Strikeforce, what you say was part of the ingredients of the amfa Kool-aid we drank at UAL. This begs the question, are you now an AMFA member? Are you in fact represented by amfa?
The biggest problem with amfa is that AMFA is not present in any of these debate issues. The amfa idea is all dependent on hype from those of you who have
never been a part of amfa. You all preach the ideas you
want to come true and you are all herded by the very few loyalist who are still wanting to gain some sort of personal position. Unfortunately, anything said by any amfa supporter on any subject is so easily accepted as gospel from those willing to accept any lie presented to them, and so easily denied by the AMFA leadership. AMFA international will not intervene in these forums directly or even on their own web sites because it would constitute a commitment to what was promised. AMFA would much rather have loyalist make any amount of promises rather than have the organization made responsible. They can simply deny the promise later.
Please think for yourselves.
Consider this. AMFA does not mirror any of these positive comments from this blog site on their website. The Teamsters do.
The Teamsters are willing to post the issues on a web site and attach their name with an address for follow up questions. AMFA has not officially entered in to the arena,
There are no organizers to contradict or ask questions, nor are there staff to help resolve differences or suggest solutions to controversy. Are you all willing to trust your futures with anonymous contributions from those who have something to gain?? amfa has no organizing committee. This is the most basic part of any union wishing to survive past the end of the dues cycle. The amfa supporters will say anything needed to gain your support. The truth for them is a distant distraction.
Do you truly want to trust an association that will not come forward? One that relies only on the comments from those who who are not yet members?
Be careful