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The TWU Conssesions History

Delta workers showing no interest in AMFA is illegal?

On Wednesday, AMFA members at Northwest got this letter from the union:

“The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.

“AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

“To that end, AMFA will be filing with the National Mediation Board (NMB) requesting to extinguish our certification for representation of the Mechanic and Related class and craft. This will clear the way for Delta to treat the combined work group equally based on their agreement to the Transition Commitment. We wish you all the best in the future at the new Delta Airlines.”
so, Delta took on scabs and replacement workers that didn't want AMFA.....and AMFA was still able to get those guys parity with Delta workers. And, that's not what you said......you said Delta didn't want AMFA on the property........no, the scabs and replacement workers voted for non-union. It also shows that AMFA was more than happy to toss the scabs. You can't dispute the fact that these were scabs, right.
No they revoked because when DL took over NW, DL did not want AMFA.

See below...

Delta does not want any union. TWU included. Be a little more honest.

Sidenote: There were only two groups on both sides represented; Pilots & dispatchers. Pilots from both were ALPA, so nothing changed. Dispatchers at NW were TWU, and lost to DL's PAFCA.

Delta workers showing no interest in AMFA is illegal?

On Wednesday, AMFA members at Northwest got this letter from the union:

“The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.

“AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

“To that end, AMFA will be filing with the National Mediation Board (NMB) requesting to extinguish our certification for representation of the Mechanic and Related class and craft. This will clear the way for Delta to treat the combined work group equally based on their agreement to the Transition Commitment. We wish you all the best in the future at the new Delta Airlines.”

Translation: "Since all of you are working under imposed terms, and we *know* you have no ethical issue when it comes to money, we recognize that DL's base rate is high enough comparatively that many of you would knock your own mothers down to get it. Therefore, we will wait to invest our time/money/resources into organizing until all pay/benefits/etc. are aligned."
#1 - I never said the base was going to get $38 but guess what, they would have a $34 job compared to your plan which is sacrifice jobs for your pay.

So when you said "WE" whom did you mean? Your "we" did not include me, nor did it include the base, or anyone who didnt start within the narrow time band where MRT would have kicked in. Which could have meant that nobody actually would actually recieve it. So who did you mean by "we"?

I am not willing to accept inferior wages ,,,,

Maybe not, but you did advocate for everyone to accept both LBO1 and LBOII, both of which have inferior wages.

I believe if a member pays $700 annually in dues he deserves to be represented in negotiations and in your world representing them is giving up THEIR job so YOU can get paid more.

I never said anyone should give up their job so I can get more, I said we need to fight to get more. You act as if when the company throws ultimatums across the table that the Union has no say, other than to accept one or the other. If thats the case then why would we need a union? The fact is that you voted for and endorsed a deal that did not save any jobs, unless you really do believe the corporate propaganda that concessions saves jobs. To show what a farce this concept is explain how giving up a week of vacation saves jobs? For every 50 guys that give up a week the company can eliminate one employee. If workers take paycuts it pressures them to work more hours, if they are willing to work more hours then the company can eliminate even more workers. On top of all that you voted in favor of eliminating the only real job protection we had, System and Station Protection, now there is no limit to the amount of OH workers AA can get rid of as long as they keep 65%, of the spend in house, but even that is subject to change.

#2 - Never said that AA M&E was driving AA in to BK. The collective group - all AA employees from Arpey on down - needed to enhance what they brought to the table. If that mean attriting down over time while all of us providing more value and increased productivity then great. This is company with a lot of people providing a valuable service. If we had voted in the May 2010 TA then we would have been working with $38 as a starting point for the cost discussion in BK, instead we started from $33 or a lower starting point. That's a lose Bob and we all lost by voting the TA down. We lost over $30K in salary and work rule changes and we still don't have it. Bob BK was not a scare tactic now was it. MCTs got to keep their pay so the "take the best deal possible because it looks like we are headed to BK" Int'l scare tactic wasn't a scare tactic was it? It was fact and your scenarios, brother they are all fiction.

There you go again, WHO IS "WE"?


Bobby said that because he knows the whole story. Yes we may lose 4,500 eventually but the number will go back up. Why? Because you don't understand the scope language. If new planes do not have overhaul work for the first seven years even under a 10% scope clause we would be losing work. But here is the great part about the new language, as those aircraft age 65% of the new work maintenance spend becomes in-house work and that will require people. Therefore superior job protection.

So you are saying we did good by agreeing to bottom of the industry in everything because we put in language that will have no positive impact untill years into the next agreement?

System protection does not do that. System protection sets a lowest date where someone can get RIF'd. If we only focused on system protection as people retired or quit, the company would not have to backfill. What drives them to backfill?

So you are saying its more important to make sure the company hires more dues payers in the future than it is to make sure that the people paying dues today get wages and benefits like their peers?

The 65% in the scope clause. You never explain the whole story and that my brother is called lying.

You would know, you do it all the time "We would be getting $38/hr, We lost $30k etc etc.

Yes I told people to vote yes in May 2010. I am for keeping jobs and getting the best pay possible for all our members. Making $34 in TUL and AFW is better than your plan which is allow AA to outsource more work and jobs so the smaller group gets even more money. I would go for attriting down through better productivity and more pay per employee while still keeping the work in-house. You would rather just let overhaul go and get your money now.

So which way is it, let them attrit out, or make sure they backfill? You need to at least keep your spinning in the same direction.
Delta workers showing no interest in AMFA is illegal?

On Wednesday, AMFA members at Northwest got this letter from the union:

“The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.

“AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

“To that end, AMFA will be filing with the National Mediation Board (NMB) requesting to extinguish our certification for representation of the Mechanic and Related class and craft. This will clear the way for Delta to treat the combined work group equally based on their agreement to the Transition Commitment. We wish you all the best in the future at the new Delta Airlines.”
hey genius, this is the other part of the equation......show me where DL asked their employees for concessions?? DL employees don't need representation......why would you when your company is willing to compensate you parity with UNION represented employees. If we had this at AA...each member would have saved $700/yr in dues and I would be near the top, not the bottom.
hey genius, this is the other part of the equation......show me where DL asked their employees for concessions?? DL employees don't need representation......why would you when your company is willing to compensate you parity with UNION represented employees. If we had this at AA...each member would have saved $700/yr in dues and I would be near the top, not the bottom.

Here you go genius



Logo of Delta Air Lines from March 2000 to July 2004[sup][20][/sup] – Based on Soft Widget
As early as 2004, in an effort to avoid bankruptcy, Delta announced a restructuring of the company that included job cuts, and an aggressive expansion of Atlanta operations by some 100 new flights, making it a 'super-hub' and requiring the airline to spread its flight schedule more evenly across the day.[sup][21][/sup] This was known to all Delta employees as "Operation Clockwork". Further, by mid-2004 the airline had announced it would be closing its fourth busiest hub (Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport), which it did on January 31, 2005. In a significant concessionary move, the pilots at Delta agreed to across-the-board 32.5% reductions in hourly pay rates in order to help the company stave off a bankruptcy filing. The agreement also included numerous changes in work rules, granting the company efficiencies in staffing and scheduling.

On September 22, 2005, Delta announced the acceleration of restructuring activities, targeting an additional $3 billion per year in cost reductions by 2007. $970 million of this amount was to come from debt relief, lease and facility savings, and previously commenced fleet modifications. Non-union workers' salaries were to be reduced by a minimum of 9% across the board, with a 15% reduction for executive officers and a 25% pay cut for CEO Gerald Grinstein. In December 2005, the Delta pilots agreed to an additional temporary 14% cut in pay, piggybacking onto the 32.5% taken at the beginning of 2005. This cut was made permanent with the ratification of an agreement in June 2006. Additionally, the company planned to lay off between 7,000 and 9,000 of its 52,000 employees.
Why is everyone getting hung about the TWU, we all know the IAM has facilitated concessions at more carriers for the sole reason of protecting jobs to earn dues. They started the post 9/11 concessions at USAIR then spread it to UAL and eventually NWA.

Why is everyone getting hung about the TWU, we all know the IAM has facilitated concessions at more carriers for the sole reason of protecting jobs to earn dues. They started the post 9/11 concessions at USAIR then spread it to UAL and eventually NWA.


AA would have made a 100 million dollar profit (3rd. Quarter) BUT with the BK expenses we lost money. Please can some one tell me why we are in BK again?
AA would have made a 100 million dollar profit (3rd. Quarter) BUT with the BK expenses we lost money. Please can some one tell me why we are in BK again?

A company in the midst of a restructuring like AA faces direct and indirect costs of the bankruptcy. Direct costs are things like hiring advisory services, accountants, attorneys, etc. Indirect costs are the revenue you lose since customers perceive the firm is distressed or less favorable terms demanded by suppliers (less favorable from the perspective of AA). In addition to the restructuring costs consider all the write downs on fixed assets and other accrued loses that were recognized this quarter. Had the concessions not been implemented or in the case of the pilots imposed, its very possible AA would have been in the red this quarter as well were they not in bankruptcy.

AA would have made a 100 million dollar profit (3rd. Quarter) BUT with the BK expenses we lost money. Please can some one tell me why we are in BK again?
It's write offs, charge offs, and legal fees. The operating profit is showing that the revenue is more in line costs. Sounds like the POR is working and their will be no CH7 like some on this blog have posted. AA will be leaner and have a much better balance sheet. I think we all know the a merger after BK exit is highly probable.
AA would have made a 100 million dollar profit (3rd. Quarter) BUT with the BK expenses we lost money. Please can some one tell me why we are in BK again?

Because even though $110 million sounds like a lot of money, it's a tiny pittance on $6.5 billion of revenue. Less than 2%. It's been a long time since AA was consistently profitable, but in the late 1990s, it was not uncommon for AA to earn $300 million of profits on half as much revenue, or a net profit margin of about 10%.

The third quarter is usually one of the most profitable for airlines, and a healthy profit would have been $600 million to $800 million.

This week, Delta will probably report a third quarter profit of close to $1.0 billion, or about nine times larger than AA's third quarter profit. UAL's profit will be much smaller due to its post-March 3 meltdown. Even USAir will report a profit much larger than AA's profit.

AA filed for Ch 11 to finally bring resolution to its labor cost problem after years of no progress with the APA, APFA and TWU. Assuming that AA exits Ch 11 early next year, AA could easily earn a billion dollars in 2013. Not large enough profits, but that will be progress. 2014 and beyond, AA should be earning $2.0 billion or more each year.
Why in the freakin world would any of you AA mechanics want to stay with the TWU when they have ALWAYS caved to the companies demands of conssesions evry single time they wanted them??? 1993= CONSSESIONS! 2003= CONSSESIONS! 2013= CONSSESIONS! Along with all these years of conssesions they also include lay-offs, rifs, relocations, families uprooted, mechs having to commute, reductions in overtime pay, sick pay, hol pay, day trades, if you guys even had them. What will it take for you guys to stop the company union from ripping everything you guys have left out of your hands??
This really is sad to watch. Take control of your union as well as you lives, vote in AMFA and watch each and every one of you say, damb, we should have done this DECADES ago. With your current union the company knows what they can get by with. The 50.25% yes votes proves this very fact. Unbelievable what you guys are willing to continue to go thru with the TWU. And some of you are willing to trade the TWU for the crooked and coruped teamsters. WOW!!

Really? You might think that is so simple just but it's not. Y'all at SWA did it but you're not as big as AA. We have tried several different times and each time something else was added to a certain work group or what not that would change the amount needed. The TWU is like cancer, it will always be there no matter how hard you try to get tid of it!

So, by you running you throat yogurt hole and not really knwoning the fight alot of us have been through to try to get tid of the TWU, you can't say "No reply's speaks volumes gentlemen." You don't know S**T! Don't think SWA is all high and mighty either. Their time will soon come as well. Leaner, less labor cost, and conssesionary contracts will hurt them. Don't fool yourself. I know many people there, some union and management. They can already read the writing on the wall.

When/if that day comes I will fill sorry for all that are affected. But since i don't work there or am a part of the union i wouldn't run my mouth about their affairs.

This truly has to be one of the best responses on this board. Worth repeating.
This truly has to be one of the best responses on this board. Worth repeating.

This is awesome flyer too, worth showing here.

Since AMFA won union election at SWA and AS, there hasn't been any lay-offs or rifs, or any forced head count reductions for years.
Nice lie swamt. AS shutdown the OAK overhaul base on AMFA's watch. Did not fight it.

Alaska representatives broke the news to Oakland mechanics in an early afternoon meeting in the base's break room, said Earl Clark, one of the technicians and an officer with the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association. The company, he said, gave no warning that the base would be shut down.

swamt said "for years" and I would consider 2004 till now to be years...
Not really a lie IMO..

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