YOU recommended we accept this deal.

So you come here saying that I recommended voting NO for a deal that was better than what we have now but leave out the fact I pushed to reject this deal as well, thus implying through omission that I was willing to accept this. You also leave out the fact that it was YOU who pushed to accept the worst contract in the industry instead of fighting like our pilots chose to do (we could have been right along side them) because to were too much of a c*&t. Spin, spin, spin. The only ones to blame for us being where we are for six more years is the people who voted yes and those who told them to.

Overspeed, keep it up the spinning , you are living up to your name.
#1 - I never said the base was going to get $38 but guess what, they would have a $34 job compared to your plan which is sacrifice jobs for your pay. I'm not doing that Bob. I am not willing to accept inferior wages but $38 and number two is not inferior is it Bob? In fact you cry that why did we at least get UA pay or...say it...say it....$38 like we already had in the May 2010 TA. See that's where we are different Bob, I believe if a member pays $700 annually in dues he deserves to be represented in negotiations and in your world representing them is giving up THEIR job so YOU can get paid more.

#2 - Never said that AA M&E was driving AA in to BK. The collective group - all AA employees from Arpey on down - needed to enhance what they brought to the table. If that mean attriting down over time while all of us providing more value and increased productivity then great. This is company with a lot of people providing a valuable service. If we had voted in the May 2010 TA then we would have been working with $38 as a starting point for the cost discussion in BK, instead we started from $33 or a lower starting point. That's a lose Bob and we all lost by voting the TA down. We lost over $30K in salary and work rule changes and we still don't have it. Bob BK was not a scare tactic now was it. MCTs got to keep their pay so the "take the best deal possible because it looks like we are headed to BK" Int'l scare tactic wasn't a scare tactic was it? It was fact and your scenarios, brother they are all fiction.

#3 and #4 - Either way Bob we would have more VC, holidays, and SK than we have now had we voted in the May 2010 TA and no one would have been thrown under the bus. OSS% would still be at 10% up until BK.

Bobby said that because he knows the whole story. Yes we may lose 4,500 eventually but the number will go back up. Why? Because you don't understand the scope language. If new planes do not have overhaul work for the first seven years even under a 10% scope clause we would be losing work. But here is the great part about the new language, as those aircraft age 65% of the new work maintenance spend becomes in-house work and that will require people. Therefore superior job protection.

System protection does not do that. System protection sets a lowest date where someone can get RIF'd. If we only focused on system protection as people retired or quit, the company would not have to backfill. What drives them to backfill? The 65% in the scope clause. You never explain the whole story and that my brother is called lying.

Yes I told people to vote yes in May 2010. I am for keeping jobs and getting the best pay possible for all our members. Making $34 in TUL and AFW is better than your plan which is allow AA to outsource more work and jobs so the smaller group gets even more money. I would go for attriting down through better productivity and more pay per employee while still keeping the work in-house. You would rather just let overhaul go and get your money now.

Nice Bob, it really is all about you.
No they revoked because when DL took over NW, DL did not want AMFA.
it's's not up to the company to decide whether they want unions on the property....workers right to representation are protected by the NMB and RLA. lots of spin OS.
it's's not up to the company to decide whether they want unions on the property....workers right to representation are protected by the NMB and RLA. lots of spin OS.
Delta workers showing no interest in AMFA is illegal?

On Wednesday, AMFA members at Northwest got this letter from the union:

“The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.

“AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

“To that end, AMFA will be filing with the National Mediation Board (NMB) requesting to extinguish our certification for representation of the Mechanic and Related class and craft. This will clear the way for Delta to treat the combined work group equally based on their agreement to the Transition Commitment. We wish you all the best in the future at the new Delta Airlines.”

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