I completely agree. It's like a divorce - you cannot look at what it costs you or what your ex-spouse will get in the property settlement. If the relationship doesn't work, you keep your sanity by ending the relationship, regardless of the cost.
I'm just floored at the depths to which these worthless liars will sink in their desperate attempt to hold onto the dues income. Writing hypothetical arguments that management "might make" to deny the employees a negotiated raise if their favorite union is tossed aside? Wow.
Like I said, this is what I've been battling for years. They even get Lawyers to to help them spin things. When other members of the committee ask me why I didn't just listen to the people the TWU hired I told them "Because I didn't hire them". From day one the International, lead by their Lawyer Mark Richard determined that the goal of the committees was to come up with offers that would "save jobs". It was clear that in M&R the company was not looking for an offer that would cut jobs, they wanted basically non-union work rules and deeply discounted labor, they knew with the ATD they were going to get both anyway, thats why they refused to even entertain the offer put together by Line Maintenance, and the "experts" that the TWU hired made sure they convinced the simple minded members of the committee that by giving away everything that made the job worthwhile they would be saving jobs.
6325, thats where they expect to land in less than four years, from their own claims we had over 18000 in 2003. Wonder what those simple minds are thinking now? We didn't save any jobs, the company will be able to retain what they need till new aircraft show up and then dump as many heads as they want when they want just like non-union companies.